Any of you medfags know what bit me ? Hurts only when touched

Any of you medfags know what bit me ? Hurts only when touched

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foot herpes

Don't touch it then. Problem solved

Fluid filled? Looks like ivy


those are lesions, enjoy your aids.

Well where the hell do you live? Hard to narrow it down from everything in the world

stop touching it then you retard

Baltics , europe , i thought those were mosquito bites but after 3 or so days it turned like this

Where do you live and where were you when you were bitten?

Yoos got tha Herp!

It's going to sound odd, but that almost looks like a type of infection from a rare fly that lay eggs on flesh of animals and humans to give birth to larva.

It also looks man made so maybe someone was fucking with your feet at night. Possibly with a hot metallic object or so.
More likely you should still have it checked and maybe ran for some testing to see if anything comes back positive for infection.

Aint no human bot flies in the baltics, nigger

>Pop them
>Alcohol on it

It's the aftermath of a sunburn faggot.

Not a bite, it's staph. Have you been in a pond, water or anything lately? Like5-7 days ago?


No, there is no way to diagnose you from an image. If you know something bit you and you aren't having an allergic reaction or any necrotic activity, then don't worry about it.

medfag here
it is not staph you moron the presentation doesn't match.

You're not a medfag, maybe nurse at best, there is clearly no bite mark.
OP stated " I thought it was a mosquito" and it's typical from staph to hurt when being touched with inflamatory reaction on the circumference.

Any puncture marks on the "bite sites"? If so are there 1 or 2? 1 could be ant, wasp or insect. 2 could be spider. If there arent any then you are looking at an infection or reaction to something in the environment. Have you been anywhere weird or done anything different in the last few days?


Medfag here.

Most likely poison ivy if you've been outside lately in bare feet or flip flops (can take hours to show up.) Jellyfish sting if you've been in the beach.

Wash it with soap and washcloth/gloves to get the oil off (poison ivy) and if it doesn't get better in a few days or gets much worse, go see a professional in person.