Thinking of getting a Nintendo handheld primarily for Pokémon, Zelda and random anime looking RPGs

Thinking of getting a Nintendo handheld primarily for Pokémon, Zelda and random anime looking RPGs.

Should I get the N3DS or just the new 2DS?

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erm, whichever one you want?
do you want 3D? Get a 3D one.
If you don't, then get the other one.

can't speak for the 3DS, but the 2DS was honestly the slowest piece of shit of life - if I had Pokemon Sun open and wanted to go to the home menu there was like a 40+ second delay, then every swipe/action after shared the same delay.

Basically another underperforming p.o.s. from Nintendo. Plus it doesn't help that after finishing pokemon there was virtually nothing left to play because all Nitendo is is the same 3 series rehashed and remastered over and over because no self respecting 3rd party dev will touch their shit with a 10 foot pole.

My vote is on the 3DS if you're really gonna go for one.

The 2DS is the same as the 3DS but much cheaper and minus the stereoscopic 3D (which isn't even that great. I'd go with the 2DS unless the 3D functionality is something you're super interested in and don't mind paying a substantial amount more for.

The screen on my new 2ds is crap, try to find a new 3ds with ips panels.

3DS isn't worth the extra cash IMO, I never use the 3D feature.

just get an emulator

That being said I don't actually own a 2DS so I wouldn't be able to tell you the difference, I just don't use my 3DS the way it's "intended"

have a new 3ds XL. honestly never use the 3d feature. if youre not super into 3d get the 2d version

Only 3DS emulator that exists currently to my knowledge is Citra and it's a bigger pain in the ass to use it than any other emulator I've used. I can't say that's worth it

Go for the new 2DS or 3DS. Old DSes are outdated.

>ttfw user is too stupid to see he had a faulty unit and still finished an autistic game on it

i have 50+ 3DS games and i don't consider myself a gamer. only play on long commutes or trips.

I owned a 3DS XL and really enjoyed the hell out of that thing. I loved altering the 3D on and off at various intensities.
Shame I sold my 3DS XL for cash. I miss playing Monster Hunter.

Going to buy it again when I get the cash.

I've never seen the 3D display in person, I see people selling some pretty good condition n3ds for $100 in my area.

I personally like the design of the new 2ds

neither, get the old 2DS its dirt cheap and the only downside is that it looks a bit ugly in comparison.

Monster hunter
Animal crossing
Oldschool nes games (like Kirby and Pokemon tcg)
Cave story
The bravely series
Smash bros
Phoenix wright
Just cause you know just their biggest title, doesn't mean it's all they have

I have a 3DS XL and love it. If you don't like the 3D you can turn it off but it works amazingly well and is nice and sharp.

They're the exact same thing. They both have the same hardware expect one has 3d and the other is 2d. The New 2DSXL will save you $40 though.
I'm gonna get the New 3DSXL because its a bit bigger and easier to hold. (same screen sizes just the body is a bit bigger)

Lmfao to all you casual fag gamers! Nintendo!? Buahahh!! Fucking poor fag buy yourself a switch for fuck sake.

3ds old. Homebrew it, it's very easy now. Download your games. Profit.

new 3 ds xl

I agree fellow gamer, I too look down upon Nintenchildren and only play mature games for mature gamers such as ourselves

What ever happened to Pokemon Emerald?


He has a switch in the background fuckboi

N3DS has better performance overall but the 3D feature is fucking useless since it makes the screen really sandy. Deciding between the N2DS and N3DS mostly comes down to whether you wanna cheap out or not

>not understanding sarcasm

Get a 2DS. The 3D mode on the 3DS makes me dizzy and it's like $100 extra

I use the 3D on mine only for cutscenes really

if you get a second hand one with the right firmware it's really easy to homebrew and get whatever you want free (apparently)

I had the same problem with the regular 3DS but not with the new 3DS (which has significantly better 3D)

3D is still just a gimmick though, I don't expect anyone actually uses it constantly. The newest Pokémon games don't even have 3D and I heard no one complain.

Lmao and because it's on Sup Forums it's true right? Fucking gullible little kids.

Think about it for a second. Use ur brain for once. If he had a switch... why the fk would he go back to a 2d 10+ year handheld?

Nintendo fags are worst casual gamers ever. That's like saying you play mobile games and call ur self a gamer. Pathetic

You don't have to be mad at Nintendo just because you're too much of a poorfag to buy a 3DS

Maybe because, and I don't know maybe I'm just crazy, but because he can? Because it has some good games on it? Because you can literally hack it and get every game for free? Maybe because you're an edgelord who can stand the idea of other people having gun with things you don't like?

Classic triggered Nintendo fags! I'm over laughing at your pathetic lifes!

Favorite Nintendo game : cooking mama! Gooooooo casuaaalll

Let's hear some games you like then fucko, let me guess cowadoody and fifa 2026?

I have a N2DS and it's fucking amazing. No reason to go 3D it was a major flop even though the system is great.

But I like to play Mario Maker 100 Men Super expert on the go, how can I do that with the Switch?

id argue 3d works p well on a handful of games. Brilliant on mario 3d land. But yeah pokemon actually HAD 3d on ORAS and XY only to get rid of it gen vii, so clearly plenty of people arent bothered about it

2DS is a steal at 149usd. Also if you havent owned a 3DS before youll discover you dont use 3D very much except for a few games that look good with it.

oh my fucking god