Just came to Sup Forums to say one thing: fuck you

Just came to Sup Forums to say one thing: fuck you.

Yes, you, you pathetic loser. Fuck you, you shriveling-dicked idiot who can't even get hard without your favorite porn.

Fuck you, you maladjusted human garbage with your need for increasingly "shocking" content in order to prove to yourself that you're "tough", even though we both know you'd shit yourself if someone half your size pulled out a pocket knife and waved it at you.

Oh and let's not forget your little fucking political opinion. How fucking brilliant are you, you easily manipulated dupe? You moron, you idiot? You're so fucking positive you're right and they're wrong, aren't you?

And how did you figure that out? You read a headline or heard a sound bite and said: "Hey that makes me feel like I'm not responsible for how shitty my life is! It's the bad people's fault!" And that was it, you were signed up for life as a soldier in a little political movement.

Yes I'm talking about you fucking asshats on the left AND the right, fucking idiots thinking there are two fucking sides and you can boil everything down to a few ideas that must apply to everyone and "those people don't get it but WE do"... fuck you fuck you fuck you, you willfully ignorant pieces of shit.

Do me a favor: cover yourself in grease and light yourself on fire.

Fuck you. Fuck you all.

Does cursing make you feel mature?

Fuck you, you opinionless, brainless moron who can't think of one pathetically easy to make argument, and has to resort to worrying about SWEARING... Fuck's sake you really are your momma's little darling aren't you? She's really got your balls in her purse doesn't she? Fuck off pissant.

you are feeding them you mong

Do you wanna talk about it, son?

Suck my dick, if I want to tell someone to fuck off I'm gonna fucking do it.

Hey, you reading my reply to dickless here - find this entertaining? You do don't you? Well the fact that you find this fun indicates one thing: you are a piece of shit. That's right, the fact that you found this fun proves your opinions don't count, your brain is broken, and you're a subhuman piece of filth who shouldn't be allowed to interact with others or share any thoughts or opinions of your own.


Nah, thanks man but this is helping, I'm finally starting to feel better. Been suffering from severe depression and had no real outlet, so I thought: gee, where can I go and unload guilt-free on real people who've got it coming? Oh, I know! Sup Forums, the Internet's asshole!

Feels good man.

Oh and I've meant every word.

Wow how IMPRESSIVE of you, you're so COOL for assuming this is just bait! I'm in awe of how smart you are! Can you be my friend? No really, I want to be just like you! I want to be a pathetic loser who calls bullshit on everything and dismisses anything that might threaten my eternally numb state that isn't porn. Teach me oh guru, teach me how to sit on my ass and congratulate myself on not thinking about anything anyone says if it might imply I'm wrong about something!

Also fuck yourself in the ass with a red hot poker.

If you're suffering from severe depression and thought it would be smart to use Sup Forums as an outlet to sperg out, don't you think that's a bit - and I use this term lightly - fucking retarded? Are you going to shoot up a school or something and this is your suicide notice? Are you still in high school and have no one to talk to because everyone thinks you're an aspie so you decided to take it out on poor wittle Sup Forums desu? Off yourself, you prepubescent degenerate scumfuck. Let that depression take over you and pull the trigger already.

ty for new pasta stupid nigger


me big and strong for telling someone to fuck off online !!

>Says coming here for kicks makes you subhuman
>Came here to all people subhuman
>For kicks

Off yourself

Hey look who doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about! Everybody look at the fucking moron and fucking laugh! What a fucking asshole!

Holy fucking fuck you've never had an uncomfortable moment in your life, have you? You probably thought everyone ignoring you and girls giving you dirty looks was the height of fucking pathos, didn't you? You fucking lightweight, you've barely tasted jack shit in life, I can't wait until you actually have to fucking deal with some actual shit and all of your fucking loser language can't save you. Let's see you got in "sperg out", "retarded", "aspie", "wittle Sup Forums desu", "scumfuck"... do you have any idea how far away from reality you've fucking drifted in your desperate scramble to matter, which you know in your heart you fucking don't?

Go back to mediocrity land Lukewarm, keep on assuming things outside your inconsequential existence is stupid kid shit.

And I don't want you to die. No, keep living a long, boring, inconsequential life where nothing you say or do matters because you think that's what a proper life is like and when you die everyone forgets you within a week. Fuck you.

Look at these neckbeards getting all sweaty here. "Oh my god I have JUST the reaction image for this! People are gonna know how cool I am now! This is what we've been preparing for gentlemen, this is not a drill!"

Losers holy fuck.

UH KNO U R BUT WUT M I???? Fucking drooling idiot thinks irony proves arguments. Fuck, he can't even change the format, has to do the 2-3 greentext paraphrases with the standard dismissive comment at the end. Fucking precious little muppet aren't you?

fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap *OH YEAH*.... nap

So among all of that dumb shit you took the time to type out, you never answered a single question I asked you and continued to shitpost. You are beyond saving yourself, you fucking moron. You claim I'm so far gone from reality yet you're so far up your own ass you can't answer a series of questions without having an aneurysm. You may not want me to die, but I sure as fuck would piss on your gravestone if I ever met you in real life and heard you died of cancer. What I say and do matters just as much as your thread here, I just hope you die as quickly as this thread does so we can all move on and forget about your stupid mentality.

I like this thread.

me too

Chill bro, you obviously have some problems

who hurt you?

You act like I should respect you. Holy fuck, your mommy really did teach you to be a worthless self-entitled little white boy, didn't she? All you've gotta do is shit out the most moronic, ignorant bullshit you can imagine, focusing entirely on how you don't understand anything about people or life and that's everybody's problem but yours, and everyone's gonna just piss themselves trying to suck your dick?

So after careful consideration of your points, here's my appropriate and considered retort: you need to go and beat the shit out of your mom for the crime of not aborting you sooner.

I don't ask from respect from you. I'm asking you to fucking kill yourself. Here you're screaming that I assume everything about you, yet here you are as presumptuous as ever, thinking you're clever. Are you going to answer my fucking questions or are you going to keep typing stupid random shit over the internet that you think will hurt me in some way? Or, again for the 3rd time, kill yourself already. I'm not saying it as an edgy joke, I seriously want you to kill yourself.

New pasta?

New pasta.

And you were so much happier in Sup Forums !
Why do you have this need to make yourself so miserable?


Why dont you just kill yourself?

And then there's these fucking asshats. I have "problems"? You think someone specific hurt me?

Here are my "problems" you fucking goobs: people who watch FOX News and DON'T think it's 100% propaganda. Black people who've got us all jumping around saying "don't say nigger! Can't say the word nigger! That physically harms people!"

I'll tell you who really hurt me: a world where Jake Paul can get an award for music, where people actually think celebrities matter, where people want a little stupidity and selfishness in their political candidates before they'll support them so that they can rest assured that someone just like them will be in office.

Who hurt me? You. All of you, you pathetic disappointments to God, if there is such a thing, for reasons that Sup Forums doesn't have enough memory on its servers to catalog.

Nice pasta you got there, smells fresh

U guys know he's right right? Your all morons here every one smart grew up and left after 17

>I don't ask from respect from you

Well good I don't which is why I stopped reading right there. Stop typing, you aren't worthy of the fucking keyboard.

Oh you'd like that wouldn't you? You'd like all of this to be just some little play thing you can put in a box and forget about, a little amusing diversion.

No it's not that. It's me telling you to fuck off. Shut your computer off, go sit in a corner, and don't come out or speak to anyone until you can figure out how to stop being such a total piece of shit. Fuck you. Please take that personally, it's meant to be.

Nice try but I've never been. What would be the fucking point of going to a politics board? Politics done right should be boring - it should be about proper bookkeeping procedures and slight but safe adjustments to planning strategies. Every time someone says something political that is interesting AT ALL, it's self-serving bullshit. Thus, everyone in politics right now really needs to fuck off.

I'm hoping to see you die a slow and gruesome death first. Go play in traffic.

assuming everyone on this site is an idiot (literally everyone including yourself) makes you dumber than OP

>Well good I don't which is why I stopped reading right there.

It's obvious you aren't reading anyway, you're too busy roid-raging to be coherent enough to read a single fucking question and answer appropriately. I'll spell it out for with spaces for you and oversimplify it even more, you dumb fucking bastard.

K i l l Y o u r s e l f

if we are genuinely what you think we are (which not all of us are but anyway), you're doing exactly what those people want. Sup Forums as an entity is just a bunch of trolls, and you're feeding us. this is what we live for. no one is going to take anything you've said seriously. they're just going to laugh and antagonize you till you fuck off because it was a good laugh, like me. you are actually wasting your time here, if you made a serious post you might've actually gotten something out of it.

>tfw I took the bait

Look at this piece of shit still begging me to respect his points and opinions and address what he has to say.

Listen you little shit I read your first comment and it was so stupid I wrote you off completely, which is what I'm doing now and will do in the future. You're a moron. Better you own it now and move on than live a lie.

hes not begging. thats not the definition of begging.

No man, im telling you you have personal issues. If you didn't you wouldn't make this shit thread in yhe first place.
You think the world owes you something and that people should be more "like you".

Third time this week.

Nice bait m8.



>Look at this piece of shit still begging me to respect his points and opinions and address what he has to say.

Begging? Yet here you are, still replying to me. If anyone's begging for attention, it's you. It's conclusive that you're either the dumbest son of a bitch to even inhabit this fucking planet and can't answer a question without shitposting ten or more times before getting to the topic, or this is all bait and everyone else besides you is right. But that would be too embarrassing to back off from, wouldn't it? So, are you ready to pull the trigger yet, retard?

I'm glad you're enjoying yourself cocksucker. Here, you'll love this: by admitting that this feeds you, you admit that you hate yourself. You know deep down inside that you're human garbage, complete and total excrement. You can pretend you're not taking it seriously all you want but the subtext is all over your little comment there, you're fucking quivering because all of this is striking so many chords in you you're shaking worse than your mom's vibrator.

Oh you think I'm just saying that as a retort? Hey, moron, if this wasn't affecting you then you wouldn't be telling me I'm wasting my time in the hopes I'd move on.

So fuck you. That's what you really wanted to hear, right? You were hoping I'd do this, hoping I'd tell you to fuck off. And you know why? Because you want to tell yourself that. Every time you look in the mirror it's all you can do to push down the self-loathing, the hatred you have for what's there.

If anything you need more therapy than I do. Take that to heart.








this is so good im not gay but pls post more


I like bees


Holy fuck are you really trying to engage with me? You want to reach me on an emotional level? Should we hold hands and sing "Kumbaya"?

Please don't be anything like me, I'm a horrible wreck of a human, but I'll tell you one thing I've got that these people don't: at least I admit it.

> Third time this week.

Ya, I doubt it was just three, but it's amusing that you think the constant series of beratements your patheticness must generate is all one person.

fuck you

>I'm glad you're enjoying yourself cocksucker. Here, you'll love this: by admitting that this feeds you, you admit that you hate yourself. You know deep down inside that you're human garbage, complete and total excrement. You can pretend you're not taking it seriously all you want but the subtext is all over your little comment there, you're fucking quivering because all of this is striking so many chords in you you're shaking worse than your mom's vibrator.
Literally all untrue from an objective and factual point of view. You can choose to not believe but whatever.

>Oh you think I'm just saying that as a retort? Hey, moron, if this wasn't affecting you then you wouldn't be telling me I'm wasting my time in the hopes I'd move on.
Because this is funny to me.

>So fuck you. That's what you really wanted to hear, right?
I was hoping for something a little more cohesive, I'm disappointed

>If anything you need more therapy than I do. Take that to heart.





We can hold hands if you want, I can even fuck you in the ass if you'll be a good boy



OP here...

Hey fuckers I've got to go. It was fun telling you all to fuck off. I enjoyed it a lot.

And you know why?

Because you had it coming, and much worse believe me. I sincerely consider you all pieces of shit. You're everything wrong with the fucking planet and you know it.

Go watch some porn, eat too much sugar, watch brain-dead entertainment, and parrot the opinions that you've been spoon-fed by people smarter than yourselves looking for the easily manipulated. Way to be a cancerous boil on the planet's ass.

I have no doubt you will all suffer at your own hands before the end.





by, idiot. keep believing what you believe in. blissful ignorance my dude.

Can you really expect a cohesive statement from someone who can't even answer a fucking question without autistically screeching for more than 3 consecutive posts. What were dealing with is an actual retard who is baiting - and even if he was, is still pretty pathetic in itself - or a kid still in high school who is raging at the fact that he can't have a social life and takes it out on Sup Forums of all places. Notice how he says at the beginning

>Been suffering from severe depression and had no real outlet

This guy is an actual idiot and should go through with killing himself.

You are the most retarded ape on Earth if you think that actually did anything. On the contrary, you are everything wrong with this planet - the only difference is that you don't even know it.

Seriously, on behalf on not just Sup Forums, but everyone here on Earth

Kill yourself.

Bye queer, I'll have fun fagging up your already pretty gay thread.

Later! XDXD




the only entertainment value, being OP, is gone. abandon thread.



I think your thinking of your self..... I pop in here to view how much this place has fallen to grace in a few years time. I am here just to observe how shitty it's become and this is my first post in a very long time.

Nice use of simple logic though. Derrr never heard that one.. your such a genius. Oh wait that's me a literal genius. Assuming you admired your on here alot u must be one fool to bury your self to try and insult me.

How fucjin dumb are you moron






Dude the far right fags are on Sup Forums




very edgy my friend, we are all severely hurt by your negative comments.

Congratulations on your huge accomplishment and I wish you the best in the future!

Stay safe!

~Piece of shit









if we're talking about Sup Forums here, yes. Sup Forums is a pile of shit. I'm not surprised it used to be better

also you really didn't address the point i made at all, just pitiful insults. at least you tried.

Who's this?