ITT: Worst thing YouTube has ever done

ITT: Worst thing YouTube has ever done

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This system gives any user the ability to mass flag videos and users they simply don't even like, ending up eventually destroying their careers.

bump for attention

The very recent change of limiting ads by the use of bots on any video that has certain words in it's title/tags. Any video with words such as ''gun, hell, shoot, dead, kill, shotgun, flamethrower, pistol, attack, aggression'' is considered ''not family friendly'' and receives limited ads. The only way to appeal a video with limited ads to be manually reviewed by an actual human being is if has been viewed at least 1000 times in the last 28 days. The majority of videos on youtube don't even stand the slightest chance of that happening. They also limit ads for videos that have swear words in them. If you say ''fuck'' or ''shit'' or ''bitch'' once or twice within a 10 minute video, you just might not be family friendly enough to have your videos fully monetized.

This. Some more of the words which get your videos immediately limited from ads - war, sex, erotic, evil, harm, abuse, drugs, surgery, gore, blood.

It's a good thing YouTube has decided to protect us from surgery.
> homeopathy can cure cancer, broken bones, and boomstick (can't say guns) wounds, really

>join the conversation... as long as you say only things we approve of

I think you mean HEROES user, not users!

They've told some youtubers that content that isn't suitable for a five year old isn't advertising friendly. I bet they still serve up ads - they just don't pay the content makers.

and frozen elsa fisting farting spiderman is still monetized

the recent demonetization apocalypse

Soccermom Youtube

The recent advertising boycott. You know you've fucked up when even major companies are leaving you.

Why can't we abuse the heroes system and flag leftist videos?
They would change the tune once they see they are losing add revenue

The demonitization of videos with bad words is stupid. It just drives people to patreon so YouTube ends up hosting the videos for free while not seeing ad revenue.

That part wasn't youtubes fault. There was endless drama about the pewdiepie nazi thing, great opportunity for advertisers to get a better deal out of the situation. They found one or two examples of really bad, racist/isis videos being monetized and used them as an excuse to opt out of showing their ads on youtube and request better conditions. Paying less to serve their ads and on better videos with only ''advertiser friendly'' content. Since youtube (google) was already losing money before the adpocalypse, they weren't left with much of a choice when their only source of revenue from youtube disappeared. Thus advertising companies forced youtubes hand to crack down on videos and become significantly more strict and family friendly. Youtube is by far the best way for advertisers to get their ads in front of eyes, way more personalized and frequently viewed than any other site or TV, so the advertisers had no intention of staying away from youtube forever. It's all about profit.

The fact that they still monetize clickbait videos, even when they claim a massive cyberattack/security breach will occur on a popular video game site on a date. (i'm amazed they haven't demonetized that yet, cyberhacking can get you in prison

Protip: right wing nazi bullshit is bad for business if you want to be an international player.

I know of at least two channels that got completely shat on by this. A vet channel, which shows surgeries and success stories of injured animals, and a political commentary channel. Apparently having a video with a title like "ISIS destroys priceless ancient sculpture" means you are pro-ISIS.
It’s honestly like YouTube is trying to fail.

This actually became a thing? I stopped hearing about it after big channels stopped talking about it and just assumed youtube saw the criticism and decided maybe it wasn't a great idea.

Yeah, words such as ISIS, terrorism, suicide, death, nazi, weapon and pretty much every form of swear words or slurs are also limited from ads or demonetized completely. I'm sure there are also tons of politics related words getting the same results. Youtube also manipulates which videos are seen more or less frequently in different ways. They aren't transparent about it but some people with inside knowledge have spoken about it before. I wouldn't be surprised if videos with limited ads would be pushed further down the search results, since youtube wont be getting as much ad revenue themselves out of them either.

I've heard about youtube playing god sometimes too. First when the ''trending videos'' came out nearly all of the videos in trending were either commercials or trailers for big movies and companies. Youtube was definitely paid by some if not all of them to place the videos in trending. It would also be a bad business idea to allow videos with limited ads to pop up in trending or recommended videos and at the top of search engine results, since youtube takes 45% of the revenue for each ad and they would make more money with literally any other ''family friendly'' video being viewed instead. Not only does it require 1000 views in the last 28 days for the video to be reviewed and confirmed to be family friendly or not, they may also push the videos further away from view to make it near impossible to achieve that many views. This change may not impact viewers that much, but it certainly has a huge impact on content creators and can result in people having to look for different means of making money. Getting a different job or if lucky, streaming on twitch instead. Youtube is killing off the people making content for them one by one.

Blows my mind how they haven't done anything about websites being linked by fake accounts of popular youtubers in the comments for their own profit/gain. There is no way preventing links from being posted is more difficult than all the other shit they have managed to do with the site.

>YouTube Heroes
I swore to god to stop using YouTube after clickbait videos started booming in 2015/2016 but after seeing the "Getting Started with YouTube Heroes" ad I have now sworn to avoid YouTube like the fucking plague.