Tfw can't even do Algebra I

>tfw can't even do Algebra I

Sup Forums killed off most of my braincells...

Other urls found in this thread:

Stop fapping excessively if you are, limit your sugar intake and exert cautious self-descipline

Calm down before Algebra, take deep breaths and relax to the extent that you feel your facial muscles loosen

Manage the panic, especially if youre an aspie

>failing algebra at khan academy
go back to scheming and a life of crime, clearly you are not cut out to be some genius

How can I make my brain grow

Are methylation protocols beneficial or is that only for Those with cerebral palsy

Those are not mutually exclusive. I'm doing them analogously.

>methylation protocols
>"grow brain"
stop trying to sound edumaficated and pretending to know what you are on about. try saying and learning things like "low-flow" "high-efficiency urinal", "backflow"


You obviously have no idea what you're talking about: I used to jack off before tests, and I would always get the highest marks.

You have to be 18 to post here

Well I guess that disproves everything! That's not statistically insignificant at all!


Why not practice something else other than Algebra?

Post one statistic claiming beating my cheeks will corrode my brain.

download preformated excel sheet. input numbers. answers found

boo fucking hooo

plumbers make good money, at least from what i hear

I'm going to do the memelyation protocol.

"A SimplifiedMethylation Protocolis Effective for the Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia."

I think I have fibromyalgia

you are a bit too dumb to be a hypochondriac, sweetie. now more plunging clogged toilets and less shitposting

I'm going to be a master criminal instead. I already ordered some of the items I need for my steroid lab.

do you even know how to distinguish chiral molecules?

I've never heard of that before.

like i said earlier

>anecdotal evidence
I said excessive fapping, you probably masturbated before tests to lessen the tension, whatever works for you

By calming down and slowly massaging the neuroplasticity that it has left (t minus 27)

I'm going to run a steroid lab. I just need to figure out how to launder my money, im a little stumped on that.

t. babby's first stereochemistry lecture

Best bit is if you suck as Algebra I as you go up the ladder in math you'll just fall further and further behind.

Also 18+, doesn't it make anyone here feel a bit weird that high school kids and shit are probably sputtering out Sup Forums memes in school and shit?

Are you suggesting I somehow leverage a plumbing business to launder my streams of income from identity theft and my underground steroid lab?

Now that's an idea my man!

Do you have ADHD/Autistic symptoms, do you have some impairment in the ability to follow the algebraic formulation/deduction, you might have

Sequential Processing Disorder - subcategorized under sensory processing disorders

Basically you can't follow what requires a long atttention span, I have it and I have long suspected that a lot of Sup Forumstards and 4channers have it, in varying degrees

I think so but how do I fix it

Are nootropics a jewscam or do they have any value?

Just meditate and visualize like I do, or try low-dose Lorazepam, breathing exercises and tension removal from chest/stomach using yoga

If all else fails, like I said to the Australian, try high-dose Anafranil (clomipramine) if your psychiatrist, the most powerful antidepressant that I have personally tried

I don't have depression I need stimulants

Is there some sort of Russian peptides or some experimental drug I can take for my brain???

I don't want to be a brainlet anymore.

Bottom line - Piracetam has some beneficial effects, Adderall/Ritalin is where you want it but you will crash

No quick long-term fix, massage that plastic brain till you're 27 and work on the crystalline portions until you become God-tier in 4-6 things

>until you're 27

Time is running out...

Please tell me more. How can I salvage this?

Remember the 10,000 hours to make a genius misquote?

The reality is you have to constantly train in something so mindlessly, so impassionately, that you become a machine cranking out +1 stats till you become great-tier, the myth that Mozart was born with 100% prodigious intellect or Einstein didn't spend 2 decades constructing thought experiments to figure out why his compass shifted a certain way, are false

>TFW used my brain's plasticity on learning how to play videogaymes and built efficient neural pathways for shitposting on 4fag

This is still the latest frontier in neuroscience, who knows how neuroplasticity will be interpreted in 2025

Did you know that playing vidya in your 20s to 40s actually reduces the chances of developing dementia several-fold? I am glad I played

Compared to whAt though, probably compared to staring at a wall all day?

Anyway how should I launder my money from the steroid lab?

I don't know, don't do illegal things, thats what my mum tells me

Life is a scam if you're not a criminal

you're a fucking leaf

And you're a fucking sequoia tree by national obesity standards

Redo math from the basics. Understand what numbers and basic operands are.

Nobody, NOBODY can be that dense, to forget basic Algebra

Don't you guys use it when picking up groceries, basic x and y operations to make the budget work?

are you that sudanese doctor?

Yes, I pretty much recognize these threads because they have all the characteristics of a 4channer in crisis

I mean understanding it on an abstract level.

As you move past basic algebra, you have to multiply, Substract, differentiate and integrate functions instead of just numbers.

Okay I interpret things literally, I was literally diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome this previous Monday

It's roleplaying Canadian
He is not in crisis
Stop feeding him and apply to more hospitals/GPs

How normie, how???!!!

If I start too basic it's too easy and I learn nothing. But I also barely know anything.

I only 3 days ago learned that 6/3 actually means 2 because it's like having 6 thirds of an apple. /sci/ explained it to me.

What careers paths are available to ultimate brainlets like me?

I've wasted countless hours on things like this, I shan't no more, I applied to a local hospital, and honestly I need to leave the country, internet's going down the drain

pls respond

Ok, here's a few basic questions you should be able to answer.

What is a number ?
What is an operand ?
Define addition and division.

Obviously, this should be done without using any examples. Variables and sets are allowed.

I have no clue how to define that.