Choose you fags

Choose you fags

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damn, i always wanted longer feet, black pill 4 sho

i like th,e GREen pill.please.

I guess the purple

I wonder if I eat half the purple I can just get the shirt?

If not I definitely can make a few bucks off unlimited green pills. Easy money for sure!

Question is, if I choose purple do I get a free time shirt every year too?

Red pill all the way

Hmmm, destroy the world economy, have accident free winters, or longer feet.
Gonna haf to go with the red pill.

i have to ask about the 1billion USD


say i have 50 years left in me, how much would that devalue the dollar?

blue pill so i can pay off my loans get my ass into a fancier school and use the rest of the money for charity, stop the homeless problem in california, help world hunger, buy land, become overlord of land and people, acquire weapons of mass destruction and slowly bit my time to gain more and more billions every year and get closer and closer to world domination and then expand my dominance to mars and the moon and soon the universe




red, i would be superhuman. think about all that ice i would never slip on

The purple one aight, but bigger feet means....

Fastest Olympic bobsled team ever

bigger shoes

Only a fucking idiot would chose blue.

See, I don't need to choose red, because I didn't slip.

what are the side effects?

see, that's exactly why green is the correct answer

obvious blue pill

>tfw not nuva
>tfw you don't get cool ice skate ski blades

I mean I would've posted the 2015 version where that "I didn't slip" meme actually comes from, but I just like the Mata version best lol. The ice skates are pretty cool tho, gotta agree on that.

Green pills!

You are thinking to small. With infinite green pills I can solve most of the world's problems. Use them for fuel to create electricity. Doesn't matter how inefficient they are at that, I have an unlimited supply! Toss another shovel full of them on the fire! With free electricity, That can be used to power everything! As long as they also provide even a small amount of calories, they can be used to feed the hungry/everyone! Not like I'm going to run out. From there, the sky's the limit. Fuck, even use them as rocket fuel or to power a space elevator and then not even the sky would hold us back!


black pls

nigger loving cuck

gets it.

physics fag detected.

I chose the super secret invisible pill.
Which gives you all the pills.

Gold pill.

With purple tho i could hire men to hold you green pill fags hostage and force you to create more pills for me

no need for hostage, I'll give you as many greens as you want.

except i want ALL the greens so youll be there a fucking long time

There would be a lot of green pills

You'll be a poorfag, compared to the guy with free energy. Sorry, but whatever you pay your thugs, green pill man can pay double.

Tho, to be fair, not instantly. He needs some time to set up his operation.

OP never set a rate on green pill receipt.
Could be green pills ad-libitum. check mate.

yo wait a sec. if I take the green pill, and get an unlimited supply of green pills, then that means that I would have another unlimited supply for every green pill that came from taking the original pill. Fuck, that's making my brain hurt, where's the hentai?

see, this is exactly what we've been talking about. there are literally unlimited unlimited green pills. We emerge as a post-scarcity society.


Unlimited fuel with no power plant doesn't equal unlimited wealth right away. He must build/buy one or make a deal with the power companies. It's not specified if puple pill gets his billion for the current year right now, so if he does, he's richer than green until green can get his business going.

not sure you know how things work in the real world