B there's a mouse under here that I want to kill and I need the best plan of action...

B there's a mouse under here that I want to kill and I need the best plan of action. I've already cut a hole and sprayed body spray in there but it didn't die. Also I don't want to mess up the floor help pls

Are you retarded?

put it in a 20 oz bottle and let it sit in the bottle for a year


You're disgusting OP. Slide a sheet of card under that box and take the poor thing away from your house and put it under a bush. Don't you have the capacity to feel the misery you're inflicting on an innocent. Shame on you, I think you should look in the mirror and grow up

Slide something flat under it and flip it over. Then take it outside. Then if it escapes it's not still in your house.

Oh, ok...

Just smack him with something solid near the back of the neck. Check em.

The thing will chew up the floor eventually, or if you scare it.

Kill it, throw it, whatever, it's not that complicated...

Last night I caught it and threw it outside and it came back in. Then I tried sliding the lid on and it got out twice tonight already. So fuck u I'll be sure to post when it's dead if any of u shitheads can help this shithead

Have you tried cuming on it?

You have 1 of 3 options OP. You can stick the nozzle of some WD-40 next to the hole with a lighter next to it (basically creating a mini flamethrower) which would be pretty low down and the mouse would suffer a horrible death and it would stink up your house. Number two would be a quick and powerful blow to it's neck, paralyzing it. Or three would be to release it back into the wild.

First use a piece of cardboard instead of the lid.
then drown the fucker.

Get a mason jar trap mouse in said jar in about 8 minutes it will suffocate. Or use a 12 gauge shot gun. Or as other faggots pointed out find a cat or borrow one rat dead in minutes.

How it's under a box

I agree, pour gasoline on it and set it on fire.

Drown it

Why not just put it in a box and drive it somewhere else and drop it off.
Or just put it into a bucket with water and let it drown

shut up you fucking pussy, a mouse life has the equal worth of the dirt on my boots

explode house, it is the only way

Don't use the lid. Use something flatter so you don't have to lift it up at all. Put the lid on after you've flipped it over. Then just shake the shit out of it.

You got something stronger like oven cleaner (409 spray works) or ammonia?

Drop it off far away retard

Slide something underneath the bin and flip it over, he won't be able to escape. From there you could just bonk him on the head and kill him. Or you could go medieval, torture him and shit.

Soak a few cottonballs in rubbing alcohol and toss them under there. It'll suffocate.

If you poisen it, it will shit and vomit all ocer the place. Be a man one time in your live, get a wouldnt club and hit it hard. It wont explode lol.

Can't take anymore chances with this mother fucker has got away to many times from my sexy little trap. I want it to die inside knowing that it got trapped like a bitch

I'd do that. or use ronsonol or another liquid to gas lighter fluid if you have that. gas it

watch mouse trap, you could tear your entire house apart trying to kill poor mousey, let it live and be friends

When it gets cold enough, the mouse will fall asleep then you can do what you want with it (space program)

You have to take a mouse TWO MILES away from the house or else they will come back.

No ice bb


I would consider it if I didn't lock my keys in my car like a fuc boi

What you want to do is mix up a bucket of bleach and ammonia, and then just hold your head over. Don't mind the stinging in yours eyes, that'll go away after a few minutes

Buy a mousetrap.

man you just have all kinds of problems.

the only other thing i can think of is to blow canned air into the hole to try to knock it out. or maybe smoke it out with cigarettes/weed

Use silica gel. The little packets that sometimes come in food like beef jerky. Just put a bunch in there and wait. It will die of dehydration.

lol wut? if there's no water in there he's gonna die of dehydration anyway moron and unless he's drinking the air that won't make a difference

What the fuck is wrong with you and your life

take it outside and STOMP the little bastard

Put the lid on the container, then put it in the freezer.

It will speed up the process a lot, and it may even try to eat some. You're the moron rejecting solid ideas because you're too stupid to implement them. I'm trying to think outside the box and come up with something you can manage.

Get the fucker in the bucket. Then dump boiling water in the bucket slowly next to the mouse. Not on the fucker. Slowly see how long it can wade in boiling water.

For Science!!!

this mouse is not fucking around, I moved the bucket around and you could see it pressed up against the side. I thought it was dead bc I moved it on my own with the bucket and it didn't move a d I could see it lay still wherever I put it. So I tried to slide lid on and I saw it's head poke out and try to run but stopped him. I've had enough of his shiit

With the evidence of OPs life so far, I think he might actually follow your advice.
So OP, dont accidentally make mustard gas.

Cut hole in bucket, fart into it a bunch

See the dirty little cunt

if dubs then space program

just start putting ice into the hole until he dies of hypothermia

Get a piece of cardboard. Slide the bucket onto the cardboard slowly. Flip the bucket and cardboard over.

You want a gorey way to kill it or a humane way?

I'm a pour yung orphan boy I like mustard

Yes check my dubs

Fart onto it's asshole and ask it why it farted

I'm not OP, I'm just calling out your dumb idea

Be gone thot

Pee in there and let it die of infections.

Dubs confirmed

fill a cap from a soda full of anti freeze stick the cap in the bucket let it poison its self. Because it will be dumb enough to drink it.

Just cook it and eat it. Gooks love fried rat so maybe its good idk.

Fuck you faggot.

Kill it mercilessly op.

Get a rubber mallet and smash its brains in or put it in a small box and flatten it with the wheel of your car.

Any way that won't fuck up the floor


Then I agree with the other guy get cardboard take outside and let it live. You really see to much gore nowa days why does it have to die?

It has to die because its fun. Take your feelings to a Buddhist ceremony.

Flush him

I spared it last night but no more

I disagree with you, I think it is sicking to kill it for no reason.


Slide the bucket around on the floor violently until the little nigger is dead then get the big boot

Why no more. Its a life man, not like a cable sub your fed up with.

ok got it OP

Ah, i too am familiar with electricity spewing like a hose from a cut wire

Slide cardboard under there, pick him up and release him savely into your garbage disposal.
Follow up with ice and bleach to clean the disposal.

>Get some raid
>spray it inside
it will sufficate
you're welcome

I'm sorry . I'm protecting my house, food, and anything else it could come back and shit on. Selfish ? Maybe but if it was our size it would eat us without any thought

The madman

You have a right to disagree. I think all life is meaningless, especially that of a mouse.

vinegar and baking soda create c02 to suffocate it if you have an airtight container. otherwise just fucking hit it in the head with a baseball bat and be done with this shit.

Cut off the top of the bin, then proceed to lay some bricks inside of it

Give it drugs.
If they're powdered drugs or mashed pills, sprinkle them into some bread.
It's time for Science.

You're doing it because you think it will be fun. If you must kill it at least do it fast.

How about incense? Nay or yay I don't have much else

Space program that mother fucker

Raid will definitely kill a mouse.

I have the same problem

toss some rocks in the thing without letting the mouse out and just shake it around hopefully the rocks will be enough

nigga it's a mouse, who really loses. it would have died on its own anyways if you let it loose by either starvation or being eaten by something bigger. So killing the cunt is the best possible outcome for the mouse, the OP, and this thread.

Chloramines are good for you OP. Get to huffing

No raid buddy ole pal

spray cleaning products into it.

Just crush up any drugs you have any put it into some food and feed it to the rat.

That's horrible, this has nothing to do with protecting your stuff. It's a small man doing pathetic things to make himself feel good. A teal man would just kill it, not torture it. Evil deed done by a looser

Curb stomp the fuck

>it would have died on its own anyways if you let it loose by either starvation or being eaten by something bigger.
How do you figure, retard? Mice are just completely helpless and don't know how to survive in the world? If that was true, there wouldn't be mice to begin with.

And OP - fucking release it outside.

Dumb faggot retards. I wish most humans would die.

Man, the amount of extra chromosomes you've got floating around in you, I'm amazed you can work the fucking captcha. What you're gonna want to do is cut the top off a soda bottle to make a makeshift funnel (unless you have a funnel already, in which case, use that). Then you're going to spit on the end of the funnel, and jam it straight up the pooper. Cut a hole in the bow big enough for the mouse to fit through and put the funnel (still inserted rectally) up to the hole. Let him crawl up inside you and remove the funnel. Now this may not be enough to actually take care of him, so if you really want to make sure he doesn't survive this, you're going to want to jump off the tallest structure you can get to. This should take care of your problem.

Lots of people in this thread have given great answers on how to kill it but OP is fucking retarded. A fucking year ago I saw someone say put some cardboard under the stupid fucking box and shake the motherfucker until it's dead. Probably the best way I've seen considering all of OP's retarded ass problems.

Silly ole bear

Just fucking admit you're 13.
>Body spray
>Can't drive
>Doesn't know how to deal with a mouse

Mice aren't even fucking fast, literally lift the lid then stomp on it. Mice aren't water balloons. They don't pop. It takes next to nothing to kill a mouse.