What would you do to her?

what would you do to her?

Make BuzzFeed videos

she has such sexy feet.


what makes them sexy?

smooth milky soles, seemingly large since she's tall

lick her soles and have her call me a dirty nasty boy. Then creampie her

are large feet desirable for foot fags?

not trying to be a dick, genuinely curious

More feet op

more surface area is nice, i guess, up to a point. if they're obtusely large then it's kind of weird too.

depends on the footfag. Some like large feet, some like small. Some like skinny long toes, others like shorter ones. Some like slender soles, others like "meaty" ones. Some like pristine feet, others like them dirty.

There's a lot of variation and subfetishes in our community, by nature, since there's a lot of us.

not to me

I like them smooth, not bony

what do you like then?

Depends. It's almost like a girl, I prefer the combination of all atributes more than any single feature. I've liked a wide variety of feet and disliked a wide variety as well.

One thing I'm into is slightly dusty (not super dirty) feet, as they accentuate the curves and contours of the feet.

More of her face



Fuck her, film it, sell video

>Black lipstick
>Black raven hair blacker then death herself
>Black dress
>Black eyes
>Black lips
>Black liquid death from the rivers of Hel
>Danish surname

By the gods! YES!

too bad anyone thats attracted to that is too fat or weird to date her. she might dress like that and like video games but she still wants a six pack with 9 inches attached

clean behind her ears

Have you even seen her boyfriend, idiot? He's a nerd