Kill whitey

Kill whitey

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Eat shit, nigger

Tiki torches. Boy howdy, I'm scared now.

Exposing people who think differently than you?

Oh no, the horror! Shut up you fucking pussy.

>studies history and political science

oh the irony

Why not

You are in the wrong place nigger. Try Reddit.


oh look, an antifa. Literally the same tier as a Nazi. Lucky fuck your shit isn't in the open. I'd fuck all their Nazi asses with your unlubricated head.

Dam hicks

antifa here. i'll fuck you up pussy boi.

Creating Martyrs 101

Were these the kids in Charlottesville or something?

Yeah let's kill the people that created everything

>we need to fight nazis!
>*proceeds to use literal nazi methods*
really makes you think


Antifa lol, the most facist group in existence.

What a bunch of dumb assholes lol...

He needs to be raped on camera and have that video spread around the internet. I want everyone laughing at his trauma.

I am not a US citizen and as such not able to do it but isn't at least one of us here both close enough and crazy enough to do it? We need this message sent.

Rape Peter Cvjetanovic
Rape Jacob Dix
Rape Pete Tefft
Rape Matthew Colligan
Rape Tyler tenBrink
Rape Maeve Ahlstrom

Please do gods work, rape them and make their shame public.

Fuck trump supports

ugly fat bitch it doesn't even look white
kind of looks like fat light skin mexican

You know what's hilarious I saw some threads talking about how this was a liberal conspiracy. They think that all the anti-protestors were bussed in from around the country by the DNC. And while there is no proof that there were any busses at all bringing in anti protestors. When you look at all the released names and Facebook accounts of the white supremacists none are from Virginia.

Well, here's proof that the right-wing media is working on the general populace...

say that to my face faggot

you wouldn't dare

He will not die well, or quickly.

no you won't. you will get shot.

I love the light skin color. It looks so superior


>ITP a 14 year old edgelord douchebag \who wants to take black dick for the rest of his life




Is this like Survivor or some stupid show like that?

What does these specific people created, user?

This fag sounds like ISIS

before or after you cry on twitter that you're not ACTUALLY THAT RACIST?

That first guy went to my high school. Peter.

Civilisation as we know it

Nazis are a radical left wing group.
Antifa are a radical left wing group.

Feel free to go nuts and murder yourselves boys.

For those that don't believe me

report these threads, doxxing is illegal content.

Really? These specific people/community???

As if there aren't a million threads daily that post people personal FB on this website. Come on now

>implying that their opinions don't lead to mass genocide and death

get the fuck outta here. That both sides nonsense is bullshit. wanting to kill others isn't just an opinion u dun white fuck

lol u gay white hipster alt right pussies wont do shit.

They're not Apple computers you idiot.

How the fuck are they the same. u alt right morons are retarded as shit

Makes me laugh how some suddenly the ultra liberals are acting like peaceful didndonuffins.

>let's openly advocate for killing minorities

>why are u doxxing us when we say we want to commit crimes

fuck off u white nigur

yeah man, fuck this guy for having his own opinion!


that's like saying kkk is a civil rights groups. that's the opposite of what they are, moron

dude dude omg some fucking nazi police where the fuck were you omg omg chain reaction

The hypocrisy is dense in these ones.

Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger

They created a lot more than aids and starvation

Could you be more retarded? None of these people want to kill anyone. You are literally too stupid to think for yourself.

The story of charlottesville is that it was a hate crime against White people. Someone died ffs and the media are reporting it as though it's a bunch of racist nazis and KKK cunts trying to be violent and you are buying into it hook, line and sinker.

America is fucked. You have an entire generation of liberal idiots too stupid to find out for themselves what's going on and getting all their information from celebrities and liberal media.

that's bc they are pointing the finger while doing the same thing they accuse others of doing. just like truno. they accuse dnc of bussing protesters but how many alt right idiots were from out of state

shot by who? Ur fat ass. nigga. I'll have my fun out before I can find ur belly button. gtfog

>implying they want any of that

I dont get it. If white people are so evil because theyre racist. But then you hate them because they're white, arent you just as bad ?

stop fighting,i don't want a racewar

makes me laf how the extremist right wing yards are acting like pussy bitches now that their real criminal beliefs are out in the open

Can we just dedicate a state ti those retards and put them all in thrre and let them pretend theyrr making a difference? And anything inside that state is "real" to them

>kkk and racist aren't violent

>they killed someone... on purpose

go fuck ursefl


>implying Sup Forums isn't full of shitposting trolls


Im just gonna go to the winchester for a cold pint and wait for this to blow over

>studies history and political science
Looks like he should have went to a few more lectures lol.

ow noes nazi fighting commies.

honestly, who cares. they can both rot in hell (one of them is)

ISIS kills innocents.

Wanting nazis, their ilk and their kin to experience nothing but agony is merely payback.

Stop your false equivelancy.


The person who was killed was one of the white protestors. Killed by someone who hated white people.

wtf is wrong with you

Kill all nigger nuggets now flush them down

Their kin didn't asked to be born that way. Sounds racist to me. They have no choice of their skin tone or lack of head hair!!!