My Wife of 7 years has been at my side and helped me through every one of my problems with warm and open arms...

My Wife of 7 years has been at my side and helped me through every one of my problems with warm and open arms. She has put up with me for all I am and made me the happiest man alive

She just called me crying about some issue she was having with a stalker and I accused her of cheating and "broke up with her". But i didn't mean it

Did i go to far?

Pic Unrelated

Like what is the point of this post?

go to your work and kill everyone

I'll stay here and answer any random questions aswell

Dunno, Thought this would be better than the Usual cock rate/Trap threads.
I suppose this is Sup Forums though and traps rule supreme

If i do. How should i?
Gun? Bomb? Knife? Kidnap
All of the above?

whifflebat, dumbass

I was actually going to say thank you for posting something other than the cancer/shill shit. What are you up to?

I work a depressing office job in one of the skyscrapers in my city. I have 30 colleagues that can gang up on me.

Piano Practice, Learning a new language, and balancing a work assignment on top of that

Nice! What language? I did latin in high school and college and have been working on Italian. Also have some work shit I need to get done by 10AM EST but I am nearly done now

What is the chemical composition of one's own natural anal lubricant (the white, buttery like substance that occurs within the anus naturally that allows turds to pass unhindered)? I ask as sometimes when I'm manually cleaning my rectum out with my wet finger in the shower, hours later I will fart and the white buttery substance has turned very slipper and clear (and comes out all at once in a huge gallop). Thoughts?

I have tonight to finish like 30 hours worth of excel spreadsheets. Close to the brink of suicide tbh.
I am learning Japanese. It will be useful because there are so many fucking Japanese people here

Ah shit, you can't macro anything?

Get a bigger whifflebat. Or better yet get two. Go in that bitch like Anikin and the younglings, throw caution to the wind and ride, nigga ride.

No you didn't go to far.

Chances are if she knew how you view your self worth she was probably fucking 1 or more "stalkers" when you weren't paying attention. Women are whores. They're only getting worse. You did the right thing.

Quit office job. Labourer is much happy.

It's anal butter. Chemical composition is probably H(2)O(2)

So let me see if I get this straight. Your wife calls you with a problem of somebody stalking her, and instead of taking care of it like a god damn adult man would, you get insecure, accuse her of cheating, and berate her? Are you a fucking aspie? Why would youbelieve she was cheating on you?

Women is whore to man who isnt man.

True True. Telling the truth she always did have this weird obsession of having an orgy or something similar

Nope, No shortcuts at all....No patterns...It fucking kills me

Concurrent beliefs to this user. Without evidence you have lashed out in a childish manner. Many possibilities, with the most likely being you are an aspie faggot.

Dude it obviously was not the most gracious thing to do, but I dated this girl a few years ago that made a few remarks like that and frankly that just foiled my trust for her. Its better that you walk away and find someone who you are more morally aligned with

Also very cool about the Japanese

Here we go. Turns out op wanted a cuck thread after all

OP stop wearing a mask and stalking your wife.

Maybe hire a sanjeet freelancer online?

Thank you. I'll hold these words close to my heart when i storm my office tomorrow morning

Maybe i can get an electrical Engineering qualification or something so my job has real substance

>concerned about orgy
>"morally aligned with"

Yall motherfuckers need satan

Hahaha its true though, i am as degenerate as the next guy but you cant have shit like that on your mind if you're dating a girl

I have schizophrenia so i get paranoid about small shit like that. and enjoy the petty pain of others. I don't wanna kill or physically hurt anyone but mentally breaking people gives me pleasure. I wish it didn't. I see councilors about it. i always feel like shit afterwards...But the rush is undeniable ecstasy to me


I can totally relate to this. A lot of the urge comes from resenting the person you're targeting one way or another. It took me years and a lot of personal work to stop doing it

haha, seems like that doesn't it? My wife actually just got home and slapped me hard. But as the push over she is and how understanding she is of me she says she forgives me. I don't deserve her.


And have this sensitive data sold to other people? no thanks.

Fucking call her and apologize you faggot and stop using your mental disability as a crutch. Then go find this dude that is stalking your wife, the woman who you love and who loves you, you find this asshole and you beat him senseless. If your mental bullshit is really so strong that you cant protect what is yours, then you may as well give in to that entire lack of self preservation and hang yourself.

If you know you have this mental problem and you know how to counteract it, but still chose not to, then youre just a shit person, and you need to stop blaming your mental state and just accept it.

Ah, got it

Wise words

No. Because Hypergamy.

Women NEED their man to by higher caste than they are. They crave it. The moment a woman thinks that you're her equal, she loses 90% of her sexual attraction to you.

By treating a woman like shit, you're in essence declaring yourself to be higher value than her, which feeds her hypergamous instincts and makes her feel like she's married up.

TY, checked

I see how this would make sense. She already came home and she knows about this thread now. She understands my problems and stays with me for some unknown fucking reason

Wife says she will answer questions too if there are any for her

I can guess the first question too. (Well more of a statement really)

I got nothing. You should get to work on those excel docs man

I'll take your advice. I solemnly swear to never hurt my wife like this again...But those faggots at work can get fucked.See ya later guys

Checked. Fair enough, take care man

Are you a Salarian?