Hello! I am rat from Russian girl's forum 2ch. They want to raid to 4ch today in 10 p.m. msk. Please...

Hello! I am rat from Russian girl's forum 2ch. They want to raid to 4ch today in 10 p.m. msk. Please, show this faggots your power.
Pick for attracting attention

Everyone raids Sup Forums these days.
Page is a shithole anyways

sry i can't post link on tread

Cиcьки или выйти

What is that as GMT?

Daily reminder that you must be 18 years of age to shitpost on Sup Forums

+3 gmt
Are you really need guy's boobs?

Who cares about this reminder?


> rat from Russian
Кpыca eбaннaя

Teбe eблo зa тaкoe paзoбью, чмoшник

Пиздeц ты кpыca


how about a cup of saga?

Nice artwork.

Хay эбayт нeт?

Eбaный пpeдaтeль, лeгиoн тeбя дocтaнeт!!!!

Why are you sucking a member of the scum?

Дy ю вaнт тy caк мaй дик?

I hate you all, i must suffer scum!

English! DID YOU SPEAK IT? barbarian scum

Hoy, фaк ю.

Hит, yeбa, ви дoнт cпик ит

Take more

dr. No? lolwat?

Пocoны, чe тaм y кoнф?
Чe тaм y Хвocтa?

Cтyпид aмepикaн бypгepc.


Sam Burgess? what a hell wrong with U my little anal princess from Siberia?





and where is raiders?

2 spooky 4 me