95% of the alt right is summarized right here

95% of the alt right is summarized right here

Other urls found in this thread:


Militiaman looks quite cool tbh

until he stops taking his meds

Pretty funny that the "Leatherman" is Rob Halford. A gay dude the furthest thing from a Nazi.

pic looked accurate

but yes, this is nothing against Rob


>this is nothing against Rob
Yeah, figured. He is the leather rebel tho!


You've got another thing coming.

hitler was a faggot too

>tfw fit most of the Militiaman description
>no kids, race war sounds lame
>prepper, gun nut, et cetera
>actively prepared in case readily available, drinkable water becomes a crisis
>multiple caches, plans for a few of the more realistic possibilities (government collapse, climate disaster, etc)
>left-libertarian democrat who wanted Sanders in office
>only major thing democrats tend to piss me off about is guns but that can be settled rationally

This whole Nazi thing makes me uncomfortable, on the one hand if the Nazis get too out of control I might get to shoot someone under justifiable conditions and be exonerated but on the other hand people might think I'm a Nazi unless I shoot one before it becomes morally justifiable for me.

shit, I don't care much for the rest, but I'd totally hang out with the militiaman

And breaking the law?

The militiaman are the most reasonable.
You have neets on both the left and right. The left neets are called Antifa.
88er nazi's are so fake it hurts. Ask them anything about Hitler and they can't answer.
Never ever seen a Leatherman.

militiaman don't really break the law. The don't even go to protests. So the chances of ever meeting one is slims

owning guns and being woke is totally legal, my dude

Why are white people so weird and cray?

I don't know man. seems like a touch of evil hanging out with those guys..

Project harder user I dont think youre trying

Hey, it works. 2000 years of success speaks for itself. Join us!

I agree with most of this. Idk about the militiamen part, I'm sure there are some "alt right" scum like this, but, and just from experience, most of the folks I've met that are like this hate the alt right, are generally Vets, and just want to be left alone.

>/tg/ meme
The neckbeard arrives.

yeah, just victim of changes.

Heh, the irony being that while OP is of course, a faggot, you just happen to be an avid gobbler of cocks

I do so love the delightfully whimsical nature of this place

militiaman is also mgtow. he has been fucked by the feminist legal system.

>alt white thinking they are badasses when they actually look like pic irl


Such turbo lovers.

I'm very glad I'm a couple of generations removed from you faggots
The way you live, the way you think, hell, the shit you believe in

i am the troll.
A lot of people are there just for the keks

This Propaganda post paid for by:

>Share Blue, (previously known as correct the record),
described as a troll army of “Nerd Virgins” by Hillary
>The Democratic Party
>George Sorros Open boarders and communist foundations (to destroy America)
>The Campaign to elect Hillary Clinton (Sore Loser)
>Obama’s Treasonous Resist campaigns
>The Deep Blue State
> The Establishment/Corrupt Elites who want a puppet they can control in the white house

Basically a misinformation campaign to aid the globalists
To destroy America and line their pockets.
You can not get any more unamerican or treasonous.

>wanting higher taxes for the rich, stronger regulations on big corporations and healthcare for the poor is somehow lining rich peoples' pockets
Okay kiddo.


meanwhile look at the rich Democrats
look at the fact they want higher taxes for everyone, not only larger government, but government putting its hands into our daily lives

I used to be in the social work field, working with kids in the public schools. I had more than one situation where I was working with some kids with "school refusal/avoidance" issues. I don't mean older kids who are cutting class to go smoke. These were usually younger kids, who showed almost more of a phone of going to school. Some of them also on the autistic spectrum.

There was more than one occasion where the kids finally and reluctantly admitted that the reason they didn't want to go to school was "because of the black/Mexican kids." The parents would quickly try to hush them in horror. The school would promptly seek to arrange for their re-education.

I meanwhile had to hold my tongue. I had sat with these kids in their classrooms, and knew exactly what they were talking about, and why they didn't want to go to school anymore.

To be clear I also worked with a lot of the black and Mexican kids too, and was their buddy and role model who they looked up to. I curiously never had a single incident of any of them being bullied by white kids.


I love how all these moron cartoonists ignore the fact that the alt-right named itself. Bonus points: They pretend it's not because they're too politically correct to actually call themselves white supremacists.

95% of the alt-left make shitty images like OP and try to present them as fact.

100% of the Cultural Marxist left are represented here

Reddit leftists called themselves alt right when they got wind of Sup Forums larping
