What's your real issue with gay people? Especially the white ones

What's your real issue with gay people? Especially the white ones.

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With faggots themselves? Nothing.

With the LGBTQADLKDIKJMKD+ Cult a lot them belong to? They're tools of the anti-white international Jewry.


I walked in on 3 gay dudes molesting a passed out drunk kid once at a party. I start screaming WTF and they all got up and left

birst boast best boast

I have no problems with us at all. It is hard to find a bf when you're what many would describe as "radically" right wing though.

the cult is actually turning on them for being too rational.

that its a ruse

its male slut signalling to draw women to them

They carry and spread lots of diseases. Also something like 40% of pedos are gay even though gays only make up 2% of the total population


its so hard to find a boyfriend with wholesome values :(

That's a load of bull shit. And the majority of the blacks carry diseases because.. you know.. they are niggers.

Indeed. Of course we're all dudes and we're gonna do what we're gonna do. But finding a guy with morality as well as a wholesome outlook on life especially at my age when most guys are going crazy...can be frustrating and difficult.

Anal sex is degenerate, disgusting, and unsanitary. Anyone that engages in it, whether gay or not, is scum.

You can't control what you're attracted to, but you can stop yourself from being a total faggot about it.

Yes, and blacks have a huge rate of homosexuality, and bisexualism. Way higher than white rates. They also have lots of pedophelia through incest

Fags and niggers are literally walking diseases.

But I hate attention whores of all stripes.

i think its going to be really unfair for me because i waited 10+ years for the right one and were both in our thirties because he will have had over 20 partners and i have had 3.

Do you seriously need me to fucking explain this? Really? Wtf.



You must be a virgin.

they're mentally ill

You're a fag. Are you seriously trying to find a wholesome fag?

It doesn't exist moron

>radically right wing
>wants to suck penis

Liberal spy detected

Only 20? Jeez. Grindr, Manhunter, A4a, and all the rest have blown those numbers away.

Mental illneses shouldn't be the norm.

That pic and this.
True but as a group-
They are not normal.

So are Christians, but you faggots love them.

I can't help it /syrup/bro. It's been like this since the 6th grade. Puberty happened and I went for the cawk instead of the gooey taco.

>be the product of several billion years of evolution
>throw it away because you decided to be a contrarian and fuck hairy man-ass

Not homosexuality itself, at least they still appreciate the white male. I think they work well for NatSoc movement because of the natural appreciation for masculinity and totalitarian order, and not putting women on pedestal.

I hate the gay culture which made them worship women and drag queens. It was probably distraction created by women/Jews.

The prevalence of homosexuality in the everyday public eye combined with the dismantling of traditional family structure leads to the weakening of entire generations of young men, thereby weakening entire civilizations.
It confuses standards of acceptable behaviour. It cripples the relationships between men and their male companions. It contributes to "toxic masculinity" as well as bisexual faggot tumblr twink bois.

If youre gonna throw out stats like that, youll need to source it

i hate this world i hate being gay i never find comfort in it

Its the sign of a collapsing civilization. One of many degenerate behaviors.

Ok, I'll bite and give you an honest answer. It's not "gays" that I have a problem with, it's their and their liberals ilk's goddamned demanded acceptance of the gay lifestyle.

Parading your faggotry down my streets and across my TV screens is not going to make me accept you, it's going to make me despise you. If you wanna be a faggot then BE A GODDAMN FAGGOT but quit trying to drag everyone else into it.

That's all you FAGGOTS need to learn and you'll have no problems.

It's just gay man.

Homosexuality is the agent that spreads and creates most of the sexual diseases. Also, there seems to be an abundance of pedophiles in the gay community.

I just saw a picture of a chopped off penis on an instant 404 thread and I naturally reacted more negatively to OPs pic, need I say more?

They're shooting their baby batter up each other's rectums and not into vaginas and so creating white babies with white women. Thus flushing their genetics down the toilet, literally. They're directly contributing to the genocide of their own race.

I don't care about non-whites at all.

Why? It's two men kissing. Maybe you're just psychotic and you don't even know it yet.

>the weakening of entire generations of young men
>It cripples the relationships between men and their male companions
Blame women for these, there has never been such problems between men even if they were more intimate, but women always cause problems.

there are dozens of us

>mfw gay
>mfw the T got forced into LGB even though its not fucking related
>mfw it turns into the alphabet soup it is now
>mfw everyone automatically assumes i'm a libtard sjw white guilt cunt because i like men

god damn it. i would vote trump. i just find men more relateable.


This. There is a big gulf between men that prefer men, and the flaming wearing-a-hot-pink-banana-hammock-for-a-parade-down-a-public-street fags that people focus on.

1. It's gross
2. It's counter-productive. Gays can't reproduce.
3. Gay Pride Parades are the most degenerate thing you'll ever see
4. That rainbow flag is stupid

You're just as bad as flaming fags and trannies. Control your urges you animal

breaks down the moral fiber of communities, of societies, of whole countries. deviants. should be looked down upon and marginalized but here in america at least it's being paraded around in the form of faggot characters on primetime tv shows, faggot talk show hosts, faggot stars in movies & weak male gender roles. i suppose it's to be expected what with the mkultra mind-control fag-sex-rituals going on in hollywood but of course they worship lucifer (look up the origins of the 'oscar' statue) it needs to be discouraged, looked down upon & shamed for the good of the community and the good of our children growing up in the world today. faggots will never be equal and i'll help make damn sure that's the case.

This. I used to support a local outreach group (LGBTQA, not sure why we need the TAs). But a few months back at an event, they let some black tranny MC the event and spend the whole time trying to tell us that the BLM movement and the gay rights are the same thing. They lost a lot of donor money because of that

Fuck off, faggot. Women follow men. If women are shit it's because men are shit.

Yep. Yep.....Yep.

AIDS. That, and it's just gross.

t.commonfilth fanboy

>wish i was gay at times
>blowjob heaven
>zero shit game nonsense

Any tips for trying it out?

I wanna fuck them

Gay pride parades and their sjw counterparts that fight to push homosexuality into the media. It's absolutely insane that most TV shows today have some gay/Trans character today.
The Marxists have truly won the culture war

I'm slowly redpilling my boyfriend, give it time and ease him into it with facts

This. Borderlands is what tipped me over the edge. Now I can't stand the token gay shit you see in every form of media D:

>tfw when we finally get kicked out of LBTYSUDZX cuck circle
>tfw liberals split at the seams over the paradoxical minority opressivism they have created
>mfw liberals kill themselves and i get a cute nationalist boyfriend

>getting ready to come out
>huge movement online with all this sjw bullshit
>stay in closet so I'm not associated with these libtards

Indeed. You have to maintain an aura of "open-mindedness." Just say, "Those are the facts as scientifically proven."

>Women follow men.
Doesn't seem to be case today. All I see is emasculated men following what women say in this gynocentric society. Men's self-worth depends on what women think of them, not how other men see them. That shouldn't be the case.

It was much better when men were appreciated: the Aryan male-love, the Greek soldiers(and Sacred Band of Thebes), the Spartans. I really liked Zyzz and the cult around him, it was abotu worshiping the male body like it should be. It makes me cringe when I see all this girly anime shit linked with Sup Forums stuff, goes completely against NatSoc ideals.


I repeat: fuck off, faggot.
Stop trying to poison the minds of young boys.

>Trying to reason with Tyrone

and they tend to side with mudslime muh minority solidarity.

I feel for you bro.

no homo

Look how long his arms are. Not saying it didn't require some dedication to get fit but he's probably like 5'6"

facts don't work, muh interpretation. entry level nietzsche.

You're the one trying to poison them. The greatest societies have centered around male worship. Women always destroy them.

Thanks bro


you're a fucking white male!

>im a huge virgin and have no idea how enemas work: the post

thanks doc

They're so fucking annoying
...its like a black ghetto monster,they talk with this NUHH UH GURLFRAAANN YOU DUN FUCKED UP...GOT ME FUCKED UP.....it gets old really fast and you just wanna beat the shit out of them

Women are incapable of destroying anything. You're either a bitter virgin or a faggot trying to spread your disease.

Least he's white.

>Women are incapable of destroying anything.
What a joke. All they have to do is to deny pussy from beta men and that's how they manipulate entire nations with their repulsive holes. The whole anti-white male agenda is spread by women in your universities.

Fuck. Off. Faggot.

They are being selfish hedonist fucks by not helping fix the declining white birthrate.

Example of female manipulation
Deny it all you want, pussy slave
Evalion is another example

You do realize you're arguing with a bitter woman, right?

gays overwhelmingly vote liberal, so fuck them

as for gay whites, hope they get their negholes pozzed by the gay niggers (shouldn't be hard knowing how promiscuous they are)

Jesus Christ, why haven't you abominations just offed yourselves yet? Despite your claims of being "redpilled", at the end of the day you're just disgusting freaks that get off on the idea of sodomy and spreading disease. You're not welcome in our movement, you exist only as methods of the ZOG to destroy the white race. Now leave, and neutralize yourselves as a threat to all of us.

They're mentally ill degenerates.

Sodomy. Gay or straight I don't care. Fucking the most disgusting thing.

I was trying to be funny.

I don't have a problem with gay people per se. I have a very large problem with learned faggot behavior.

Flaming, bitchy, lispy, effeminate homosexuality is fucking disgusting.

Pic is Magic Johnson's """"""son"""""". Does he have to act like a giant faggot? Of course not, but he does anyway and its ok to hate him for it.


Gays are shit.

Traps are fine, though.

I wish all gays were actually cute traps. It'd make fucking them a whole lot more enjoyable.

Magic caught aids because he fucked dudes in the ass. Magic is secretly gay. Think about it, his wife didnt catch aids

Nah, homosexuals are alright, it is trannies that piss me off. Most of them I've met are tumblr teir garbage.

you could atleast post a trap

>incredibly shy
>try my luck at dating someone from Sup Forums of all places
>it's still a bislut numale
I can't shake the feeling I'm going to die alone and a virgin.

It's just trannies I hate. Fucking disgusting, mentally handicapped mongoloids.

>I wish all gays were actually cute traps. It'd make fucking them a whole lot more enjoyable

So you like fucking disabled people? Sicko

Trannies aren't disabled.

If you wouldn't fuck a cute trap the problem is you.

Oh yes they are. They ought to be bound in their wheelchairs and pushed off a cliff. It's a disability, like downs syndrome you sick cunt

Yeah except it is called downonme syndrome

>Yeah except it is called downonme syndrome