So I just found out within an hour ago that I was conceived through IVF. Ask me anything I guess...

So I just found out within an hour ago that I was conceived through IVF. Ask me anything I guess, need an outlet of some kind.

Why do you care?

Because the person I called my father my entire life isn't my biological father.


How does it feel to have no bellybutton, subhuman?

I'm sure I'll get over it quickly, I'm just in a bit of shock about the whole thing, since I got confirmation about it after many years of speculating it was a possibility.

You were purposefully created, everyone else born naturally was generally not a choice, it was by chance they were born.

Think about it, someone wanted a child so bad they used science to help create you, the rest of us are simply the result of random selections of DNA.

I have a belly button, retard.

Blood relation only tells you who you can't fuck, user. Nothing more.

Sounds like you have a dad. So at least you have a dad.

Maybe finish school before coming to Sup Forums, pal

>hivemind of/b/

> because i'm pathetically uninteresting i need to create some drama about my life to ensure i become the center of attention. all that matters is what happens to me so i'm going to not only tell every single person i know irl about this devastating secret, but i'm also going to try and soak up attention from disconnected, disinterested, irrelevant anonymous people that i'll never meet
i hope you diaf today.

At least I have a bellybutton

Seems more like my mother's purpose was to cuck my 'father', since she wanted to have a child whilst my 'father' didn't.
Not for long it seems; my mother only told me this just now that my 'father' is basically close to his death bed.
Haven't and won't tell anyone I know IRL faggot, there's a reason I went to Sup Forums for this.

This. You were created for a purpose.

Really, the only reason was to 'cuck' your father? Wow, how much water have you had to drink today? And how much toothpaste did you put on your toothbrush?

I was conceived in a pickup truck. My mother was 17, my father 16.
Neither kept me.
Cry harder.
>tfw grandmother adopted affair baby mom and then me

This is why i never wanted to adopt or have a child that wasn't from my sperm. I raised the kid and his ungrateful ass finds out the truth and now needs to explore their roots and give the seed donor kudos for what exactly? What relationship do you expect? He wasn't there for all your shit but hey let's have a kids are alright moment because muh discovery muh roots muh rebellion muh undertow

>need an outlet of some kind.

Not trying to discount that it's making you feel shitty, but what's the issue here? You're living and breathing like the rest of us, you have parents who evidently wanted to have you pretty badly, seems like it should be fine right?

Itt op associates blood with a true relationship. He's not somehow not your father just because he didn't create you, you dolt. A father is a paternal figure that raises you.
If he was a deadbeat sure, by all means disrespect him. If he spent his lifetime raising, educating, and feeding you it's downright stupid to start putting father in quotes

Well I already dislike you. The man who raised you, read you stories, taught you to ride your bike, fed you, clothed you, let you stay up past your bedtime etc..... just because you found out you weren't conceived via conventional means, or by him personally, you can't think of him as your father anymore? You're fucking pathetic. It's good he's dying so he won't have to see his traitorous son start calling him by his first name because he wasn't your actual sperm donor. Fuck off you fucking nigger

My mom told me I made it through three types of birth control and survived my umbilical cord wrapped around my neck and shit in placenta fluid. At least you were not an unwelcome accident. I didn't get all butt sore when I was told how much of an accident I was. Be greatful you have loving parents. My dad told me for most of my life he hated me, then ditched the family. Then complained for a couple years before he died that I didn't like him, even though I gave him no reason to think that, he always did things and blamed it on me.

Moral of the story OP, quit being a bitch and be glad you have loving parents.

No it's way more complex than that, but he was 52 (62 actually, lied about his age) when I was born, had no family, but had control over my 34 yo mother from leaving, threatened to kill my mother's entire family, me, etc. He basically took me in as his own child, and my mother went along with it, trying to give me as 'normal' of a life as possible until adulthood.
But at least you knew your family was fucked up from the beginning, right?
I still consider him my father.
Not the person I consider my father. There were levels of psychological abuse and manipulation involved.

is he infertile or something?

>tfw 2/3 kids had cord around neck, shit in fluid, and birth control
>tfw one had to get cut out cause he was upside down
I love my mistake babies

I used quotes to differentiate two different people who were both my 'dads' in a way. A written medium kinda thing.
That's not anything I'm like, or anything I'm going to do. I get that's the first impression, but you don't know the story. Fuck off.
How am I butthurt? Because I'm telling my side? And I grew up in an violent and abusive family so not loving at all.

Make a breakthrough in genetics.

>at least you knew your family was fucked up from the beginning
No, actually, I didn't.
I thought my mom was my sister, and my grandmothers husband was dead so I never questioned not having a dad.
My mother found out she was an affair baby when my grandmother adopted me, by court order.
My mother went and did meth for 6 years, came home, and poured out every fuck up to make amends. I was nearly aborted.
My father is now trying to reconcile, without putting in any effort.
Your mother chose to have you, your dad isn't biological.

Filthy tube baby

Do you feel like a normal person or a subhuman?

That's not nearly as bad as finding out you're some part Irish. I'm not, I'm just saying.

Horrible. How can you continue to live?

Fuckin' a man. This needed to be said. And this needs to be said when I'm asked why I'm against adoption.

your OBGYN was just lazy, both me and my sister were born breech through the vagoo. It's no reason to get a c-section

Did you know you dont have a soul?

Naw dude, I had super quick labors. I was 4 hours in and 9 cm dilated, water broke on the table on its own. Baby was too far down to flip. Although my ob was new and forgot to get my last ultrasound done to see if the baby was in position or not. Nbd though, 2 was csect, 3 was vaginal. Thank god for modern medicine.

tube kids die younger, have fun

Will it make you feel better to know that even though you're an abomination against nature, when I tell you to KYS it's with the same sincerity that use for actual humans?