What does Sup Forums think of people with stretched ears?

What does Sup Forums think of people with stretched ears?

That they stretch they're assholes as well.

Don't really get why you would, but you do you

Would my dick fit?

Not complaining for an extra hole.

Some people's ears are healthy and thick enough that they will heal back almost all the way but if not/or you're past that point then it's no good

they are trying to belong to a group probably out of a lack of being in another group. People, especially children, have a pretty big inherent need to be accepted by a group.

i always carry a couple of these in my backpack for when i find an idiot with these passed out at a party. they can be smashed with a hammer fairly easily, but the bar is too small to get a decent pair of bolt cutters in.
>and yes, i am that asshole that tosses the keys over the fence afterwards.

No you don't.
>no youre not

Im sure you totally do this and youre really really not lying at all

If it's something you want to do whatever, but I can't stand them. It's not the look, it's the smell that comes with most of them. Like rot and puss. Yuck.

Fucking losers.

Daddy issues

personally not a fan. to each their own. funny thing is in general I love tattoos and moderate piercings, but don't like stretchers. again. to each their own.

It's disgusting and deserves a padlock.

This guy gets it

I thought they became strippers, not body modding retards.

>pretending to have a social life on the internet
Oh you.


glad to see I wasn't the only one who thought that

they're retarded

An expression of uniqueness that's mass manufactured is not an expression of uniqueness.

An expression of individuality that matches with what many thousands of other people do is not an expression of individuality.

They smell bad. The lobes legit smell like death more often than not.

I think they're easily spotted as a poor choice for employee.

The beta males that do this have dad issues

Its stupid i stretched my ears in 2010 and looking back now i regret it i have butthole ears and people ask me about them all the time. "Hey does your job not let you wear your gauges ?" No i grew up and took them out .

So the alpha males that do this don't have daddy issues?

Sooo 2007

No such thing as an alpha male having anything stretched on his body


Liberal arts degree working at Starbucks.