Quick Sup Forums !!!

quick Sup Forums !!!
abortion yes or no?!

yes, your mom should have had one.

What colour is it?

Nice Trips

and yes. Always abort.

that's what i was going to ask
also, checked

y so edgy

nice trips


Depends on the cirucmstances.

Generally I don't agree with it as people often see it as a method of contraception. They just think fuck it, it doesn't matter.

I suppose if the child is a result of rape and/or has severe developmental errors, then it would be permissable to end the pregnancy.

Also, if the baby is nigger then just coat hanger it right up.


Abortions for some, tiny american flags for others!

why would you need it when their are more methods of contraception than their are ice cream flavors

Maybe don't ask these questions on Sup Forums, could ruin rest of your life. Most of people here would say abort, and course the people here are the most malevolent and edgy so maybe do the opposite.

abortion ofc

also checked

Money, energy, and will to raise a kid? Go ahead and have it.

If you answered no to any of those questions, abort.

i still think the world needs better laws against overpopulation.
mandatory birth control until the age of 30. couples not allowed to have children before that age. no more than 2 kids. mandatory hysterectomy and vasectomy after 2 kids

The younger the parents have kids, the better change there is that he/she is healthy and doesn't have any developmental disabilities.

>why would you need it when their are more methods of contraception than their are ice cream flavors

Because there isn't a form of contraception that works 100%.

Chance to get preg with typical (perfect) use in a year
- spermicides 28 (18)
- Fertility awareness 24
- pulling out 22
- condom 18-21 (2-5)
- pill 9 (0.3)
- female sterilization 0.5
- male sterilization 0.15

So even if a you put a knife to your balls and get sterelized it only works 99,85% at the times.
Put the number in perspective, if you would sterelize 100 million man, 150000 would still be a daddy in a year.

>No, just carry it out and give it up for abortion
>life created
>no responsibility
>some infertile parents are happy

>Give it up for abortion

Most children don't even pass the mirror test until they're 2 years old. They're dumber than a fucking Eurasian Magpie. How am I meant to value the life of something with no experiences, no personality, no feelings, something that won't even recognise itself in a mirror for another year and a half? If I had to kill an intelligent animal or a human fetus, I'd pick the human. The planet is overpopulated enough already, bringing a new child into this world is reckless, and probably a result of some selfish impulses.

Age of the parents directly correlates to an increase in birth defects. If some asshole is born rich and has the money, it's better for him to have children earlier, rather than later.


Only if it's niggers

my parents had me in their early 30s and i'm good.
quite a lot of couples are now waiting until their 30s to get married and have kids.
most people under 30 have a harder time taking care of children due to lack of financial stability.
a large portion of couples under 30 that have children end up having their parents raise the kids, because they can't do it/don't have the time because of their shitty jobs/can't afford a skilled person to take care of the children.
although couples under 30 might have more energy to raise a child, they usually lack 2 other important factors, which is life experience and a well paying job

Birth control + condom + spermicide
You totally can't use these things every time you fuck

>So even if a you put a knife to your balls and get sterelized it only works 99,85% at the times.
>Put the number in perspective, if you would sterelize 100 million man, 150000 would still be a daddy in a year.

That's cuz of unsterilized sperm donors are still on the loose...

I don't quite see the problem...
This thread is assuming that you don't want the baby in the first place...

>Most children don't even pass the mirror test until they're 2 years old. They're dumber than a fucking Eurasian Magpie. How am I meant to value the life of something with no experiences, no personality, no feelings, something that won't even recognise itself in a mirror for another year and a half? If I had to kill an intelligent animal or a human fetus, I'd pick the human. The planet is overpopulated enough already, bringing a new child into this world is reckless, and probably a result of some selfish impulses.
then gas the parents too, well generally it's the mother's responsibility.

word what you are searching is adopt, abortion usually happens before the child birth

>abortion yes or no?!
>No, just carry it out and give it up for abortion
>abortion usually happens before the child birth

are you literally retarded?

Any good reasons for no?

I have never heard one.

It could be a highly effective way to reduce crime if it were to be made mandatory in some cases.


Typical boring answer

Yes × 10. They should be cheap, easily accessible and free from stigma.

No thanks. I had a big lunch.

Funny how they showing killing a baby and call it anything but murder. Women tell men it's their body's. Fine then if a man gets the bitch knocked up he should be allowed to pay the court $200 and be an abortion and never have to be bothered for child support then I would agree with it.

I'm pretty pro abortion but that's pretty sick how they rip the little dude up in there

Everything is in favor of women and rigged against men. Why would abortion be any different?

yes. abort everything!

Why is it sick, if you're for abortion?

If it makes you feel any better abortions like the ones in OP are less than 1% of abortions.

I too liked Evangelion, but this...

Imagine if you're just chilling in the womb and then some cunt comes in and rip your fucking leg off and then comes back for the rest of your limbs. I mean I new abortion killed the baby but I didn't think it actually looked like a little dude with arms and shit.


These types of abortions rarely happen or won't even be done by doctors in most cases.

It's mostly used for anti-abortion propaganda.


Personally : No

Though I have nothing against it, it's all up to the individual

thats an alien fetus i seen it on alex jones radio show it was about a lady who got abducted by aliens and they had to remove it for scientific testings


When I had the option to get one I chose not to though.

Every woman I know who had one regrets it

Every woman I know who considered one but didn't get it is glad they didn't.

Abortion is satanic and sick.

Essentially turns the womb into a killing field, it's an ultimate "fuck you" to God.

And God is going to meet that gesture with vengeance, and I can't wait until the hammer falls. This sick fucking society is going to deserve every bit of his vengeance. They will hate God because they can no longer murder their own babies in the name of comfort and leisure, they throw their lot behind Satan, and they will lose just as he lost.



>things women apparently go around saying

I think what he meant to say at here>No, just carry it out and give it up for ADOPTION
>life created
>no responsibility
>some infertile parents are happy

Why would I be literally retarded, did you not understand something I said? I was using quite simple language and if you have problems understanding that would that make you retarded instead?

Well just kill your kid now then, why would it matter when you do it? Are you now more attracted to the little shit?

blah blah blah nice b8 faggot

Because one is actually murder user.

Take your tryhard edginess elsewhere lmao

God bless

How about you tell your kid that only reason you don't kill him is because it's illegal. I would think you can get rid of him much faster, doesn't have to wait until his 18 or anything.

I have but he's 2 months old.

hell yes

Well maybe try to tell some social workers the same, I would think they would not let you keep the kid for too long. Or get sentence of some hc drugs etc, there are so many ways to get rid of the kid that it kinda seems you want to keep it anyway.