Help get me unbanned please. I posted pic related in a /ptg/ on the politically incorrect board...

help get me unbanned please. I posted pic related in a /ptg/ on the politically incorrect board. I was banned for a few days because it was off topic, but it wasn't! The Intel CEO quit some Trump manufacturing group and I would never have even made the connection it's about computers but some other poster mentioned switching to AMD. I coincidentally have an AMD computer so I made the post in the spirit of "fuck intel because the ceo left trump!" Please someone post the attached picture in the /ptg/ and explain my situation so the mods unban me! I work the night shift the next couple days starting tonight and posting on Sup Forums helps the time pass :C I wont ever do it again :C

Other urls found in this thread:

Kill everyone in your immediate vicinity and then yourself.

The god will sort you out.

you could have filled in the ban appeal and clicked submit.
now you get banned for ban evasion. which is the ban you cant appeal.
well done nigger.

he isn't evading if he's posting on Sup Forums


>what is phoneposting?

It literally says he can't appeal it due to the short length of the ban, idiot

it says since it is "such a short duration" but it's three days! cmon mods, I was relevant :(

For real though OP you should use this time to focus on the real world. Think of it as a blessing.

> trying to get banned from all of Sup Forums for a year or so by complaining about getting banned for 3 days
I got banned last week. It just said "everybody wins". Not even a link to the post.
It was a one day ban.
I don't even know how I got it.
So I did something other than shitpost for a day.
You can do it user.
3 days. Go do something worthwhile
Fail spectacularly.
Have OC when you return

you are thinking of the autistic boards.
Sup Forums mods only give you a some days "complain" bans.

Is it just me, or was there a lot of wisdom in this post?

I dunno, I legit felt inspired when reading it.

so none of you will help me?:( pls anons, I don't really post that much but I'm going to be working all night at a boring job with nothing to do but shitpost
>inb4 make your job better
I work for cheap ass beta billy poo in loos

assuming this is op, not only can't anyone help you, the people that can will actively ruin you for being a begging annoying piece of shit.
Go read a fucking book or something. Fuck

Go to Armor Games

>Check out the games
>Play Dead Zone under mmos

This is how I spend my bored time when I cover for ppl at my job

Alternately, check out

>actively ruin you
what do you mean? I don't want to make it worse so ultimately it's whatever, it's just a dumb reason for being banned

bitching about bans == bigger bans

I just got back from a 3 day ban for replying to a doxing thread. mods are faggots

Will you r*dditors just fuck off back to r*ddit already? Why are you even here?

but i have a legitimate complaint. I wouldn't have to bitch here if they would allow me to follow a normal appeal process

if i can't get unbanned I'll just play eu4. Pic related happened in my last game. AI spain said "fuck colonizing" and spread catholicism across north africa into libya

stfu faggot enjoy your ban little bitch. dont shit post next time on the wrong board..

> but I'm special
no one fucking cares
I hope they give you a year long ban

it sounds like no one will help and it's not worth risking a longer ban so forget about it:(