Help Sup Forums whats this on my dick?

help Sup Forums whats this on my dick?


It's system32, you should remove it.

nigger aids

And std with a side of self loathing

That's a dick? Ewww. Uncut fags are nasty as fuck.

It's called washing regularly, I might be a unsocial loser with no life, but I have access to water

I have these bumps all over my hands, smaller and bigger

A penistd

tfw not having anyone to give me an std

Alergic to something? Laundry soap or softener?


Eczema, will come and go.

I dont think so, dont remeber having these bumps, only bigger flat red spots in the shoulder, upper chest and armpit area when i didnt shower for like 4 days
Also i recently changed my hair shampoo, maybe its that? Head was also very itchy 3 days ago and last night ( scrathched it till it bleed)

>didnt shower for like 4 days

welp there's your problem

seriously though, could be your shampoo. I get those itchy bumps from fabric softener

Could be the shampoo, its the only thing i changed in a long time i think

Are there any bumps that seem to go in straight lines? Any of them itch? May be scabies. A scabie is skin lice that burrow in your skin

I dont see any patterns, maybe 3 in a row, then empty then againa few, but not like in straight line, i tried taking a pic, but you can only see the bigger ones

Also, i have long hair, so i asked my brother to check the hair for some shity crawlers, but he said he didnt see them

Checked the bedshits under lamp for bedbugs or some stains idk, but didnt find anything either

For sure dude. Yeah is it's just small lesions like this you're probably just allergic to something. Don't sweat it, but shower regularly and keep your skin moisturized. and try different bar soaps for body wash. Those tend to be less irritating.


Your hand

Quote someone nigga, ain't nobody know what the fuck you're saying.

Yeah, i guess, thx Sup Forumsro
was just mildly scared cuz its the first time having them in these numbers and on my dick lol
If the dont go away in some time, i ll just go to the doctor

>help Sup Forums whats this on my dick?

A Foreskin