Why is Argentina good at Rugby? With the top ten teams in the world there is non American angles...

Why is Argentina good at Rugby? With the top ten teams in the world there is non American angles, a bunch of islands and then fucking Argentina of all places.

>never won anything in Rugby

What did you mean by this

Like I said your team is ranked in the top 10 despite no other regional team being close

Memes aside, we dont have much in common with other american countrys our origins are different, our ancestors came from europe. Mostly spaniards and italians. But british as well and their sports. We adopted rugby and football right away many years ago.

its a fashionable sport here, mid to high class kids are encouraged to play rugby, its cultural. When youre a teen you either play football or rugby, or nothing.

Is it like most other countries, where rugby is upper middle class and soccer is working class?

Btw, here in the States, rugby has a cult following. Other than expats, the only people who really play it are students at elite colleges in the Northeast and California, and in the military.


what has location got to do with anything, internal quality is all that matters

South Africa aren't near any proper cricket or rugby nations but they won a rugby world cup and made it to the cricket world cup final after being banned from playing any international games in either sport for 20 years

South Africa was colonized by Britain, who exported their culture, same with your country and mine, as well as Ireland and all the other irrelevant islands. France and Italy somewhat make sense, but it's Argentina which is the outlier.

>South Africa was colonized by Britain, who exported their culture
factually incorrect, anglos were always outnumbered by the dutch and it was the dutch culture that was prevalent for the majority of the country's history.
>it's Argentina which is the outlier
Argentina had a lot of english migration

Anglo were outnumbered by Dutch but they did run the administration and they brought in Rugby, my point is not that they overtook the culture but that there was a path to entry through the English connections. As far as Argentina goes there was English migration but there was also heavy migration from pretty much every European country

The English ran the administration from 1910-1938, at which point the boers took control back, culminating in them declaring themselves a republic.
>As far as Argentina goes there was English migration but there was also heavy migration from pretty much every European country
and they came to enjoy playing rugby after the english migrants introduced it to them
this isn't a difficult concept to understand

more or less i guess, rugby fights with hockey in terms of being the 2nd most played sport here, women prefer hockey though
america would be a top team if they decide to play it, i mean your main sport is something similar you just have to change the rules and stop using armor

The only thing argies are world class at are cheating and lying

>American angles

Cannot make this up

Most popular sports in a lot of clubs are Rugby for men and field hockey for women. Albeit everyone plays soccer to certain extent

We got a chunk of Irish/Brit slave labor migration when the railways which are now dismantled got built in the 1900s, we might have inherited from there

Its the same shit with Polo

t. jelly chubby boy who cannot accept the fact youre whiter than me

Seems like rugby is mid/upper class sport everywhere except in France and Pacific Islands

All our aryan rich youth plays Rugby.

Also they gangrape drunk bitches and then don't go to jail because that slut fucked everybody in the party.

Brit inmigrants, the same that created most argie football clubs and also brought polo.