Why does it seem like no modern albums attempts to really capture the zeitgeist anymore...

Why does it seem like no modern albums attempts to really capture the zeitgeist anymore? Our disillusionment and disconnection to other people based on technology is even greater than it was in 1997 but this album still seems to capture it the best.

the difference is that in 1997 the music world was dominated by generation x, today by millennials.
Two completely different generations.
Frankly, when talking about millennials i literally throw up.

This does

Weak bitch

wow you're so cool and above it all, drink paint

a number of albums have done so, i can think of a few off the top of my head and im not even trying to think hard about it:

>Thundercat - Drunk
>Frank Ocean - Channel Orange
>Danny Brown - Atrocity Exhibition
>Nine Inch Nails - Year Zero

>no modern albums attempts to really capture the zeitgeist anymore
Turn off MTV.

See local gigs.

Unless you're like 40 years old, you ARE a millenial. Shut the fuck up user.

fjm - pure comedy

list goes on and on

You say that, but millennials are more likely to feel depressed, to be disconnected from others, than any generation before them.

because it's been beaten to death now

no one wants another think piece about why smartphones are bad

unironically this.

Gen X was shit.

Gen X was actually quite good, the 90s ended up being the one generation I can think of where there's mainstream stuff for basically all tastes and that's pretty much all Gen X (from Venetian Snares to Nirvana, they're all Gen X).


I'd prefer something more like Sam Hyde but music.
Controversial because "it's naughty"


>Gen X was actually quite good
Even Gen X disagrees.

Anyone else tired of rap?

Maybe it still has to come out.

by the way I'm not a big fan of TPAB but I still recognise that it captures a lot of whats going on now

It won't, everything good is independent.

Grunge and early rap was the best corporate music will ever be.

Unless something goes viral..


i don't wanna hear that shit. i need solutions not more "woke" awareness

going on where?

you living in a ghetto in california too?!

I just think it has a good middle ground with the social media demographic, the american ghettos, blm movements, and "indie" music trying to be as artsy as possible.

He's safe and shit.

What happened to controversial rappers?

>Why is there no more Le Edgy Black Gangster Hip-Hop? >:c
Because it's bad and gay

>What happened to controversial rappers?
not getting record dealers

>Our disillusionment and disconnection to other people based on technology is even greater than it was in 1997

if your a loser maybe

I need solutions, yes yes, solutions. (not final solutions tho)

>not noticing the loss of culture, identity and meaningful interaction in an increasingly industrialized and homogeneous world

Because the phrase "..capture the zeitgeist" is incredibly pretentious.