How did you like the roast of ann coulter Sup Forums?

How did you like the roast of ann coulter Sup Forums?

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I wonder if she knew exactly what she was getting in for.

I mean ive seen roasts before but they kinda made it #1 priority to fuck up her shit. Didnt someone straight up told her to kill herself?

She's an idiot for doing it but roasts are fucking garbage. If you like roasts you are a teenager.

I takes a lot to make me feel bad for Ann Coulter

If it has been a leftist woman being roasted I am sure we would have seen massive outrage. In the end I'm sure she's heard this shit before.

You gonna have to dig a bit but here is a few jabs from the roast master near the end.

Those jokes are horrible

Shes gonna die soon anyway. Shes 60 years old with no husband and no children.

They needed a chance to unleash on her because theres no chance...or shes too old to do shows.

Isn't she a bit bony to roast?

not a single one of those jokes were funny.

What the fuck did ann coulter do to people? I can obviously see shes republican but why take so much time to tell her to kill herself?

If anything everyone besides ann on that stage needs to die

None of these jokes were good or hurtful

>None of these jokes were good or hurtful

Words cant hurt, words have never hurt another human being.

republitard detected. To answer your question, because she's a racist cunt.

I loved the one about her hating gay marriage cause if she cant get a husband no one should.

Also I think Peyton got the funniest jokes directed at him and he laughed them off like a champ.

>because she's a racist cunt.

Found the nignog

who the fuck ann coulter

This is the worst attempt at jokes ive seen, it honestly makes me want to vote for trump just because liberals are so unfunny.

not really but nice try, go eat breakfast at mcdonalds white trash.

>go eat breakfast at mcdonalds white trash.

Not really but nice try, go eat breakfest at KFC nigger

I honestly dont believe ann coulter is a racist. There is literally no benefit from allowing people into our country, blacks as a majority are dangerous as fuck, muslims dont need to enter america, and mexicans need to stay in mexico.

I mean thats how she thinks, i think that way to. It is the correct way to think at the moment because there will be no peace outside of america. We need to protect it from the inside.

What kind of shitskin are you

Found the beaner

She's pretty.


Liberals are brain dead 20 year old college students with zero life experience, minorities who want hand outs, and hippies who never grew up.

None of them are capable of critical thought they just want to pretend they are compassionate and caring.

>How dare you be racist now let me shit on poor people just to insult you

Libtards, everyone.

Ive come to realize this as well, it proved it in the roast. I have no doubt that 30-40 years down the road most liberal will turn to conservatives out of desperation.

Once it hits them that the country is losing money supporting nigs with 50-60 children getting more money than they get from the shit jobs they have they will get upset.

If anything, al the "roasters" proved Ann Coulter to be something greater than them because the only way they could "refute" her claims is by cheap insults nad mocking her appearance. Worst form of Ad Hom that exposes the true cowardice in a human being - the refusal to think.

Her jokes were fucking awful
O cant wait for the roast of O'Reilly

roast jokes are so edgy and unfunny

you posted only half of it, bigger size tho

>literally Hidlerrr XXDDDD

How is that funny

That's what a roast is about you aspie, it's not a debate

>cue ghostbusters theme
it's like they knew


Using this term unironically


I'm pretty sure she has a thing for black guys too, not even meme-ing, so there's that

Hey, Ann.

It just goes to show that despite their claims of tolerance, liberals are truly the most vile, psychopathic, bloodthirsty monsters who ever lived.
Ann Coulter has always been kind and gracious to other people. Libshits are only angry because she tells truths that they don't want to hear. I can only hope that their mistreatment of this brave beautiful lady did not do any long-term damage.

idunno, but i'd love to fuck her and treat her horribly. i'm pretty sure she likes it like that.

>calling me an aspie
>implying any of those "roasters" could take on Ann Coulter in a debate

The only reason they are "roasting" her is because that ois the only form of feedback they can give to ideas that feel bad to them.


really funny but like all roasts pretty one note in peoples jokes
>dude your attractive but like irrelevant and banged a teen!!
still an enjoyable hour

They are roasting her because she came on the show. That's how it works....

They're roasting her coz it's a roast

James was just being honest man..

I was liberal as shit when I was younger. Anti-racist, pro immigration, all that shit. Now I want to hang niggers, deport muslims and illegals, punish globalist companies, and ignore trannies and faggots.
I think a lot of it is me simply hating other people more and more as I age. I got mine, everyone else can die.

holy shit, she's gorgeous

im feeling something, for the first time ever.

>tfw she would never EVER fuck you, since you are a first gen American with roots in south america.

i would literally abandon all my beliefs to fuck her.

>>implying any of those "roasters" could take on Ann Coulter in a debate
Indeed, who could win in a battle of wits with this intellectual giant?

Of my fucking god that is just caustics retard.

Are you seriously implying they could oppose her ideas in a proper debate? The only reason they are in a roast is because the roasters are huuuge pussies

>I got mine, everyone else can die.
Well at least you're honest about being human excrement. I have to laugh every time Sup Forums claims they stand for "morality."

>complaining about hurtful jokes
>complaining about hurtful jokes at a roast
>complaining about hurtful jokes at a Comedy Central roast, a venue where 90% of the material is usually "liza lampanelli loves fucking niggers"

keep it up Sup Forums, you've already hit reddit SJW levels and now you're pushing into tumblr territory

Did she make fun of Hillary at all?

I dont doubt that she is pretty stupid but atleast she understands the dangers of foreigners in america.

is she ded

who cares i just want to throat fuck her with my bbc

The best roasts were done by Orson Welles.

And, of course, the best of all the roasts:

That's not Hillary, it's just a mannequin they use to trick attackers

We're all pieces of shit, faggot. The problem is, people like you actually believe you're somehow better than the rest of us.
Fuck off with your gay little moral crusade, grandpa

How fucking pissed do you think the techs that handle Hilary patches and maintenance are now that she is acting up so close to elections?

>It just goes to show that despite their claims of tolerance, liberals are truly the most vile, psychopathic, bloodthirsty monsters who ever lived.
Conservatives think liberals are stupid. Liberals think conservatives are evil.

Jeff Ross is one of the saddest human beings I've ever seen.

>We're all pieces of shit, faggot
Classic projection. Let me guess: every time you find out someone gives a shit about people outside their group, you think they're just "virtual signaling" to look good.

liberals are children who dont have any money or responsibilites
conservatives are adults trying to take care of the children.

Roasts are never EVER funny. It's just


Fuck Comedy Central

I'm sorry for triggering you. Obviously my insult hit too close to home.

>spend all day posting MAGA, praise kek, and sending gorilla pictures on twitter
based conservatives doing the hard work

Any more Coulter armpit pics please?

>when Sup Forums calls you a degenerate but his post is just two above from CP spam and bbc
God bless those patriots.

>virtual signaling

Not an argument.

That's right, it's not. It's an apology. Good eye!

>"as a ______..."

>adults spending hours calling people cucks and faggots on Twitter and Sup Forums
The concept of maturity sure has changed a lot over the last few years.

it's the other way around

but I know you are trolling, no worries, after all you have been, as they say, around the block, right?

>ann coulter has always been kind


You're trolling or just really young or you don't know who she is

so what if the person you are responding to is black?

You can see it settling at the bottom the the glass. If it was a reflection you'd see them again when she puts the glass down

To be completely honest, her face is busted as fuck but her body is prime poking meat.

Seemed apt. for that shitty response m8 :^)

>All these triggered faggots
Its like I'm really on tumblr.

I really liked the Roast being tossed into a Van and driven to a Hospital today in NYC

>it's a "Sup Forums has an autistic fit because their fee-fees were hurt outside of their safe space" thread
The best part will be all the (You)s from people telling me it's just a boogeyman.