Masturbated with lotion two hours ago, my dick is still burning like fucking halepeno oil was spilt down my urethra

Masturbated with lotion two hours ago, my dick is still burning like fucking halepeno oil was spilt down my urethra.

Waht do

Pic related, it's my dick with timestamp

get another dick

chug liquids. piss it out

Lotions in your dick bro better just kill yourself its not gunna come out

Help please. Pic related is a testicle close up, balls feel blistered.

flush it out with a hot fudge enema

rub it with a chicken

This. You got that shit down your dickhole. Gotta clean it out.

Lemon juice neutralizes burning substances.

Dont use lotion idiot - it has titanium dioxide an abrasive. Dont believe me check the ingredients, then google titanium dioxide.

Just wait it out

I said shampoo, and it's not just in my dick. There's also a dry rash on my dick and ballsack

Just a slight chemical burn.
You're probably allergic to an ingredient bro, try a different lotion next time and don't death grip it.
You'll be fine in the morning, just don't beat it for a few days.

Use COLD water to rinse everything off. May need to submerge incase anything got in your dick hole.

no you didn't, fuckface
either way, listen to this one

>don't beat it for a few days

You act like I have something else to do with my time

Pic related is the shampoo I used

Fucking hell youre right. Pic related is the shampoo.

First it hurt like shit and i couldn't masturbate for 2 weeks, then the skin started to peel off and it felt like hell. I have no fucking clue what it is but I'm fine 2 years later

what the fuck is wrong with you
did you shit all over your room?

Ink, peanut butter, and a long story. Not green texting because that's offtopic

>Masturbated with lotion two hours ago, my dick is still burning like fucking halepeno oil was spilt down my urethra.

No you said lotion stupid faggot. Jesus own your mistake



Clean you fucking bullshit disgusting swine
