no really what WAS his problem?
tommy didnt do anything to him so why do that?

When he was in prison Tommy took over part of his 'buissness'. He got out and wanted them back but Tommy refused

it was innuendo, Tommy was one of the mob's "service boys" who used to get down on his knees and "shine shoes".
Tommy had very obviously tried to move past that part of his life but Billy still saw him as a cheap fuck boy and treated him as such.

he was just breaking balls. tommy on the other hand was gettin fuckin fresh

He was breakin his balls a little bit

He was a made man which entitled him to a little ball breakin once in a while.

but he was clearly trying to provoke him not just treat him like a schmuck
to be fair he got out of line a lil bit himself,he insulted him a lil bit

Billy was there first, Tommy came in and interrupted his party.
He had no respect.

It's like running into your friends little brother you haven't seen in years and he's all grown up now and you give him a little shit.

Batts took it a little too far because he's a greasy dago wop but it is what it is.

I know that's part of reality, but is that part of the movie? Keep in mind this is a work of fiction that is not 1:1 a copy of real events, just inspired by them. They don't even have the same names.

Wasn't it about Tommy taking over Billy's rackets while he was in jail?
I watched this years ago.

Were they part of the same mob or rival mobs? If they were rivals, I don't see why he would do something like stay by himself surrounded by his enemies. Threat of retribution ain't gonna mean shit to him if he's dead. That's what his murderers have to worry about.

he was just rubbing his balls a bit
it's what Italian mobsters do when they want to have fun

>rubbing his balls

Yeah, rubbing each others' balls, breaking each others' asses, that's what wiseguys do.

He just got out of the can and he is breaking some balls. What's the big problem?

I think user is getting it confused with "breaking his balls".

"Rubbing his balls" sounds like something else.

Nah, he got it right. I don't think you've been around wiseguys too much, so take it from people who have. They're always rubbing balls and breaking asses.

In the movie, he was a made man that had jut gotten out of jail and wanted to prove how much of a man he was. Tommy was an obvious target, because he was he was rising through the ranks, but Batts just remembered him as a shoe-shine boy. It was basically him saying "fuck you, kid, I'm still in charge."

He was just breaking balls, Tommy should have been cool with it. He didn't need to get fucking fresh about it, even if he was being disrespected a little bit.

keep this guy here YOU KEEP HIM HERE

This. My cousin had his balls rubbed alot when he was in the mafia. His uncle started him in the mafia and was the first to start the tradition

First of all, it was Jimmy not Tommy who took over the business, and yes that happened in real life too.

Secondly, Henry Hill himself helped write the book that the movie was based off, and the author of the book helped write the script, so it's barely fiction. Hill even said that the only thing that wasn't perfectly recreated in the movie was that the real life Tommy DeSimone was tall and intimidating, unlike Joe Pesci who is small and intimidating