Wow. Powerful

Wow. Powerful.

OP is a triggered snowflake


Yes, let's ignore the people from the alt-left that cause just as many problems. You know, the ones that started riots and looted/burned entire strip malls because one black guy was shot?


Poor analogy. Both sides are equally vile. You're also acting like Trump supports white nationalism, which he doesn't.

poor bait 0/10

As the Alt-Left burns American flags.

>the people that want to follow American tradition are Nazis
>the people that think certain people have less rights based on their genetics are Americans
Really causes the synapses between neurons to fire stimulating thought processes

That flag is nothing to be proud of. All it represents these days is selfishness, stupidity, and imperialism.

Are you saying they are not? Fuck'em both

Take it to Sup Forums shill. Some of us are trying to fap here.



What was WW2 then? A civil war?




Lmao is that soldier supposed to represent the left? Hahahaha how ass backwards as fuck. The left aren't soldiers and nor do they have a shred of honor in their bodies. This cartoon was obviously drawn by a left-wing sympathizing subhuman.








That flag has a star for every shitty collective of people deeming themselves not a part of a whole. Ever since the British rule was overthrown, being American has meant nothing at all.





>Using niggers as scapegoats to justify the killing of 6 million innocent people. >Righty logic



You fuckers gonna burn





Jesus fucking Christ are you baiting









Truly. What did he mean by this?



















Oooh someone's getting laid in their women's study class. Leave some for the rest of us champ.
I know you probably thought it was really insightful when your professor said something similar. But they're more out of touch with reality than you.












>retards continue riots
>america destroys itself
>Russia takes over
>world is better place
Keep arguing about which jew-controlled president will take over.







>also represents greatest nation on earth
>also represents nation with the most freedom
>people die trying to sneak into country

try harder faggot.

btw you guys ever notice antifa faggots have literally the most fascist ideology?
greentext pt 2 cause i can

>silence people who don't think like you
>trying to infringe on rights (I.e hate speech not protected horse shit)
>trying to destroy history cause Ma feelings
>calling anyone conservative Nazi and or =justifiable to be violent and silence

Fuck your hypocrisy and lack of awareness is stunning,




Thank you,dogposter.





Forgetting that nazism is a left wing ideology




