Sad to see the history and culture of our great country being ripped apart with the removal of our beautiful statues...

Sad to see the history and culture of our great country being ripped apart with the removal of our beautiful statues and monuments

Other urls found in this thread:

Statues are dumb.

.can't change history, but you can learn from it. Stalin, Adolph Hitler - who's next, Mahatma Gandhi?

go suck a nazi dick faggot

All things dissolve in time. The when is irrelevant.

If you went through a horrible divorce, would you still keep the pictures of your ex-wife on the wall?

Just because it's part of our history and it's important doesn't mean we need to be reminded of it every day.

Why are you so angry at people who have different views than you? Can you explain yourself?

Down with racist statues!


Hitler never built statue of himself. How much control do Jews have over your information and news so you must bring Hitler every time?

that guy was anti-slavery you dumb fuck

the beauty that is being taken out of our cities, towns and parks will be greatly missed and never able to be comparably replaced!

That is the absolute worst comparison/argument I've read all week.

That feel when you're wrong.

Are you ready to die under a nazi flag in Boston this weekend?
>read and think about this
If you are truly ready to die for the nazi cause, come to Boston and we will show you what happened in WWII



Especially since those statues were created years to decades or even centuries later. Stone mountain was finished in the 70's.

You do realize that the whole thread is a bit. Look at the pictures.


You're a moron. These are Trump quotes modified to point out the irony and accompanied with pictures of statues that were taken down in other countries after wars. Soviet and Nazi statues.

Martin Luther King Jr was against homosexual marriage. Looks like his statues should be next.

That's a buste, not a statue.

Not all confederate soldiers were slave owning racists he'll not all of them were racists

I despise lenin and his betrayal of his people - which is exactly why you should keep the fucking statue around, as a reminder.

>were they white?
>they were racists!

They're now all in a museum. The house of disgraced statues. That's what we should do with ours.

Fucking shills holy fuck you are destroying the internet. History isn't get erased you dense mother fucker. The statues were gonna be placed in a museum or sold to a higher bidder then put into a museum. Stop spreading this bullshit that history is being taken from us. Fuck you. I'm a proud American but fuck you.

Well he certainly made enough official ones. Also not the point of the thread. Lots of Nazi statues were torn down.

are you trying to
>compare 2 of the top 3 genocidal maniacs in history
>to someone who was fighting for states freedom to operate without an overbearing and oppressive federal government

If you are reading this and you are a white nationalist THINK before you come to Boston.
You have killed for your cause

Be ready to die for it.

No no no you dumb fuck that's not how this works...

I'm getting sick and tired of these fascist neo Nazi alt right Republicans everywhere I go.

If you really think defending these white supremacists ability to spew hatred, racism, and bigotry then there isnt much else to be said.

Doesn't matter he was being moved to museums and his family all agreed OT was okay. Fucking shills

Holy fuck you're dense. It's modified Trump quotes from this morning and pictures of statues that got torn down in Germany after the war or Soviet occupation. It's all German.

Moving old statues to a museum works for me, you never hear anyone talk about that. Only taking them down.

What the fuck is this autists deal?

say good bye to egyptian sphynx's
say good bye to egyption pyramids
say goodbye to aztec/inca pyramids
say goodbye to the hanging gardens
say goodbye to president lincoln

hitlers nazi government liked to tear down statues
isis likes to tear down statues
both of them also share the fact that they violently attacked anyone who preached differing opinions from their own narrative

take a guess as to who else shares all the qualities as the above... (protip, they wear black, and know they're criminals commiting criminal actions, so like the cowards they are, they hide their faces)

don't forget to take down ancient roman statues, they held slaves as well.

NO. The one in Virginia was slated to be moved to a museum but it was held back by a court order. Then the Nazis rallied around it's removal. Also all those statues in Germany were buried first and only dug up recently.

You dumb fuck

Fact is that even if you claim you don't support these bigoted racists in their cause and still openly defend their right to spread their hatred then you're no better.

If you're a sympathizer then you're a fucking alt right Nazi too.

That isn't a fact, that is a narrative talking point from the far left engineered to reduce the power of free speech and increase their cultural hegemony.

It's a desperate ploy, they see their political capital shrinking daily as people become more and more sick of double talk and being accused of wrong think.

Free speech is a paramount right, it's the first one on the constitution for a reason, it's sickening that people are equating defending free speech with anything anyone says freely.

I realize you are probably just a troll, but people legitimately believe this shit and it's horrible.

Lenin is the wisest and most honest leader Russia has ever had. He removed all shit that Nicholas II and Kerensky messed and got nothing for this. Unfortunately, he died soon and another dictator crap took his place.

This guy gets it.

He built the system for a dictator to take, his revolution was a fertile bed for control to be stolen. This is the crime of marxism, idealists violently overthrow, but cannot keep power and it always, repeatedly, ends up in millions of deaths and widespread starvation and suffering.

Lenin was a piece of shit. Do u even history


i have a strong feeling this has to do with billionaires and corporate owners getting cucked by trump and now acting out because he's going to force them to bring jobs back to america where they make 5 billion a year instead of 10billion. hence their relentless fake news and attempts of inciting a civil war.
because investing in india to create jobs for slavers and child laborers is just so profitable for them they're willing to sell out the very same country which made them rich in the first fucking place. look at all the damage poverty is doing in america
but they'd rather give poojeet work rather than the average joe because poojeet doesn't ask where the resources for the materials come from (african slavers)
because poojeet doesn't care about sending their children to work
and they justify it because poojeet will work at 1/4 the cost

why is it psychopathic anti american sacks of shit hold this much of the wealth and power in america?

Actually the fact is that they voted to take the one in Virginia down, then the Nazis showed up and turned this all into a cluster fuck. There was no great liberal plan. They're reacting to the Nazis gathering at the statues. If the Nazis would just shut the fuck up then they could keep the monuments. Learn when to stop.

Also the Nazis don't give s fuck about the statues. This is all about having something to rally around to unite the various factions. It was called unite the right, not save the monuments.

>If the Nazis would just shut the fuck up
righto mr shill
give up your freedom to protest
give up your freedom of speech
never show any dissent
the government knows whats best
the puppet government would never harm its people, look at nazi germany, its people weren't allowed to show dissent either, that worked out real real well now didn't it

No. Just don't go around with weapons charging counter protesters and then claim to be the victims. The freedom rider weren't armed

And then afterwards they make more threats and plan more rallies. This is when to lay low. It may not be fair, but it's the smartest move. This isn't about monuments though.

>hurr durr you're not allowed to have any opinion but the one we deem fitting for you
>durr hurr hurr if you speak out we'll violently silence you
nice, you became the facist while trying to fight nazis, what kind of a twilight hellhole of a dimension did i slip into this time..

"counter protesters" were there illegally, they brought weapons, they assaulted the peaceful and legal protesters, and they have no right to tell someone what their opinion or ideologies can or cannot be.

Watch the video and tell me who struck first. It wasn't the counter protesters. Also the freedom rider were illegally attacked at every turn. They didn't fight back. They won. If you bring weapons you're just participating in a riot. Stop it. Two wrongs don't make a right.

ろぃ ぽぃ ロリ かのぃ です?

hegemony: looks like some nigger read their word of the day toilet paper today.

We aren't destroying the statues just removing them. Except for that one liberal mob that is now (rightly) being arrested.

You knew him? Or you just think every confederate soldier is Robert E Lee? Who himself said confederate monuments were a bad idea.

>Caring about men made from rock

Remember when we as a country had better things to do and had hobbies?

Yeah but he did other important shit. What did Nathan Bedford Forest do other than rebel against the US and found the KKK?

>It wasn't the counter protesters
this alone makes them criminal
the fact that they think they can oppress and control peoples constitutional rights to protest
the fact that they violently confront peaceful protesters
is enough for anyone to believe they're nothing but traitors deserving of lynching.
your time is running out, take your money and run while you can, dont forget to cover your face coward.

Like ramming a peaceful protestor with their car?

The problem is who rallies around the statues. Also them being up is a state endorsement of these men. They aren't on private property.

his car was smashed before he hit the gas peddle
you can see his car was stopped (break lights) as he was trying to leave but his car was blocked by illegal protesters who were protesting americans constitutional right to protest.

even if it was his goal to murder people, you dumb fucking cowards gave him an excuse to do it without repercussion.

Exposing your own lack of intelligence doesn't attack his argument, therefore that is not an argument.

Please learn to argue and not look stupid.
Rational discourse is necessary for the battle of ideas.

Or you could just add swear words and accuse the other party of engaging in horrendous activities with no evidence.

No. It wasn't. Look at the pictures again. He wasn't hit before he started moving. They weren't randomly smacking cars at that point. They were leaving. Also this guy was on meds to control his anger and used to beat his own mother

Were talking about he same neonazi who beat his disabled mother for telling him to stop playing video games?

Blocked from a narrow road that didn't lead to anywhere he wanted to be. He ran over people in front of him when he wasn't surrounded. He could have gone backwards like he did after running them down. This wasn't self defense. It was anger. He lost a fight earlier and was angry. This was murder.

and antifi has proven to riot and violently attack anyone who doesn't share their narrative
does that immediately mean they're guilty of inciting the attacks and making people feel unsafe?

regardless of how stupid you are, the mayor/police chief deserve to be sued and sent to prison for allowing peaceful protesters to be met with violent bigots oppressing and disrupting and attempting to incite riots on americans practising their constitutional right to protest.

It doesn't work that way. He sped up and ran over as many people as he could and then backed up and ran away. He had ways out. You don't get to murder people who aren't even looking at you just because someone else starts shit. Also his car wasn't hit until it was moving. There was a tiny dent in the back but no pictures or accounts say that anyone there did it. He stopped and waited for the crowd to build up and then he revved up with the break on and drag stripped it.

well he will be tried and sent to prison if what you say is true, no doubt. and rightuflly so

will the oppressive violent riot inciting sacks of shit be persecuted for their assault on americans constitutional rights, for the harm they caused to persons there, and for the eventual death of someone which could've and should've been avoided had they been decent human beings that follow the law?

The "great liberal plan" so to speak is shutting down dissenting opinions. How convenient for them that literal nazis were in attendance, so they get carte blanche to do whatever they wanted.

>If we show up at this thing we can do whatever we want, the narrative will work for us unless we do something extreme
>some extreme asshole commits muder

This protest was pretty much the best thing they could ask for. They could show up, disrupt the legally planned and permitted protest, ensure that violence would ensue, and have clean hands regardless of the outcome since nazis were there. The only way this wasn't going to work out for them was if the original protesters were non-violent, which at that point was out of the question since antifa had been crashing and attacking free speech rallies for months.

Icing on the cake for them is that a person got murdered, now everyone can parrot their narrative without reprisal.

Peaceful? Let's examine the tapes where the protesters stood their ground and were attacked by the charging Nazis. It wasn't all antifa. Mostly it was locals.

Wait are you saying liberal protestors should be tried for the murder of a liberal protestor killed by a neonazi?

ITT retards try and claim someone who was met with violent bigots and was attacked and denied protection from the state had heard a bang similar to that of a gun shot, will be in deep shit for panicking while under such conditions

regardless of his motives, he will unlikely be charged with anything more than involuntary manslaughter

indeed. they created a situation where the safety of everyone there was directly at risk of harm, and even death.

>he a good boy dindu nuffin

Yes. There have been arrest and their will be more. A lot of the people who got beat by the Nazis were unarmed and standing ground with locked arms. None violent civil disobedience. The antifa we're mostly out of town assholes and belong in jail. So do the Nazis who brought weapons and hit people for standing in their way. The girl who died wasn't antifa. She was just a chick with black friends.

Oh so we use six degrees of separation from the actual act to determine who whould be tried for murder. Because charging the kid behind the wheel of the weapon makes too much sense.

>implying one persons liability negates the liability of others
the law doesn't work that way fam. they were acting unlawfully, and they created a situation which risked the lives of everyone there, and some poor soul did die because of it.

The march was over and they were leaving. The person who committed the murder will he charged with murder and given his record he will be convicted. The violent antifa are being charged and so are some Nazis. The locals who locked arms and held up signs that we're beaten will sue. It's a cluster fuck but it can be sorted.
Now if we could all just agree that Trump is just using the southern strategy and gives even less of a shit about statues than the protesters. He once personally destroyed reliefs built into the side of a building he bought to demolish. These were under consideration by the historical society. He took a sledgehammer to them. That's how much he actually cares about art.

Uhm he was a Democrat...

Here's some food for thought for any of you extremist faggots on either side.

Statues of historical figures aren't inherently incendiary. You're not required to look at them as you walk or drive past them, so any negative emotions you feel about them are on you--same as if you're offended by Christian/Progressive TV shows, where you can CHOOSE *not* to watch those shows. Even if some enclave of Muslims wants to erect a statue of the 911 hijackers, that's their prerogative. If they get the local votes to build it, let them build it. If they're not causing violence, then how does it actually hurt you for them to have a symbol of whatever they want in their town--the town where you DON'T live.

Now if you actually live in a town with a controversial statue, and you are so emotionally unstable that you can't help but look at this symbol you deem offensive, petition your local govt to take action. If you happen to know for a FACT that it's existence is a legitimate symbol of xenophobia--and you didn't just come to this conclusion because you read it on the Internet from your favorite bloggers/news source--then you have a rational claim to want it gone. Take the steps to do so.

Everyone's lives were in danger yet only one dead protestor. Incidentally the "dangerous environment" only led to death when an alt-right protestor decided to ram a crowd with his car


How would you feel if my views involved statues of people who fought to enslave your grandparents or if my attempt to keep those statues involved marches of hundreds declaring they wanted you dead?

They did petition for the one in Virginia to be taken down. It was going through the legal process. Then these Nazis showed up to rally around the statue.

Because its relevant? Would you prefer spongebob?

Also legally, you forgot that part.

They mostly declared that they wanted Jews dead watch the videos. Those are my people, not yours, unless you're Lenny Kravitz. In which case may I just say that I love your music
Can we go back to using votes to remove these things?

>the anti protesters were the real protesters while the anti protesters were really anti antiprotesters
>It's a cluster fuck but it can be sorted.
i hope so. america is a great country and i hate seeing it fuck itself to death

Oh snap

There are lots of groups that have views and opinions that I despise or fear, I fully support any legal action they might take. Because I'm not an idiot.

Doesn't matter. They went with weapons and yelled things to provoke the other side and then charged and hit people who were unarmed and had locked arms. It wasn't all antifa vs fascist. It was mostly locals vs fascist. Can we arrest both the armed fascist and the antifa faggots?

And this is how it should've continued. The redneck-yuppie anti-POC coalition and the infantile-weeb anti-white coalition could've just stood around yelling dumb bullshit at each other until they ran out of steam and went home. Unfortunately our public discourse is one-upsmanship of apoplectic outrage and these types of events bring out the biggest extremist retards anyway. Plus the media and everyone who makes money on conflict gets to treat this like it was the million man march of evil vs. The People's Army when it was a few hundred yahoos.

Lenin just going to sleep... It is enough of party for now...

We should arrest anyone breaking the law regardless of their ideology or "side".

>snowflakes feelings trump your constitutional rights
these sacks of shit already fucked up canadians speech laws, looks like they're after the US next.

>antifa are cowards because they wear masks

Probably the worst way to insult antifascists. Do you think they give a fuck whether they're breaking the law or not? And they use masks only so that the fucking cops won't arrest them. It's not cowardice, it's intelligence.

they're not willing to preach an ideology they believe in with their face behind it.

because they're cowards who fear retribution for their opinion.
ironically in the U.S you have the freedom of opinion. so they're just violent bigots who go out for the sole purpose of being criminals. they're cowards. they have no place in a civil society.

Black civil rights leaders who made a difference didn't wear masks because they knew that putting a face to the atrocity perpetrated against their group was the better tactic. They were pushed to the edge and they took drastic measures. They also spawned several group leaders who needed that publicity, followers needed faces to lead them not masks.

Antifa aren't pushed to the edge because they're living at home with their parents and playing video games. They aren't struggling. They wear masks so they don't fuck up their cushy lifestyles. Saying they're intelligent and not cowards is like saying NOT rushing into a burning building to save your child is intelligent because you preserved your own life and not cowardice.

I say this as someone who thinks ALL extremist groups in this country right now have legitimate points but communicate them in the most retarded of ways and tacitly approve giving the reins of their causes to the biggest extremist dipshits among themselves.