The confederate flag and the Nazi flag represent the same thing

The confederate flag and the Nazi flag represent the same thing


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No. You are incorrect.

OP and a huge faggot represent the same thing


There's really no arguing about it. The core of both the Confederacy and Nazi party is racial superiority.

If you think that the Confederacy is not about racial supremacy you were probably educated in the South and have had very little actual exposure to Confederate history.

For instance, the South Carolina delcaration of secession uses the word "slave" 18 times.

Tell us your point of view on it first OP. Don't ask for a discussion that you aren't willing to participate in.


Triggered snowflakes

It really isn't.

This explains my views perfectly. Thanks user


They don't represent even remotely the same thing.

Our society has been faltered under the weight of racial repression since the very beginning. Our failing electoral system was set in place as a balancing act for low-citizen, high-slavery states to be given "fair" representation compared to larger, more advanced parts of the nation.

they don't, except both conversely can represent racist ideals.

Read a primary document, you uneducated swine. I'm a historian and I'm fucking sick of your revisionist history glorifying a bunch of ignorant hicks who got themselves fucking stomped over and over.


They only represent racist ideals. The Confederacy was nothing but a racist ideal. Seriously, start reading what these people were saying at the time and it'll be very clear.

In a literal sense, the first is the battle flag of the Confederate army, because their national flag looked so similar to the traditional American flag at the time. The bottom flag is the flag of the Nazi Regime, based in Germany during WWII.

These colors are associated with the Etiopian emperor Hailie Selassie I, and the genocide he committed against the Eritrian people.

Everything associated with these colors should be banned


Really stupid, as both were different causes. The Confederacy and Nazi Germany both focused on racial supremacy but to different ends.

The Nazis wanted to grow the version of a white race they envisioned (Aryans) and eliminate those they deemed lesser races (semitics, slavics, romani).

The Confederacy was not looking to eliminate those they deemed lesser, they in fact were trying to sustain and grow the slave population for their own benefit.

Why don't you two slack jawed faggots go suck each others dicks.

Blacks and indians supported Hitler's Nazi party. Nazi is also a socialist movement.

We must rid our country of the filfth of hate caused by the alt right/nazis! Down with all hate symbols

The nazis were far smarter, more organised and genetically superior to confederates. It's a shame they were lead by a maniac who was intent on destroying the world.

The confederates worship a retard who is racist because of his insecurities, not because he wants his people to take over and become an aryan race.

To be honest those racist ideals were held by even the abolitionists, who still saw black people as lesser, just not deserving of slavery.

Even Abraham Lincoln who at one point debated relocating the entire slave population to Liberia.

Correct. Both are currently participation trophies for losers.

losers just like you and OP


Citations needed.

Despite having "socialist" in the name Hitler's Germany was a functioning capitialist system that did business with many American and European countries. Hitler hated communism and what you would consider to be "socialist" norms today. Most Nazis defined their "socialist" movements as ethnic cleansing, which was meant to create a great pure society.

Like all of those primary documents about he holocaust, huh?


REE... etc

Just because it had Socialist in the name doesn't mean it represented Socialism

They were both right.

>Inb4 the holocaust didn't happen

yes, which is why we let revisionists get away with it for so long. Lincoln was even willing to allow slavery to continue if the states would just stay in the Union.

Still, the difference between Confederate racism and Union racism is a world apart, and inviting these comparisons make it seem much more similar than they actually were.

True, the nazi flag represents genocide and eugenics while the Confederate flag represents men who were willing to kill and die so their families could continue to own human beings

No, one represents the genocide of minorities, the other the enslavement.
But in a way yes.
They both represent defeated retards.

For losers, they sure fought hard for what they believed in. Even against the odds

Only if you believe that wanting to take power and territory back from the government is the same as wanting to expand the government and expand national territories.

But they do both represent losers so there is that.

>Imblying imbligations

>death and destruction to better humanities future

>death and destruction because they want someone to pick their cotton.

I mean, I have whole books full of them, but I'm guessing you're gonna say something about how they were faked?

There's about a million local newspaper articles and personal journal entries from non-Jews speaking about how pogroms were starting in the early 1930s, neighbors turning on each other, that sort of thing.

To the asshole that thought my being asleep was consent to have his way with me:

What in the actual fuck? How in the actual fuck?
You invited me over, sure we hadn’t known each other very long…. We only hung out at college waiting for class to start…. But I know without a doubt I talked about how much I loved my boyfriend. How lucky I was to finally find someone who didn’t think of me as some materialistic object for them to have.
I went to your bonfire, we talked about all of the shitty shit life had put us through. Your wife left you, you felt hopeless and alone… my husband left me… I felt hopeless and alone. I even told you about how I was previously raped as a child and how I don’t really enjoy sex. I told you I’m more of a stay at home do nothing but play video games kind of person.
Was it because I told you that you didn’t look that bad? That you’re a nice-looking guy? I thought that’s what friends do when they feel down about themselves… you know like, “oh shitty, someone you loved left you. It’ll be alright you’re pretty good lookin’ you’ll find someone”
FOR FUCKS SAKE, you drunkenly tried to teach me self-defense.
“it was a misunderstanding”?!?!?! how can you misunderstand someone who hasn’t spoken a fucking word?
It’s not a misunderstanding… it’s you being a worthless mother fucker.



>states rights and decentralized government
>reclaiming rightful German clay and providing safety and prosperity to German people

Yeah naw you are just a dumb faggot

Read some books compiling letters from people of the era and you'll see how common racist views were.

"The Spaniards and Portuguese' says he'appear to be a mixture of Jews, Moors, Negroes, and French - aand to have reserved to themselves the worst part of each of these people. Like the Jews they are mean, tricking and avaricious. From the Moors they are jealous, cruel and revengeful; As the Negroes they are servile, indocile and deceitful; and they resemble the French in vanity, grimace, and gasconade.'

A passage clearly written by an Englishman from the early 1800's.

The confederate was about preserving the southern way of life. Slavery was one small bit of that. The truth was the north was industrially superior while the south was an agriculturally superior. The increased polarization of both sides into different ways of life caused a rift between people. The laws of the union didn't mix with those of the south and so they split. Alot of people felt that they would lose many of their freedoms and their way of life would change from the continued ruling of the union. This caused a territorial divide which inevitably went to succession of the south and then a war by the north in an attempt to retain their territory.

General Lee was a famous one who was caught in the crossfire. He was a general in the union but when the war started he joined the south because it was his home. Not because he agreed with it.

As the the Nazis. That's what happens to a country when you exaust all of it's resources in a huge war that it didn't start and then make it pay even more in reparations. Alliances are a bitch. Alot of people forget that Hitler win time magazines person of the year twice. He both socially and economically was brilliant. Ethically and tactically he was a moron who couldn't adapt to changing warfare.

He rebuilt a country where money was worthless into a new economic and industrial superpower.
He hapened to do it by finding the biggest misfit of Europe and trying to exterminate them. Same with gypsies, the mentally unfit, and gays.

How are either of these the same?

I don't necessarily believe the literal symbols (flags) represented the same thing nor were their politics aligned but I can say they both shared very similar cultural values of "racial superiority" and high nationalism.

The confederate battle-flag merely represented the unity of the South to "stand against the tyranny of the Union" while the Swastica was literally used as a symbol of luck and fortune.

Read the fucking documents.

States rights and decentralized government were not an issue until later, when the South had to justify not being thrown in jail.

Your knowledge of European history is fucking dismal too. "german clay" my ass. They expressly wanted to move into areas that were never germanized to give more room for germans. This wasn't even a good way to protect Germany, because it created more enemies by a looooong shot.

Slavery was a huge part of it. YOu don't bring up slavery in your official documents and make speeches about how it was the "cornerstone" of your belief system if it's just "one small bit."

You fuckin' rednecks drinking the koolaid.

>be black
>understand that the confederate flag isn't a symbol of racism
>people just didn't want government controlling their land
>jefferson davis had a 10 year plan to end slavery anyways
>slavery was on its way out regardless of who won
>mfw i still hate the south for being fat retarded mongoloids, not for being racists

Hitler's economic abilities are overestimated. He did what China has been doing for a while where you keep production quotas high so everything keeps running and it looks good on paper, until overproduction catches up to you and production value plummets. He just went to War before this came to be.

>with gold given to him by American bankers

god what a badass hitler was

niggers and mudslimes need to be eradicated

I'm truly sorry for your lots.
May your monogamy rip in peice

The brainwash Is strong in this one.

Does your dad/uncle shave your mullet for you?

You honestly believe people in the civil war on either side gave a single shit about slaves? The north was trying to stop the growing boting power of the sothern slave states. You shitty documents prove nothing.

Lincoln only freed them cuz it was the practical choice. Labor costs are the biggest source of costs for companies hence why we now practice slavery in the third world.

Why didn't the U.S. government try to end slavery like Britain did by buying all the slaves from the slave owners while making it illegal. The slave holders were compensated and so losing the slaves wasn't as big a deal.

"Shitty documents prove nothing."

well, you're a lost cause. You actually believe that the south was growing in power? That's hilarious. No need to respond, you literally cannot work on a level that has any connection to reality.

Then who would pick my cotton and make my supper?

The South had a chance early in the war and even encroached on Washington. If Lincoln lost the election then the North and South may have settled on a peace accord, as the Copperheads wanted. However later the war became a war of resources and attrition that the South could not win.

Because Antifa wants the public support by demonizing their enemies. A tactic as old as war itself.

They see a couple of rednecks and a couple neo-nazi mixed with White Nationalist waving around a battle flag (South Carolina i believe) and a Nationalist Socialist flag and tells the public that they are racist bigots that hates everyone non-white and in hopes that the public will forget that they are what they fight against.


>Taxes are "theft"
>Expecting your neighbor to look out for your best interest
>Expecting corporations to look out for your best interest
>Was probably educated in a publicly funded school

It's a wonder if you even know how to wipe your own ass

Yes, they represent EXACTLY the same thing...
>the losers in each war.

Your supper would be made by servants if you could afford them, and factories staffed by children. That would have been the rule before abolition as slaves were not common in Britain and illegal on English soil since a 1772 common law case.

As for the cotton, that is what India was for.

>britain cucking themselves from the start
>questioning big daddy USA's methods
>has weakest military in the world

this is the cutest post of 2017.

>people caring about a piece of cloth

Incorrect: most southerners that fought did not own slaves and many of them didn't support slavery. They fought because the north dominated national politics and they felt their interests were not being represented. The ignorance in here is astounding. Read a god damn history book.

At it's peak the slave population in 18th Century Britain was estimated to be 15,00- though it could have been higher. Most of the slaves were brought to England by colonists returning from the Thirteen Colonies or Jamaica.

Wrong. Nazi flag represented national socialism; authoritarianism.
Confederate flag represented the separation of the southern states from an authoritarian power (the union) in favor of states' rights. Also slavery.

Who cares what they thought? All their leaders were crowing about slavery the whole time, pretty much saying nothing else. They're completely and totally complicit.

>caring about literal squiggles in an arbitrary order trying to convey meaning
Fuck symbols

How is not though? It was created by means of separation due to slavery (which then led to state rights)

Besides, the American flag also represents the south, why not just fly that? There are 50 stars for a reason

They don't teach people what the Civil War was about just
>The South seceded
>They were traitors
>They started the war
>The North kicked their hillbilly asses
>The North won
>It was all about Slavery
>Nothing more nothing less

Yeah we certainly cucked ourselves by not killing 2% of our own population in a Civil War, or the equivalent of 6 million Americans of the present day population.

op is retarded. discuss.

no, he's clearly a faggot.

> also slavery
White supremacy

All these cucks. You guys are the reason black people are here. Wasnt me. Your retardation allowed blacks to be domesticated. Should of left em in the jungle. Probably would be a white america by now. With no blacks we would be racist and would be 100x better off. White genocide. Fkin cucks

>due to slavery
The camel's back breaking wasnt "due to" the final straw

This guy is triggered.


Not an argument

>not an argument

I lost the argument

They really really didn't. Winning battles is not a sign of victory or even something to be celebrated. The military dogma of the time was outdated and foolish and "victory" was as superfluous as it is today. Supremacy in war is almost completely dictated by material means. Even the big historical upsets like Russia-Japan were a matter of who could supply any given region. Saying "The South had more material in the south so they had a chance!" is meaningless. The only reason the war went on as long as it did is because the North wasn't aggressive enough fast enough. If they'd wanted to put down the Confederacy early, instead of hoping for political reconciliation, they could have done it.

Fuck confederates

No you didn't, you just didnt have one

They have something else in common - The Confederacy LOST. The Nazi's LOST. If history repeats itself they will LOSE again

That's not even a real book.

It has to be mentioned though that many of the soldier's on both sides saw the War in terms closer to home. They were fighting for their state and much like more modern wars such as World War I their attitudes were shaped by the narrative being put forth by their leadership. Maybe they were complicit but it is a disservice to forget they fought and died for individual reasons. The men that war killed weren't just numbers in service of a political cause.

Each new generation is a fresh invasion of savages.
– Benjamin Disraeli

They both lost.

History may repeat itself. Let's hope it doesn't.

>Allahu Akbar


Well, I'm pretty happy to do any soldier a disservice. Their individual reasons tied into a horrible horrible socio-political outcome and caused harm uncounted. In terms of history, they literally are a giant number that shows how pathetic the South and it's political cause was. They get no honor simply for being "Not as bad" as their leaders.

Let's be fair though, just about any point in American history you can make the same case against soldiers.

its ok little guy. america will protect your pussy country again if shit ever hits the fan