We speak French here and we love our churches and Quebec and France

we speak French here and we love our churches and Quebec and France

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You're full of niggers. We don't like you.

We have enough niggers as it is. No thank you.

You post that same picture everytime quebec is mentioned.

No one likes Quebec.

Then why the fuck did your shitty ass PM rigs our last referendum?

We should develop nuclear weapons as soon as we leave this shithole to nuke you off the face of the earth. Oh wait, we gave you Trudeau, you deserved it.



the niggers speak our language and they're like us, there's no problem

the niggers aren't bad, we have a club "les amis Inseparable" if you from here and speak french, we are brothers

our people comes from france first and quebec second, le grand derangement we feel more close to quebec than france in our root

it's our holiday now so i'm back down at drinking bien vive la quebec vive la france vive la langue francais po tout ma vie et dan ma tombe

>bien vive la quebec vive la france vive la langue francais po tout ma vie et dan ma tombe
you really think this is french?

Ça fait du bien, honnêtement, de savoir que le français est encore parlé en Louisiane. Penses-tu qu'il va survivre une autre génération?

fuck you Académie cuck

comment toi t'as la raison a francais quoi? pute pedal, c'est la francais que nous parlons icitte

it is our french but we inherit that

This guy has a point.
Speaking with an incomprehensible accent is one thing. Writing like a retard and ignoring our grammar is another.

Your grammar sucks though

Cajuns speak broken French with English and regional slang mixed in.

god it's like im reading afrikaans but then for french.
except you think its still the same language...
and that's fucking terrible

could you imagine if an afrikaans speaking person thought they were speaking perfect dutch? this is how embarrassing this is

it is "cajun" french, we only speak it to each other but we are proud to have it. even if we are the only people who understands it..

Bossierfag reporting in. Where you at OP? Most of the green area in your map isn't even civilization it's just straight swamplands.

Funny thing is Louisiana has a sizable Korean population. Lots of them here.

Can you hook it up with some gumbo, senpai? I've been craving some for months

We understand it. It is just terribly worded. It is extremely easy to tell where I am from when I speak, not so much when I write it. Because accents shouldn't translate to the written language.

Thanks for Zachary Richard, by the way.

Make it yourself, asshole. I was born in Louisiana but now live in Indiana. Every ingredient is available here barring decent andouille (you'll have to settle with the chain shit) and File though you can find it at hipster grocery stores if you look hard enough.

Ha! My extended family is in Goshen and I'm in Bossier City. I bet you know where both places are.

all I said was "now you have the right french? fucking faggot, this is the french we speak here"

is it that difficult to understand?
was it so difficult to understand?

We don't love Quebec or Canada faggot. Not since we fled when the English invaded. But we do love the Church. Point is Fuck you coonass

it wasn't hard to understand, but it's like watching a monkey speak french
as i said, it reminds me of afrikaans vs dutch
which is terrible.
the first sentence is actually incomprehensible though, if that is a valid sentence in your language then bravo it's quite a feat to go from proper french to that

Boudin and Cracklins....

I want the authentic shit, why would I want to make it myself?

I think its because our words mean different things than the good french, "comment" can mean a really angry way to say "now" but that doesn't exist in France and we use the sound "a" to make a strong point and "raison" can just mean "correct" or "right" it doesnt mean the same thing in other kinds of French

we use the same words but we use them really differently, i never thought a monkey speaking french would describe that but we are often called "swamp monkeys" and "coon ass" for a reason lol

also we can call our close friends "cuyon" i don't know how to spell that but it's a harsh word in France and quebec, we just use it like "idiot" or if it is affectionate like "bro"

we have a weird kind of french

couillon, qui viens de couilles

>We speak French
No we don't. Short of "Geaux tigers" we don't ever speak french.
>We love our churches
The churches here are hardcore baptist and go trying to get money from you house-to-house.
No we don't and they don't like us.
French food, not showering, cigarettes and nothing else.

Beaumont here. Yeah it means "a fool". A term of endearment used with friends

We aren't shitting on your spoken language, but your written language. Every region has different dialectd in every language. Grammar, however, is official and isn't relative to where you're from.

un fil d'amitié est une bonne manière de commencer le matin

thème du fil:


thanks, momma

i'm catholic from mamou, where do you live?

i never learned how to spell or read french, it is only spoken, what am i supposed to do? in canada you learn that, we dont learn that

mon frere desloe mais la musqiue des nousautre les cajuns secoue le terre


Read french literature. There's really good french books out there.

Hey Frenchfags, how is this guy's grammar in the video? Does it relate to how Louisiana-user writes his French?


Redpill me on Louisiana my sister just moved there


it sounds like french spoken with a southern us accent. i like it pêh

It's pretty hard to understand this guy, his accent reminds me the one from Quebec.

>Hey Frenchfags, how is this guy's grammar in the video?
he speaks like a peasant, but it is expected

I understand him perfectly well but i was raised speaking french la langue francais que jetais eleve avec, toute monde autour ma block parlait francais a la magasin a l'eglise et tout ca

maudit les anglais et je te benis la vieux dans la video

It's understandable, in some region of france old people talk like that.
He said himself he wasn't allowed to learn french at school, that's why there is a lot of mistale, but he look very sympathic