George Washington, the greatest slavemaster

George Washington, the greatest slavemaster
>by age 11 owned ten slaves
>during the American Revolution, many of Washington's slaves escaped Mt Vernon, and joined up with British loyalists, directly fighting against the American Continental Army
>by the time of Washington's death, he controlled 317 slaves at Mt Vernon
>of the 317, he owned 123 as his personal property
>40 were being rented from neighbors
>153 were owned by him through his marriage to Martha Washington, who had acquired them on the death of her first husband, Daniel Parke Custis
>on George's death, Martha freed most of George's 123 slaves
>but her 153 slaves were left for her son, John Parke Custis
>John Parke Custis's slaves and plantation at Arlington were later given to his son, George Washington Parke Custis, who grew up at Mt Vernon with his grandfather, President George Washington
>George Washington Parke Custis's daughter was Mary Anna Custis
>Mary Anna Custis married Robert E Lee
>on the death of George Washington Park Custis, his slaves were given to Mary Anna Custis Lee & her husband Robert E Lee

Robert E Lee
>grew up with only two slaves, both as personal attendants
>wrote in a letter to his wife that he found slavery to be morally and politically evil
>the plantation at Arlington which he inherited is now known as Arlington National Cemetery, the cemetery for US Armed Forces, which has over 400,000 graves for people who served in America's wars from the Civil War to now

tl;dr: George Washington's slaves ended up in Robert E Lee's possession through marriage. Lee hated slavery, while Washington was a slaver since the age of 11. Robert E Lee got all of his slaves by marrying George Washington's great-granddaughter, which she inherited from Washngton.

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Did George Washington send slaves to die to for the cause to keep them as slaves? Did George Washington kill other americans to keep black people as slaves?

This is a load of lies. George Washington had all his slaves freed upon his passing. He treated his slaves well, often better then the white people he lived around.

George Washington was British until he suddenly claimed that being American is different from being British.

The so-called American Revolution was acutally a civil war we ought to call the First Slavery War, and the so-called Civil War was the Second Slavery War.

In 1772, a British court ruled that slavery is illegal in the case of Stewart vs Somersett. That's when the British slaveowners in America (such as Franklin, Hamilton, Washington, Jefferson, and Madison) started plotting to seceed from the crown.

Washington murdered his fellow Britons if they opposed slavery. They were called "loyalists", and thousands of them were killed by the rebels led by George Washington.

Washington's own slaves escaped Mt Vernon and took up arms against the rebels. King George III promised the blacks their freedom if they killed their masters.

Only the 123 slaves he personally owned were freed. The ones he owned through his marriage to Martha (which she got from her late first husband Daniel Custis) stayed in the family, and eventually made their way to Robert E Lee, though Lee hated slavery and wanted it to end.

>Citation needed

It's common knowledge in any history book. It's even on Wikipedia, with full sources.

At last I truly see

One of these men is a monster who waged a war to perpetuate slavery.

The other is Robert E Lee, a brilliant military strategist who taught his slaves how to read and wrote passionately that slavery is morally evil.

The other 2 are the sources, and they don't say anything about that. Let alone it was by 1765 Franklin had changed his mind on slavery.

t.nigger from

After the war, Washington often privately expressed a dislike of the institution of slavery. In 1786, he wrote to a friend that "I never mean ... to possess another slave by purchase; it being among my first wishes to see some plan adopted, by which slavery in this Country may be abolished by slow, sure and imperceptible degrees."

Let me guess, you actually think the Revolution was fought over taxes on tea? LMAO

This is why the slavemasters rebelled:

>slowly get rid of slavery
That's what the Confederacy wanted too. The North wanted it over immediately. Sounds like Washington was siding with his heir, Robert E Lee.

Those slaves look pretty happy and were actually working and spending their time contributing to society unlike many modern Niggers who are doing only shitty things and live on welfare from White taxpayers.

I have more respect for those slaves then modern Niggers.

Keep trying to slippery slope this shit you retard, your confederate statues are gone regardless.

It's not a photograph, it's a painting by a white man. In real life, Washington beat the shit out of his slaves. His runaway slaves who escaped to Canada said so.

I'm not a confederate, I want all of the statues of slaveowners and racists torn down.

I even want all the graves of Arlington National Cemetery dug up, as they are buried on land that was toiled by slaves who belonged to George Washington and Robert E Lee. That land ought to be given to the black community, and all those dead white men buried there can go in a pit and roasted.

There's even confederates buried there.

Confederates sure, Founding Fathers no. I think you'd be very hard pressed to find black people that want the founders gone. That's not what the issue is over. Keep Larping.


Lee claimed that slavery was good for blacks.

You don't know real black folks.

Thomas Jefferson owned 3 times as many slaves as Robert E Lee. Jefferson raped his slaves. He wrote in a book that Black men lust for White women the same as male orangutans lust after Black women.

The first 18 presidents owned a total of 1,562 slaves. Even Union General Ulysses Grant owned 5 slaves.

Yeah, I'm sure you "have a black friend" like every white guy does. Anyone with common sense can see what you're trying to do faggot. Trump sucks, get fucked

Even the Union was pro-white supremacy. Here is Abraham Lincoln in his own words in May 1861:

"Our republican system was meant for a homogeneous people. As long as blacks continue to live with the whites they constitute a threat to the national life. Family life may also collapse and the increase of mixed breed bastards may some day challenge the supremacy of the white man."

>The supremacy of the white man."
That's Lincoln. He was only against slavery because he was a white supremacist.

He actually wanted to send them all back to Africa after the Civil War, but after putting the idea out there found it was too unpopular. It would have cost a fortune to do and logistically it was a nightmare.

Also on the Lincoln Memorial, the arm rests of Lincoln's chair are actually two fasces, the symbol of Fascism.

We must remove all Fascist symbols from America, NOW!

>That's Lincoln. He was only against slavery because he was a white supremacist.
And he was a republican too!

As opposed to all the democrats that wanted to keep niggers as property.

Didn't say democrats were right, just that when people try to point out Lincoln was a republican, they seem to leave out the part where was also a white supremacist.


The slave trade wasn't abolished in the British Empire until 1807 and slavery abolished in 1833

True, but slavery was abolished in England in 1772, and in Scotland in 1778.

The American slaveowners realized that Britain was going to declare slavery illegal in the colonies eventually, and they couldn't wait around for that. They had to rebel, to preserve slavery and only get rid of it on their own time, if at all.

Nine out of the first eleven presidents owned slaves.

>in his first 100 days, President Lincoln laid out his policy of white supremacy

They would have had to wait 57 years and in some case 67 years. Why would Britain want to torpedo some of it's most profitable colonies?

They didn't want to which is why slavery in the US was just fine with them.

He wasn't wrong.

I for one cannot wait til the races are mixed, so this superiority complex some whites have is gone, and there is no need to waste time on such stupid ideological battles.

The American colonies weren't profitable. That's why Parliament voted to raise the colonies' taxes.

Kill every white person who refuses to mix?

They raised taxes because England got into financial troubles(seven year war)

There was also the French-Indian War, which was another attempt at ending slavery in the Americas, which was fought by the white slavemaster George Washington.

No, it will happen naturally. "Pure blood" diversity pools will shrink until they are stuck with a choice of incest(which will lower iq, and offsprings ability to find a suitable mate) or go outside the genetic line.

The colonies in the US were the most profitable colonies in the Empire. The standard of living in the US was far above the mother country. That's why taxes were raised. To pay for defending the colonies in the French and Indian war.

If robert e lee hated slaves, then why do liberals treat him like he is worse than washington?

>which was another attempt at ending slavery in the Americas
Quit your lying faggot, it had nothing to do with slavery. It was a penis showing and land grabbing attempt.

The only good thing that will come out of it is the stupid fucking inferiority complex that all the mongrels have will go away.

I genuinely wish that was the case, but they'll move on to the next snowflake of the week.
I was excited that Obama was elected president because I figured we could finally move forward and minorities excuses would go away, but instead we get a new snowflake every week because soft faggots cant stand the fact that they aren't special and that they don't deserve any special treatment.

He was fighting for the King at the time.

As we have seen there is money and power to be made being a victim.

>it was so great to live in the American colonies!
>it was so cool getting bought and sold like furniture, beaten for the color of your skin, your babies taken away from you, never allowed to learn to read or fire a gun or even own the shirt on your back, if white people let you wear a shirt that day
Yeah, no.

Different sides of the same coin I guess.

Please try to stay focused

God forbid the blacks and the jews ever start race mixing on a large scale. We'll have a generation of muh slavery and muh holocaust.

They'll be fucking untouchable.

>shut up, nigger
You, the post.

I facking love truman

Don't bother, it's just some Sup Forumsfag trying to do some racebaiting

You the post turtle

If you look at the demographics and population trends in the US you'll see that most people in the us now don't have ancestry that goes back to the time of slavery. If at the same time you realize that less than 10% of the population at the time owned slaves you realize that a super small percentage of white people in America have any ties to slavery period.

50% of the people voted for Trump. Tell me again there's no slavemasters in America anymore. Tell me how your wicked race should be given another chance.

And 50% voted for Hillary and the extension of the plantation created by the Civil Rights Act.

in addition,

On top of all of that you might find a handful of mouthbreathers that think that it was ok that slavery existed, but it's pretty much unanimous that it was fucked up and it sucked but even if their great great great great grandpappy had a nigger picking his cotton he really had nothing to do with it.

This has to be bait.
On the off chance that it isn't bait the republican party is by far the least racist of the two parties. With Trump you live or die by your merrits. Sure there's a handful of positions that you'll never get into, but neither will 99.999% of whites. It's a circle jerk of quasi olargachs consolidating wealth and power. Ironically during the campaign Trump was the one that wanted to restructure the tax code in a manner that would have hurt them more than what the democrats wanted to do.
The democrats treat blacks like their pet niggers. You can't succeed without their help. They wan't you to think you're a piece of shit that can't make it on your own because of some boogie man out there. It's a self fulfilling prophecy because when everyone tells you that you're a piece of shit you create your own shitty culture of gibs and single mothers. Education is shunned, assimilation into real american culture is shunned. Thuggish behavior is glorified and your people keep going down the shit hole.

Only one-third of whites voted for Hillary, the rest voted for Trump.



you made the mistake of assuming that their issue was with robert e lee owning slaves.

he's treasonous bastard that is a symbol for racists, not because he owned slaves, but because he represented them in a war

mueller is gonna lock him up so it doesn't even fucking matter, also people are still fucking talking about russia you moron

>the Founding Fathers weren't committing treason when they rebelled against their fellow Englishmen because England had just outlawed slavery in 1772
Every time Thomas Jefferson wrote "my country", he meant Virginia, not the USA. Secession was not considered treason, it was the right of every state to leave the USA, just as it's the right of a European country like the UK to leave the EU.

This. Faggot op lying like always for his propaganda purposes. GTFO Sup Forums.

>Sup Forums
>not Antifa and BLM

>very time Thomas Jefferson wrote "my country", he meant Virginia

>secession was not considered treason, it was the right of every state to leave the USA
It was treason you retard. The constitution specifically outlines it as treason. It may be their moral right, but it's still treasonous.

not to mention you missed the whole fucking point to make a pedantic observation that is wrong. fuck you man.

Source on the constitution saying no one can leave?

Let me guess, you think Brexit is treason too?


>Section 3.
>Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.

I don't give a fuck about brexit

Keep dreaming snowflake.

Cunton is in prison by the end of 2018.

she's untouchable, they've got nothing on her.