The female brain

Is this thing inferior or is there a bias against female intelligence?

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It's fueled by emotion.

Doesn't that qualify? What's so bad about emotional intelligence?

Yes. Environmental pressure and necessity facilitates evolution. Hence why men developed more rational thinking brains, in order to solve problems such as how to hunt effectively, how best to build a home, the best way to run a society.

Women didn't ever need to develop a rational mind. All they needed to do war raise kids and be a homemaker. This also explains their reliance on emotions to make decisions - they need to be able sacrifice anything for the continuation of their species through their kids; and this means prioritising your emotional responses over rationality

>emotional intelligence
o i am laffin

interesting post. that's a pretty standard argument against female intelligence, and not something i'm unfamiliar with. i just want to know if their specific type of intelligence is less valid or less important to humanity?

It is inferior but it's still equally as important for the continuation of the species. If women didn't think this way, they'd be much less likely to be attached to the child and wouldn't feel as much of a need to take care of it.

Obviously today it is different with the level of comfort and safety we live in, but this adaptation was programmed as a result of the thousand's of years that we were hunter-gathers.

yeah, i can agree with that

Previously they picked berries. Instead of expanding the brain, the actual evolutionary process left them with an extra cone in their eyes. They see more of the color spectrum than we do.

In that sense it's like being born with a "handicap". Making decisions based on emotion is never effective.

>emotional """intelligence"""

Inferior at being a man
Superior at being a woman
Sexually dimorphic species, go figure they're not the smae

Being too emotional is a sign of low emotional intelligence.

Qualify "too emotional". Not sure you are correct. My assumption is that emotion can't be too or too little. It just is.

Pretty much. Emotion leads to bad decisions which lead to emotion and so on.
That's why I think tomboyish qt's are the best. They are much more cynical and open to work with you as a team/couple.

Making decisions based on your emotions is just shit. Before you make a decision you should analyse the emotion you are experiencing at that that point in time. Analyse why you "feel" that emotion at that point. Then disregard it and be aware of the bias it creates in your decision process. Then you make a decision.

>female intelligence
This is just screening for the best cock.

U never had a gf for longer than a few months have u? Of course they are inferior. Try treating them as equal s and see how miserable both ur lives are. Inferior but do have basic human rights, not trying to muhsogyny here

Any inferiority isn't intrinsic. Males compete to provide for them, so there often isn't nearly as much need to develop it on their own.

It's not inferior per se, it just has a different purpose. Kinda like those rugged laptops - sure they cost you more for the same flops of processing power, but you can use them anywhere without caring for their feelings or if they become broken and battered. You're not gonna abuse your regular laptop, which you bought for more refined purposes like your hobbies and which cost you much less investment, even though it had superior brainpower.

Women are known to be overly emotional and impulsive.

inb4 pic related as counter argument

Most human decisions are split second impulses based on "emotion" rather than rational thought. Rational thought is only used later to try and justify the emotional decision made, but really all humans are controlled by emotion.

I don't think much of emotion is tied to being analyzed. It's a gut instinct type of thing, often. Therefore immune from rational scrutiny.

Now, I understand what you wrote, but you wrote it from a male brain.

Remove F types.

totally agree

What does overly emotional mean? Impulsive, I know what that means, but plenty of males are impulsive, too.

Such a warm, and such an empty, stare.
That's why straight men today are either going to get cucked or die alone

Women are emotional children. They need a guiding hand.

How the fuck would Alpha>\pol| know? Does Alpha>\pol\ understand the vast depths of its own ignorance?

A battery of unlaid mommy's boys are hardly a great source of ballsacking data.

Reminds me a bit of Heather from Silent Hill 3.

ok, thanks

an ideal culture has emotions mostly rooted in the individual rather than societal/cultural impression. only in this environment you can say for certain which gender is more intelligent intrinsically.

based on our current society, males have a higher capacity for intelligence and when averaged out females and males are about as intelligent. the average male will be as smart as the average female, but a random male will either be more intelligent or less intelligent than a random female. with this in mind, a smart (above average intelligence) male will most likely be smarter than a smart female, while a less intelligent male will be less intelligent than a less intelligent female.

Who the fuck do you think you're fooling? You don't understand how to post here. Just leave before you further embarrass yourself.

It isn't immune to being analyzed. This is how acient phillosphers like the Stoics did it which transformed to what we know now as Cognitive behavioural Therapy. Arguably the only form of theraphy that is actually proven to be effective. Those gut reactions are often plain wrong and cloud you vision. They could signal something. For fuck sake if you see a pack of wild nignocks walking towards you cross the fucking street if your gut tells you to. Apart from that you should see it as a hint given to you by but nothing more then that.

Complete nonsense. Next time, use fucking proper grammar if you want your shit to be believable.

I get your point. Studying emotional reactions could definitely lead to important discoveries about our personalities and psyches.

Most men talk about cars, sports, and women. Most women talk about shopping, gossip, and cosmetics. It comes down to people are just stupid and boring.

>Men are inherently more rational than women

It seems that the only men that actually say this are either (1) suffering from ressentiment from being failures or (2) are hurr durr BROS 4 LIFE.

pic related

Gumpland is now the bastion of semiotic propriety?

Literally who the fuck knew? Ballsackers sure don't. Car-BallZ and Truk-BallZ don't a thinking man make.

You're either a troll, or a woman. Men are traditionally function-minded. Emotion doesn't come into the equation. That is why they are the rulers of civilization.

Women using emotional reasoning instead of logic is the reason why feminism is such a failure.

Yes, I agree with this one, you can't say that someone who is described as "fueled by emotion" to be intelligent in emotions themselves.

Those are some wide clavicles for this "female".

>you know something we don't know.


>i feel threatened therefor i've been raped

As you die on the altar of the Nazi transvestism, the fat faggot king Goering, and all of little Adolf's unhealed hurtses. The more you don't know

The female brain works differently, just because you got cucked doesn't make them inferior.

It's not that women are more rational than men, it's that women disappoint men on this board more so they're not rational -- just "emotional" (even though the underpinning of this argument is ironically one of emotion.)

I don't like the average man any more than I like the average woman. They're essentially two sides of the same coin, just different in how they express themselves. Average men and women have different vapid, normie interests.

Not only that it will help you making good decisions based on reason rather then muh feelings.

care to define how it is nonsense?

I'll dumb it down for you then:

average male equal to average female

randomly selected male greater than or less than randomly selected female

You didn't dumb down anything. Actually, you did. You made your argument completely incomprehensible. Come back to me when you're beyond your ESL stage.

A brain is just a brain. Each one features aspects of female and male....gosh, just like the DNA! Who knew!

There's nothing to suggest that. Just an outgrowth of necessity -- women care for the home, men go out to "produce" for the family.

Yes, maybe men are "function-minded." But what fun is that -- when everything is so literal, and nothing is abstract? Boring.

This isn't an intelligible sentence.

That's one of the most retarded things I've ever read on this site, unless you are baiting. Emotions were born out of survival instincts, every single one of them has an adaptive purpose that should boost our survival. We, however don't live on the same environment for which those emotions were created so they are more of a hindrance than an actual advantage.

It's completely possible to analyze your own feelings and control them. Each feeling has a why, when and how, and like any other occurrence if you ask the right questions you can learn how better deal with them.

Who cares about 'fun' when it comes to running a fucking civilization? Who said running the world is 'fun'?

How come so many men are at home, Plato? Why are so many women so much more productive than Testikles-at-Home?

I'm more concerned with what happens to the male brain when it does not get to meet it's role as provider in the world.

how do you not understand what I'm stating?

a randomly chosen man will be less or more intelligent than a randomly chosen female. do you really not understand what this means, because I'm literally paraphrasing this from research results regarding both genders.

Yeah, so a body is just a body? forget about vaginas and penises etc. It's all the same right?

You deleted your own damn post. Get out of my face.

You are not an intelligible being and so I am hardly obliged to impress your humble ass.

>Yes, maybe men are "function-minded." But what fun is that -- when everything is so literal, and nothing is abstract? Boring.

Now here are some hilarious mental gymnastics.

God damn your English is horrible. Just fucking garbage.

I reposted it if you care to look one post above your original (made a spelling mistake). using this as an excuse will not get you out of answering what I'm stating.

If it was all about functionality, then we wouldn't have a society or anything to call our own. Culture, art, etc. is just as important.

Thank god men are not like you're describing them or else we're live in a function-oriented utilitarian hellhole.


if they fulfill their social role it's equally important

however feminism has made women, on average, a lot more useless

These days? Precisely that. I guess you think fags are just embarrassed males instead of effeminate or...GASP....hyperglandularly masculine ballsackers. Either way, it's a continuum, and yes, we evince aspects of sex, gender, bias, habit, bigotry, and everything else we are forced to soak up as kids. Best way to make a fag: beat is ass and tell him not to play with dolls.

>or else we're live in a function-oriented utilitarian hellhole.

Never mind, I just reminded myself: we DO live in this world already. And women are happily taking the place of women as cogs in this function-oriented machine that churns out "product" but no culture

Women are inferior in all aspects.

Men are faster, stronger, males are the best cooks, best fashion designers, best home decorators, fastest runners...etc

males are superior in ALL aspects

... And women are happily taking the place of men**


Are you implying that women are the source of art and culture? Because the opposite is overwhelmingly the case.

Men have higher variance AND a higher median IQ.

Which means, rather than being dumber or smarter, men on average are simply smarter than women.

Go tell the Midwestern universities I attended and at which I teach if it so vexes you, gumpist


Not inferior, just different than ours. It's very good at what it is supposed to do.

Male brains have 23 billion neurons, female brains have 19 billion neurons, 17% less.

Male brains have 175 trillion synapses, female brains have 110 trillion synapses, 40% less.

Due to natural selection, male brains and female brains evolved to be better at different things.

Monthly hormones also have a huge impact on female brains and second-to-second female behavior.

ISTP virtuoso master race

Would you trust any organ steeped in estrogen 24/7?

"We" are in no place to "know" that shithead. Time was women were beaten or killed for daring to hunt rabbits lest they show up the mighty deerslayers' empty hands upon their empty return

They also have more gray matter


Do you think you're speaking the same language that I am? Because you're not.

It's basically malfunctioning on a huge scale because women are being programmed to do unnatural shit like waste the best years of their life on hedonism/consumerism/promiscuity.
And when those years are over, they are permanently damaged. An underclass to themselves.



Neither is "better". Both are codependent. Proof of EVOLUTION

There's a difference between having a high emotional intelligence, and being ruled by your emotions.

The former is more about having empathy and sympathy and correctly identifying the emotional states of others.

The latter is more about behaviors being reflexes arising from more primitive reptilian areas of the brain.

big red identified

Patrician taste my primary colored brother
Tomboy a best

Women have the potential to be as smart as men, but the main flaw of the female brain is it can't tell the difference between feels and reals. The result is most women have the intellectual honesty of a crack addict telling themselves they will quit after just one more hit.

Basically they are fucked without men to occasionally jump in and help them, because as soon as what they want to be real conflicts what is actually real female intellect falls to retard level pretty fast. This is why women are more likely to believe in stupid pop-paranormal shit like astrology.

OK Jan. Over that stroke, are you? Haven't heard you on-air for some time. Slowing down these days Veggie?

Yep. Big Red Neanderthal kicker of fake alpha gracile wussy males.

You're fucking stupid.

Makes are better at EVERYTHING.
This is fact, observable fucking fact if you have a brain.

The top gamers in ALL games are also males.
This isn't just physical males superiority is demonstrated in all aspects including that males are the ones that make breakthroughs in science...etc


Put a fucking nail in it.

>one study
you must be new to studies regarding intelligence

most of them contradict other studies, and gender differences in intelligence studies are notorious for doing this.

psychologists are limited in their methodology because they have to use testing with a high degree of error and a limited sample size.

Lets talk about emotional intelligence and social manipulation.

Out of possibly 50 women I have been acquainted with in my professional life, perhaps 5 actually did their job without being constantly assisted by the men in their department.

If 45 out of 50 women I have known can get retards to do their work for them, and essentially get paid to be on facebook and candy crush all day, I would say that they are pretty fucking intelligent in a certain way.

>stupid pop-paranormal shit like:

Astral rape of a virgin?
Raw god-eating?
Ritual cannibalism?
Human sacrifice?

Those refined things in life.

Women aren't more productive. The lions share of nation building jobs (construction/tech/engineering) are done by men. Women are good at stroking their ego and playing pretend at work. Companies that are run by women do on average much worse than their male governed counterparts.

fair enough.

If the findings of this are true, then why are we trusting current era females to raise our daughters?
Can you imagine how much fucking less shit the next generation of girls would be if they were raised to act like boys?
Plus it would fuel my tomboy fetish a bunch, that's decent too.
See, we can fix this. Current female 'identity' is a clusterfuck, we need to start again and do better