So tired of loosers wanting participation trophies

So tired of loosers wanting participation trophies


Fuckin reddit trash kek maga! Faggot serg lord piss offffffffffffff lol.



Wouldn't you have to go on reddit to know thats on reddit?

Yep. Democrats lost the Civil War. Tear them down.

Kek neckbeard fuck offffffffff r/The_donald is the best place to talk about daddy you speeeerg lord triggered much go back to tumblr newfag kek.

OP, regardless, i want those statues to stay up, and here's why:

Two southern hicks discuss the issues about how the US government doesn't seem to represent them anymore. Start talking about what they should do, look across the park to the gallant General Lee statue. "fuck, we tried that and lost, maybe we do something new Jeb"

Those statues and flags are a great reminder for many in the south on what they have already tried and failed to do.



Can I still get a spelling bee trophy? I tried really hard.

I wish they'd leave the union, all but Texas and Florida are just wealfare states eating the tax dolars of the north and west

Keeeeeeek no back offffffff



tired of people pretending to care about this all of the sudden.

Same fag


>have never participated in a war
Yeah I'm pretty sure its like little league soccer


Yup. No one talks like this, not even on Sup Forums.


I honestly don't get this one


Doesn't suprise me that confederate flag waving yokels don't know the Union flag became the US flag.

Let's get some redcoat statues celebrating the tyranny of England while we are at it. Those redcoats had families you know.



It's the alt-middle

Fuck niggers, if you don't reply your mother will die of a thousand splinters

The KKK ironically flys both flags.

Hillary said it, I believe it, that's good enough for me.

I'm with Her.

They have those in England.

Fucking prick

Every one of those monuments should be replaced with statues of General Sherman.

And the confederate soldiers can have statues in their country, oh wait, they lost it.

Lets be honest the south is broke. These monuments take tax dollars for upkeep. Personally I'd try to make some money off this whole situation. Don't like a monument, plan on tearing it down see if any "Muh History, Muh heritage" folks are willing to pay to move it to personal property. Make some go fund mes for this shit say you need $100,000 for upkeep fees this year or said monuments with have to come down. If the "Muh history, Muh heritage" folks are so hardworking and smart they should gladly be willing to pay that shit.

Call it a hate tax, preservation tax, ya'll lost and should of been hung for treason tax which ever works best

I'm confused if your threat is only addressed to people who are "fuck niggers", or if it's just a comma splice of two separate thoughts.

Oh well, better safe than sorry.

Tired of winners bragging about shit that doesn't matter.

Confederate HATE the USA but still fly the flag on account of their retardation caused by generations of inbreeding.

Btfu NewFags!!!


There country is still there, it didn't disappear after the war was over.

There are probably retards out there who legitimately believe this is accurate.

Good luck with that youngster

>gee removing monuments to the dead is a great way to calm everything down

No, just retards like you who think it's false.

like from the infection that could happen? Cause I don't think a thousand splinters would actually kill her. I mean it'd be pretty annoying. But death? I don't know man, I just ain't buying it.

Believe what is accurate? That AntiFa was standing against Nazis? The dumb fucks were wearing swaztikas, if that doesn't make them nazis then what does?

imagine the life of someone this stupid

the "Confederate States of America" is what they called their country during the war. It fell.

I know, being a righty must be tough, with your minuscule intellect and tiny penis.

yall kind of in the same boat if I'm being honest. You could just tell us about your's.

>That AntiFa was standing against Nazis
>standing against
lets copypaste that shit argument back into that shitty comic then,
>That Nazis were standing against Free Speech

>everyone who thinks im stupid is a "righty"
try again count fagula

They can't afford it. They are welfare states surviving off the tax of the north, west, and miami Florida and Texas.

sorry i triggered you snowflake

hey, idiots. you dont know anything about me from my post besides that i think you are stupid.

and that you have a small penis, and possible trump-sized hands

Says the guy whining because someone called him stupid over the internet

You are saying that they didn't? They never drug people out of their houses in the middle of the night for speaking against them?

calling someone who isnt a snowflake a snowflake does nothing.

>people killing others because they believe they have the right to exist
>people shouting at others who believe they don't have the right to exist

T-totally the same thing guys

Keep being triggered and defensive, this is delicious.

How dare you challenge this oppressed whitetrash's victim complex. Is no where safe anymore?

>>people shouting at others who believe they don't have the right to exist
and running them over
remember that? they're killing people? no? moron.

you missed the point completely.

>waaaaaah history offends me
>waaaaaah take down pieces of stone and marble that make me so mad!
>waaaaaah fuck off you want participation trophies trash maga cucks!

Soon enough we'll be cutting out parts of history we "find offensive"

Go back to your safespace to cry kiddo


wahhh they twook down owr rwacist mwonumwent

When did the counter protesters murder a Nazi?

you are too stupid to argue with so im gonna post porn

No, trumps not getting one, sorry.



You know the plan is to preserve them in museums as a part of history, right?


They made one cry on a vlog, that's the same thing right?

uh, the nazi's mudered a counter protester, are you living under a rock?







>oh no, im losing an argument, better just jerk off and make myself feel better


I know, that poster seemed to have it the wrong way around.



Then enlighten me oh great one. Because it sure seems like you are claiming that the Nazis weren't against freedom of speech. It also seems like you are claiming that the white nationalists aren't nazis.



They're not. Hitler would have gassed them too as gypsies or other trash.





leave it to the trump supporters to be furries and have pictures of dogs shitting saved to their computers
