What makes Northern and Western Europe so cucked?

What makes Northern and Western Europe so cucked?
Can it be even saved anymore?

That is quite disgusting. Good job Latvia though.

Just education.

And of course it can be saved. Juste educate 1-2 generations differently and that's it.

But considering that german youth get brainwashed, can you manage to change the education system when its literally that bad and biased?

>tfw second place
fuck you latvia

This is very similar to education levels and the HD-index.


Jewish indoctrination is real

It is also similar to how much your country is committing suicide.

Haha Poland is gay

Portugal below poland !


eh call me crazy but i wouldn't give a shit if the PM was a run of the mill gay, if he was a flaming "look at me with my pink feather boa and a dick rammed up my ass, oh Trudeau i didn't expect to see you at this gay bar" then that's a different story

Jewish indoctrination?

Jewish indoctrination.

>oh Trudeau i didn't expect to see you at this gay bar"
>advocating gay rights

Nothing out of the ordinary

Checks out.

>What makes Northern and Western Europe so cucked?
Why care? This ranks near the bottom of all problems, seriously. It's at most a symptom.

No. Please. Explain it to me. I'm trying to understand it and coming up blank.

Explain it without using "cuck" or "degeneracy" or any kind of conversation shut down word. That's what lefties do.

yeah the idea behind the poll is shit
I wouldn't give a fuck either unless he wanted push gay marriage or shit like that

That's why you are so cucked oldest ally. You keep falling through the slippery slope. "Oh it s hjust a gay, it s just a tranny, it s just a muslim"

As long as he doesn't bring it up I dont care if someone is gay.

Flamboyant faggots and trans people have a pretty high suicide rate. Self solving problem, just sit back and chill my slav comrades.

They always make appeals to moderation. it is like when people say there is a difference between a nigger and a black man. No there is not. There are just niggers, there are just fags.

You are good country, Latvia
Treasure your heritage

Poland's less anti-gay than I would have thought.

Why care? Theyre pushing their new age liberal policies into other countries. The gay parade the EU forced us to have few years prior was sponsored by Soros and the people in the parade were mostly only foreigners. If the rest of the EU didnt try to shove in their bullshit in Latvia, I would have 0 problems with them. Alas they are trying to make us sign Tunblr: the convention which we are currently holding back to.

Triggered idiots.

What a PM does behind closed doors is their business, not yours.

>government is corrupt as hell, people die in the streets
> at- atleast we don't like the gay people r- right guys?

Poland is polarised I think between more traditionalist people and full blown pseudo-Germans.

>What a PM does behind closed doors is their business
In what way? When you are in charge everything is the business of the society. What you do in your personal life tells a lot about a man.

>government is corrupt as hell, people die in the streets

But no such thing happens here.
Thats nice if you, thanks.

In the West a PM isn't a monarch ruler like in your eastern countries.

Parlament actually has the power. PM is just like some dude who visits people and gets bashed in the papers.

And if parliament is full of faggots you do not think that is the business of the people?

That's why a multi-party system is best.

Our PM can't change things on his own, he needs to compromise with other elected officials. Also, not every gay loves the flamboyant Gay-pride type.

You Russians seem to have a false sense of democracy. Putin is your Kim-Jong-Un.

>parliament full of faggots
>one person

I think the underlying idea is that a conflict of intereset is inevitable. For few people gayness is just a sexual preference, the the vast majority it becomes a lifestyle.

In the same sense that a bleeding heart liberal will eventually try to open the borders for immigrants.

You exposed us comrad, in the West we are all gay

I don't really mind equality for gays. But hey cucked by the government right?

>You Russians seem to have a false sense of democracy
Democracy is a bad joke. West was praising Democratic Yeltsin while he bombed the Duma and starved people.

>Also, not every gay loves the flamboyant Gay-pride type.
Doesn't matter, they are all a cancer.

It would not surprise me.

>Why care? Theyre pushing their new age liberal policies into other countries. The gay parade the EU forced us to have few years prior was sponsored by Soros and the people in the parade were mostly only foreigners. If the rest of the EU didnt try to shove in their bullshit in Latvia, I would have 0 problems with them. Alas they are trying to make us sign Tunblr: the convention which we are currently holding back to.
So, in other words, it's a symptom, not a disease.

Got it.

Wheres the country that came second at Eurovision?

>the the vast majority it becomes a lifestyle
i disagree, the vast majority of gay people are just normal people, the faggot parades with feather boas in leather BDSM outfits are a loud minority, a loud minority we on Sup Forums are constantly exposed to

fuckin cangaroos in the outback, where they belong

Poland is gayer than Greece! HAHAHA!!

>hundreds of faggots

Yeah.. Nah.

Gay people aren't popular in politics at least here in Denmark. Not because people hate them because they're gay, they just arent very charismatic.

Russia was second, lad.
Not in europe

Korea isn't in Europe mate

These are only EU countries.

who the fuck did they ask? DId the conduct this poll in our capital to some hipsters?
If this was nation-wide the results would be much lower. Fuck, I hate Ljubljana.

>Gay people aren't popular in politics at least here in Denmark.
Yet apparently you love them the most, just above Sweden.

Oh, so this is how Germany retakes its lost eastern territories.

nobody gives a shit about gay ppl

This is why Serbia is better than you.

Russia was third.

Nah man we dont really care if someone is gay. OP's chart just shows we're Meh about someone being gay.

Some dude who looks normal, has a job, pays taxes is gay in private I really dont care.

It's just that gay people are a minority and the odds of them getting elected into parliament in big numbers is inexistent.

they have better twinks, yes

Bravo Australia

meh, might be true.
We didnt really get gays here before joining the EU. I mean, we had them, they just kept to their own - had their own secret societies and everything. Nobody really hated them, because they were out of the public eye.

Nowadays with the annual pride thing, this shit is getting cancerous.

Actually didnt know Soros sponsored them. Thanks bro.


Yeah I would give a shit.

The ideal PM needs to have certain life experiences. e.g. knowing what its like to buy a house, holding permanent employment, having a stock portfolio...
But a major experience they need is supporting a family and raising a kid.
Having children is pretty much necessary.
Are you really comfortable with giving control of a countries future to someone who has no stake in said future?

Not all, but the vast majority of gays don't have that experience.

If there was some gay man running for head of state, and he did have a kid through adoption or surrogacy, and he did have a househusband, then yeah, maybe he would do a good job.
He would be several orders of magnitude better than people like Merkel anyway, again, because of that experience.

Just put a ban on homo propaganda like we did. It forces them to stop their stupid parades.

Youre media already calls us a fascist state, imagine what the EU would do...

We do that because of your laws on citizenship which harm Russians.

They love to give us shit about 16th march as well.

It must be horrible having a gay leader. Can you imagine having Alexander the Great, Frederick II of Prussia or George Washington as your political leaders? What a nightmare to live in.

Well Nazis are kind of disliked here to put it mildly.


>Alexander the Great
Caused his empire to collapse on his deathbed because he was an alcoholic narcissist and his young son was killed by his generals.

>Frederick II of Prussia
Was only saved from destruction because of the Russian Tsar being a Prussiaboo.

>George Washington
Would have been killed if France had not intervened on the American side.

We're worse than sweden. Fucking kill me...

>Caused his empire to collapse on his deathbed because he was an alcoholic narcissist and his young son was killed by his generals.
Carved one of the greatest empires in History. Was greatly affected by depression and therefore unable to lead anymore.
>Was only saved from destruction because of the Russian Tsar being a Prussiaboo.
Not an argument. Geopolitical/diplomatic relations involved.
>Would have been killed if France had not intervened on the American side.
Again not an argument. Geopolitical/diplomatic relations involved.

>Finland that low
>lower than Poland

Hell yeah!

They are arguments. They were not good leaders, they just got lucky. Alexander the Great as a terrible ruler even though he was a good General.

Eesti better than finland and pooland !!!!

Not even on the list

>being proud of being hateful nations


>being proud of starving

Because it's way better to have a straight retard in charge of an entire nation than a competent faggot.

>Being proud of being a sexual deviant

The top of that list is not surprising at all lel

Aboo raises a good point. (the family part i mean)
I can honestly say I never looked at it like that when I was younger. Guess it is the primary reason why politicians try to sway people barely elegible for voting to their side.

the best part is that denmark's people are portrayed the most cucked and in reality they are the least cucked of all the cucked people,
even in sweden, ex-danish places are with the least cucked people which swedish northerners keep crapping up by their "tolerant" attitudes
I say shitty anti-danish propaganda

most of the regional faggots are from serbia
belgrade is the regional gay capital
stop shilling for serbs, it's annoying already

Croatia is the most pro-gay balkan country.

Fags here generally don't have as much of the whole "LGBTBBQ"-disease where they have become married to the left.

They aren't demonized by the right either, so they don't default to certain beliefs the way the do other places.

tl;dr: our fags aren't as gay as yours

Pretty funny, a gay man(Pekka Haavisto) made it to the second round of Finnish presidential elections in 2012. He actually gained a rather large amount of votes (37.4%) in the second round, but he lost to based Niinistö. I personally don't care about persons sexual orientation but since Haavisto was a Green Party candidate, Niinistö was a better choice.

How is your story funny at all?

>mfw pol is suddenly pro lgbt

I don't like how high we are.


I think he thought its funny because Finland was rather high up on the chart

>Fine with gay leaders

We've already had ministers who were openly gay who did a good job.

Besides that I highly suspect our current president to be closet gay.

We already had a lesbian PM. Nobody gives a shit.

Nobody gives a shit about you as well though

I guess we were to low to be on the list
Vucicu pederu

where do they get these figures from? I have never in the past 20+ years of adulthood been asked my opinion on any of these 'statistics' they always talk about, they must ask libcuck students.

>libcuck students
>we still land at 3.2

If only..

>gayer than Greece
why are we even a comparison measure senpai?
last time I checked our jewish media didn't force down our throats trannies, gay parades or other shit like that.

You see hilarious pro gay stuff from a lot of the shitty little countries in the Potatozone. It's basically their way of trying to curry favor with the psychopathic American ruling class.

"Sagging anuses are beautiful! Save us from Russia, American -senpai!"

How is Poland that high? Did they only interview commies?


Elaborate please

>Poland that high


Epidemiology suggests otherwise. Enjoy your antibiotic resistant diseases, at least some hedonistic faggot never called you bigot!

Turnipzone? Every ex Warsaw pact nation