Daily Reminder: Sweden doesn't have a rape epidemic

>Sweden, the story goes, used to be very peaceful, very safe, very blond. Then it started letting in darker-skinned people. Soon there were news reports of attacks on Swedes. Now, Sweden records the highest incidence of rape in the world.

>The Sweden story has become absolutely viral. You’ve probably read a version in a Facebook post, or heard it in a speech or debate. It is the argument-ender of the intolerant: To make the case against refugees, or immigration, or “Islam,” you recount a couple of stories about refugee-camp horrors, some random anecdotes of sex crimes involving brown people in various countries, and then drop the Sweden story.

>Behind it you’ll find the resurrection of an old, deadly appeal to fear – that people of certain skin colours are natural-born predators who threaten white women. It’s a version of lynch-mob logic that happens to appeal to the liberal and tolerant as much as the hateful and intolerant.

>And it falls apart as soon as you speak to anyone knowledgeable in Sweden.

>“What we’re hearing is a very, very extreme exaggeration based on a few isolated events, and the claim that it’s related to immigration is more or less not true at all,” says Jerzy Sarnecki, a criminologist at Stockholm University who has devoted his career to the study of criminality, ethnicity and age.

>Sweden does indeed have far more reported cases of sexual assault than any other country. But it’s not because Swedes – of any colour – are very criminal. It’s because they’re very feminist. In 2005, Sweden’s Social Democratic government introduced a new sex-crime law with the world’s most expansive definition of rape.

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>Imagine, for example, if your boss rubbed against you in an unwanted way at work once a week for a year. In Canada, this would potentially be a case of sexual assault. Under Germany’s more limited laws, it would be zero cases. In Sweden, it would be tallied as 52 separate cases of rape. If you engaged in a half-dozen sex acts with your spouse, then later you felt you had not given consent, in Sweden that would be classified as six cases of rape.

>The marked increase in rape cases during the 2000s is almost entirely a reflection of Sweden’s deep public interest in sexual equality and the rights of women, not of attacks by newcomers.

>But aren’t refugees and immigrants responsible for a greater share of Sweden’s sexual assaults?

>In a sense. Statistics show that the foreign-born in Sweden, as in most European countries, do have a higher rate of criminal charges than the native-born, in everything from shoplifting to murder (though not enough to affect the crime rate by more than a tiny margin). The opposite is true in North America, where immigrants have lower-than-average crime rates.

>Why the difference? Because people who go to Sweden are poorer, and crime rates are mostly a product not of ethnicity but of class. In a 2013 analysis of 63,000 Swedish residents, Prof. Sarnecki and his colleagues found that 75 per cent of the difference in foreign-born crime is accounted for by income and neighbourhood, both indicators of poverty. Among the Swedish-born children of immigrants, the crime rate falls in half (and is almost entirely concentrated in lesser property crimes) and is 100-per-cent attributable to class – they are no more likely to commit crimes, including rape, than ethnic Swedes of the same family income.

>What also stands out is that almost all the victims of these crimes – especially sex crimes – are also foreign-born. But for a handful of headline-grabbing atrocities, it isn’t a case of swarthy men preying on white women, but of Sweden’s system turning refugees into victims of crime.

>That is the real Swedish crisis. Refugee shelters are terrible, dangerous places, whoever is in them. When such shelters, then known as displaced persons camps, held millions of Europeans in the 1940s and 1950s, histories show they were at risk of sexual predation and organized attacks against Jewish refugees.

>Because otherwise generous Sweden doesn’t allow refugees to seek work until they know the language, tens of thousands of people are stuck in these awful places, in similar conditions, or in welfare-dependent netherworlds.

>There they become victims of violent crime, victims of economic exclusion and victims of a grotesque, viral story that portrays them as predators, entirely because of their skin colour.

The Swedes are rape deniers


Stop acting like a hero bro, Sweden is still fucked.

Allahu akbar

> Because people who go to Sweden are poorer, and crime rates are mostly a product not of ethnicity but of class.
> poor people don't understand murder is wrong
So it's a GOOD idea to let someone who doesn't understand that into your country permanently?
Thank you Ameribro, you've proven to me that Sweden is beyond saving.

>If you engaged in a half-dozen sex acts with your spouse, then later you felt you had not given consent, in Sweden that would be classified as six cases of rape.
wut ?

>The opposite is true in North America, where immigrants have lower-than-average crime rates.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't "minority" immigrants only have lower crime rates compared to 2nd/3rd/etc generation immigrants, but it's still high?

It's counted the same in the US. This is bullshit denialist appeasement.

>Sweden’s system turning refugees into victims of crime.

So it's Sweden's system that's responsible for the child rape/prostitution in refugee centers instead of the tanned germans that force themselves in underage pussy?

SWEDEN NO! Embrace Diversity

So if I get it clear, you have sex normally with your gf/wife but if somehow something she didn't like happen, instead to communicate like a normal couple do she says nothing and accuse you of rape later ?

I was speaking specifically about how rapes are counted. But yeah, women always have the power to change the narrative of a sexual encounter.

>Sweden isn't giving these people jobs until they know Swedish
>This is causing them to rape
>It's Sweden's fault that they're raping because they have basic employment standards

So basically someone is saying that they should be giving jobs to people who don't even know how to fucking speak through ridiculous affirmative action and that all the crimes are totally Sweden's fault, not the refugees.

You can't make this stuff up.

Sweden's rape epidemic remains even when you only count assault rapes.

These bois is fleeing war a little rape is to be expected desu senpai

>Jerzy Sarnecki
He's Polish, yet he speaks like typical cuck. No wonder he emigrated to swedistan.

>The opposite is true in North America, where immigrants have lower-than-average crime rates.

Because it's hard to beat the high score of American niggers

>Sweden does not have a rape problem
>It has a feminist problem

No need to Google him, goy.

>Among the Swedish-born children of immigrants, the crime rate falls in half (and is almost entirely concentrated in lesser property crimes) and is 100-per-cent attributable to class – they are no more likely to commit crimes, including rape, than ethnic Swedes of the same family income.
Anyone got a citation for that? I'm doubtful that's true.

Whether it's true or not, it's immaterial. Discussions of second generation crime rates have no bearing on immigrant crime rates.


>be fat american retad
>greentext stupid shit when you know nothing
>pretend niggers dont rape

Sweden has problems witht the various neo-marxist strains of ideologies including feminism, but we have a LOT larger problems with niggers nigging the fuck out.

Yes, rape is among the crimes they've managed to multiply in sweden, along with murders. 1963 saw 7 people murdered in population of 7 million. This year we had 112 among 10 million.

Swedens largest problem today is political traitors. Swedens criminality has one uniting factor, Race.

here.we.go. :^)

I can't wait to see what happens now that feminists and Muslims run the same country lol

*eats popcorn*

>>Sweden does indeed have far more reported cases of sexual assault than any other country. But it’s not because Swedes – of any colour – are very criminal. It’s because they’re very feminist.

Even in Sweden this excuse isn't holding up anymore. They're switching to saying "we just don't know", as it's a mixture of both.

>Anyone got a citation for that? I'm doubtful that's true.

It's not true. Immigrant groups have higher crime rates by far. It's just gotten harder to tell because our Central Statistics Bureau stopped tracking by race and religion since that was "racist".

He is retarded, niggers are 5 times more likely to commit violent crime in sweden based on the only statistic that existst.

BRÅ (the people who keep the statistics) do not keep track of the inmates race, only wether they were born in sweden or not. Because sweden is a retarded neo-marxist hellhole where race is regarded as irrelevant.


This is the kind of stats you can get access too (it translates into "Crime among people born in sweden and outside of sweden")

Obviously this retarded murrican idiot knows nothing about how stats are kept and manipulated here.

How can sweden even make these studies when it's illegal for their police to document the race of a suspected/convicted criminal?

We can say if they're immigrants or not, so scandinavian and working whites can be used to dilate the absurd crime incidence among niggers and dune-coons.

>We find that both males and females of immigrant
origin are overrepresented in criminal statistics. For males, the overrepresentation is
reduced to a substantial extent when we control for social background and neighbourhood
This study is pointless. It's like the author tries to argue against the idea that every kebab—even well-educated middle-class ones—is more likely to commit crime than a European of equal status, but I doubt anyone believes that. Kebabs across Europe and the USA have much lower economic status than natives. Therefore, kebabs will always commit more crime.

I can accept that low-IQ impulsive kebabs are no more criminal than similarly low-IQ impulsive Europeans; but kebabs are much more likely to fall into that segment than Europeans are. Therefore, the more kebabs, the more crime.

>organized attacks against Jewish refugees.
>Jerzy Sarnecki

He is saying that europeans targeted jews in refugee camps (oy vey). Before that he said its not plausible that refugees are targeting white swedes?

This is true. They like to conflate EU and non-EU migration to make the numbers.

But, they also make sure to count every second generation immigrant as a 100% swede, which kicks up the statistics on the other end.

Switch tactics, the goys are on to us.

>statistics literally show that since the refugee crisis began, Sweden rape rate has grown exponentially
>"it's not the refugees!"

HOLY SHIT. I thought I've heard some mental gymnastics in my day but this takes the cake. Sweden here comes up every which way to deny that immigrants do infact commit more rapes than real swedes. "But but but they are poor so that means it's ok" is not a goddamn excuse.

Race is much more likely to be an indicator of crime compared to poverty level btw. Shit, look at west virginia. Poor as fuck, vast majority white, yet crime is very very low. Except among the black minority there, where they commit a huge percentage of the crime.

>Swedes – of any colour


>>Because otherwise generous Sweden doesn’t allow refugees to seek work until they know the language

This isn't true either by the way. It's just that they don't look for jobs. They just had a rare study on this out and IIRC after 7 years about 40% had jobs at all (this counts like 1 hour jobs at the supermarket).

A large group refuse to learn the language at all. What job are you supposed to do if you can't communicate with people? They're not interested in integrating at all.

> Refugee shelters are terrible, dangerous places, whoever is in them.

Yeah, the fact that child rape is endemic and normal in Afghanistan and Pakistan sure is just like anywhere else.

Liberals appeal to cultures being all the same, and then switching to "but white culture is hateful and oppressive".. it's the only fucking culture concerned with these problems to begin with.


OP doesnt support women!! He's a rape denier and wants to suppose women!

I guess migrants just rape disproportionately in other countries but somehow don't in Sweden. You guys only get the good rock and grenade throwing ones.

Everyone notice that the dat boi meme is being used with a post that is intended to cast doubt on the transformation of Sweden.

(((((they))))) are getting desperate enough to attempt to counter "meme magic"

Never forget that this board is being targeted by actual shills everyday, especially during this election season.

>it’s not because Swedes – of any colour – are very criminal. It’s because they’re very feminist
So the solution to rape is to ban feminism?




That definition was introduced in 2005 and has remained constant. Rape has been rapidly increasing every year since then, aligning near-perfectly with the percentage of Muslims in the population. If you can look at that trend and actually believe it's because they changed the definition, you are legitimately mentally ill.

This. Our government have been in the business of spinning S+ tier bullshit since WWII, so you can trust an Englishman to break apart this guys entire argument in about two sentences.

>countless stories of refugees ruthlessly raping and murdering swedish women and children
>dozens of unsafe neighborhoods
>how could you racists possibly think it has anything to do with refugees?


Wait, wait, wait, wait. Is this article trying to say that "oh, guys, no rape here, it just so happens everyone decided to rub their dicks on woman now, so it looks like it's inflated, ignore it began when refugees started coming in and that we don't say the race of the perpetrators (and sometimes don't report them, period)."

>We define rape a bit differently over here
>That means that rape never ever happens

Good try, besides, they're glad they don't have to work as the benefits they get are fucking huge.

They're all doctors and lawyers, hence why we'll benefit so much from them. :^)

Incidentally they just released numbers on how much we'll get from them, and on average it's.. -190 000 SEK per person per year, the first year.
But don't worry, there's a big savings. By the seventh year in Sweden we're earning a whopping -95 000 SEK on each of them.

Only by taking on massive loans to support even more people can the crisis of not having enough money to pay for our pensioners be averted. :^D


Sorry, mate, but at this stage I just want your frigid hellhole to burn up so that either Europe learns, or burns with you guys.

And what's hilarious is that germany wants 50% of its own immigrants to be employed in just FIVE years.

Haha, ridiculous.

So it's the feminists' fault?

Seems like these people are really good at thinking ahead!

Being a vikingboo doesn't help you that Sweden is not going to come back, pal.

>yes goyim ignore those literal girls who havn't even hit puberty getting raped by muslim men huehuehue

And not only that - the more there are, the harder it is to integrate as they want to stay separated in their own communities! These people have no desire to integrate, they literally do not care about Sweden's well-being.

All they care about is the good ol' welfare money, why, as soon as the welfare starts getting cut you'll see some bad shit go down.

>190 000 SEK per person per year, the first year.

Oh by the way, we took in about 250 000 of them in 2014 + 2015, so as a rough guide then, in one year we netted a nice

>- 47 500 000 000 SEK

Yes, just a nice 47 billion SEK deficit to enjoy all the benefits of diversity. This roughly matches how much our borrowing is increasing too, so it's probably about right.

Of course, a majority of the people we took in aren't refugees and "will have to go back", says our government. Meaning for each one we'll have to hire a plane to take them back, costing billions, and 100% insuring that the supposed benefit that comes "later" in having them here will never possibly happen.

So we're down -47 billion in one year, the majority of the promised payout of which isn't ever going to arrive, even according to liberal shits, because these people have to go back.

But then they won't go back. Our deportation statistics are awful. Most deported people stay in the country as stateless individuals and will create a shadow society of outlaws.

So he's saying that the convoluted rape definitions are the only reasons for immigrants committing so many sex crimes but doesn't expand this to include white Swedes falsely accused, or attack the broad problem of feminism in government?

>statistics literally show that since the refugee crisis began, Sweden rape rate has grown exponentially

This is not true and you have no evidence to back up that claim.

As another rough guide, since I'm on a roll checking this out:

Yearly cost of migration: 47 billion SEK
Yearly cost of defense: 48 billion SEK
Yearly cost of healthcare (this is the famed socialist "free" one): 64 billion SEK

So, if we hadn't taken in the immigrants, we could have just built double the defense we have, or invested almost double into our healthcare services. Part of the reason we were supposed to let them in to fund.

The wonderful paradox of it all is that the money we didn't have and couldn't borrow to take care of swedes, exists in limitless amounts to take care of non-swedes.

Where the fuck are those chinky-eyed Asian refugees coming from??