Is it possible to have gone too deep into the rabbit hole regarding our existence and humanity...

Is it possible to have gone too deep into the rabbit hole regarding our existence and humanity? How can I get my naivety back? When you look behind the facade our reality is incredibly mundane and bleak.

Why do people fall in love? Genes.

Why do parents bring new life into this world? Societal expectations+Narcissism.

Why do we have certain rights and freedoms? Not because all humans just discussed things and decided it makes sense. No, all countries had to go through several centuries of brutal autocracy and the freedom had to be conquered with rivers of blood.

Why does slavery like in Ancient times not exist anymore? It's not profitable anymore. Slaves are too expensive as opposed to machines.

Why do some people have success and others are losers? Some had traumas and others did not. Some had supportive environments and others did not. Sure exceptions exists but like with everything the 80/20 rule applies. 80% of people with good start conditions will succeed and 80% with traumatic childhoods will fail.

Why do we have no world wars anymore? Because nukes exist. If they didn't we would have had 5 of them already.

Why did humans create religion? The only reason is basically to sustain monogamy. Because 20% of all men fuck 80% of all women it would mean that 80% of men would have no incentive to work, because they have no wives so society would collapse. That's why religion was invented.

Nature isn't better. Our society is just an extension of mirror so the shittiness of it reflects the shittiness of nature. Nature is a cruel whore. There are a million things which can poison you or infect you with a disease.

Is goodness really an illusion? Can humans be good? Is our world good? Is our world worth living in where we have the choice between mindless hedonism or nihilism? I've swallowed too many red pills and now I want to leave. Not dying per se, just go into another "better" universe. How do I bluepill myself? I want back in the matrix.

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Oh, you will be once your teens are over.

Thanks for not refuting any of my arguments. I guess all philosophers are just edgy teens.

But let's look at what is happening here. You have to be in a certain mood or state to turn off the zombie mode and look at things with a clear view. Right now you are obviously not in this mood. But you definitely will. Everyone has these moments where the noise of our everyday lives is replaced with an eerie silence and we question things. Some rarely have these moments or only if something tragic happened to them.

But go on.. believe in the meaningfulness of life and civilization. Humanity was never truly civilized. We are treated like programmable tissue our entire lives and maybe that's just what we are.

Once you realize your own beliefs are just as delusional as everyone else's it gets easier to forge your own version of the matrix around your life.

Confidence is just willful ignorance plus time.

That's where psychiatrists are for. You tell them how much you know about the truth and they describe a dosage of a drug accordingly. It'll make you blind to it all again.

Prescribe *

You are right. I don't pretend to know everything and I admit that I focused more on the negative stuff than the positive.

Somehow I felt there was something terribly dishonest about confidence. It's like lying.

>Slaves are too expensive as opposed to machines
>Why did humans create religion
1 giving slaves some gods and pretending they not slaves is less expensive than emloy slave control and fight rebelions
2 people need to explain things ... if something is not met with our woreld expectation... gods.
volcanos? gods , rains? gods, earthquakes ? gods , humanity made up about 3000 of them
sun blacked for one minute? gods... they are the easiest explanation

Life is literally what you make it.. if you choose to sit there a pick apart existence and everything that's wrong then you will fill your world with the bullshit, maybe look at what's good instead of complaining about everything? Sometimes there's really no point in delving into shit we can't do anything about because the world is a big and bad place, for the most part, and doing this is a direct course for general distain for the world and therefore disconnection and therefore depression and loneliness.. most people will go through a phase of realisation that the world isn't the fairy tale land that we were all told it was, my best advice.. deal with it.


I know exactly how you feel OP and I think we all feel that way at times. It's easy to look at how people treat each other on a daily basis and see that our worth to each other is weaker every day and always conditional. Children are regarded as innocent because they haven't yet learned the hard, cold truth about humanity's hatred for itself
Try not to dwell, as you said, on the negative things in life, go out and do something fun or stay at home with loved ones
You can even make some time to go to your little sister and slip your finger up her butthole

being stuck in your head is the worst you can do

open your heart and close your eyes...feel the energy inside


You care too much OP
Go log back into YouTube and watch your memes

>I want to leave.
Of course you do. You jumped down a logical pit where at the bottom there is nothing but you and your miserable thoughts. It doesn't matter how right you are about the other things because you're wrong about any delusion of being able to leave. Well you can't let that go, so how about just stop thinking about it. Literally OP, the answer to all of your questions is stop thinking about it. Go outside

It is also the most stupid explanation.

How fucking arrogant do you have to be that a fucking human (just with superpowers) can throw thunderbolts?

Did humans back then really thing that everything revolves around them?

Nah, the other explanation makes much more sense. Sure it was a common meme back then to say the gods did it, but humans didn't really 100% believe it. It was just a nice fiction.

People worship stars or even video game characters like gods today. Literally nothing changed. Doesn't mean that people 100% believe they are gods though. People back then made up their own fiction and lore the same way we do today with Chinese cartoons and video games and almighty frog god kek. But it doesn't make a difference if you play as a legendary hero in a video game or hear a tale about one. The emotional responses and head kino are the same.

Religion is different however. People invested far too much in it. If it was simply about explaining stuff, nobody would have bothered to invest so much fucking time and effort to construct beautiful monuments and make up brilliant tales.

It is a reason but not the main reason. The main reason is like I said to turn savages who don't want to work and follow the laws into civilized people. How do you do that? You convince all women that god wants a woman to have only 1 man. How do you convince them? Simply saying god wants it isn't enough. You have to back it up with impressive and beautiful and awe-inspiring stuff. Show the chicks the churches. Show them what happens to people who don't obey god. This is the main function of religion. That's why it was so god damn important for everyone involved.

It is not a coincidence that polygamy skyrocketed in our age like not seen in centuries. Religion doesn't function anymore. That's why hedonism exists. So even dudes who can't get a woman are still motivated to work.

When one looks at the world from your perspective, from your vantage point, it can be very, very difficult to climb back down and reintegrate. The truth is that most hedonistic pursuits offer pleasure regardless of how out of touch you are with the rest of society, and can offer a way back in... However, such pursuits can also wear down your sense of self, and sense of self worth. If one goes in the opposite direction, a nihilistic one, it's even harder to reintegrate with society and reconnect with others, as there's simply no point to it, and the rewards for doing so are inherently worthless. If one still wishes to get out of thst mindset, there are loads of groups on social media where one can speak to and share experiences with likeminded individuals, and gradually learn how to relate to others and to reality again. However, if one can't break free of the frame of mind that insists upon the lack of meaning and purpose to everything, it can be very, very easy to rationalize selfish hedonism.

As for your naivety, there isn't anything you can do to return to a state of blissfully carefree ignorance. I personally resort to drinking in order to make myself more impulsive and more relatable, as I've found that when drunk, I'm more sociable, and it seems as though I process information and experience thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations in a way that more closely resembles the average person. Not the healthiest of choices, but it's not really a choice I got to make. You might find that by enriching your mind, reading and learning, or perhaps sharing information, helping others to enrich their minds, you're able to find meaning in things again.

I don't know if that answers much for you, but I've tried to explain things as best as I can from the perspective that I've understood things from. Good luck getting your head on straight.

I like the theory, that humanity evolves similar to individual humans. Up until recently we've been in our teenage, consume to excess, we're invincible, fuck tomorrow phase.
I think in the past two centuries however, a significant amount of humans realized the folly in that behavior, considering we're presented with finite resources and possible catastrophes centuries in the future, caused by our behavior today.
WW2 was an attempt to switch to a more rational, thought out lifestyle, but we lost and it's individualism and excess for another century. Now people are coming around again.
It's probably going to be decide within in the next decades, how the next couple centuries will play out.

Nothing left to do, but see, support your favorite side or seek happiness in personal enlightenment.

Ok, step one: stop cutting yourself.
Step two: get the fuck off the internet and go outside while it's still warm and sunny.
Step three: talk to some girls, and try not to be an emo asswipe while you're at it.
Step four: ?????
Step five: PROFIT!

Come back when you're a real serial killer with a proper manifesto

You could bonk yourself on the head

Jawbone you're fucked. Sorry. I'd beat around the bush, but yknow.

Basically knowing all of that or not knowing it and happiness are not dependent on each other.

If you know all of that and you are depressed, it's not knowing it which is causing that.

I get what you are saying and I personally am also not a stranger to alcohol. When I'm drunk I'm much more connected to everything and everyone, ESPECIALLY myself.

In my normal state it's: Where am I and what am I supposed to do here? I hope nothing hurts me. I hope I hurt nobody. Am I too impulsive? Not impulsive enough? Too emotional? Not emotional enough? Too strong or too weak? Can I navigate myself out of this labyrinth and do all the right decisions? Nah, screw decisions. I will just do nothing like always. Can I even think the right thoughts? Nah, fuck thoughts I just go to sleep. Nobody can call you a loser if you don't talk to people who could call you a loser or even think that you are one. Hell people who call others losers are losers. There is this ocean of memories, sensations, goals and motivations and I have to pick out the right stuff. Did I remember this event the right way? Do I treat my memories the right way? These are all useless thoughts. Am I too egoistic or not egoistic enough? Probably too egoistic, because a non-egoistic person would never think he is not egoistic enough. These thoughts lead to nothing. It's not even thoughts. It's a feeling. I don't actually talk to myself and think these words. These feelings emanate from everything I perceive. They cloud my entire vision and make the world a bleak place.

When I'm drunk however it's like another person takes over and I can sit back and relax and and watch the show. Suddenly the useless thoughts are turned off and authentic thoughts begin to appear. So this is what living is like. It's like magic. I actually allow myself to form an authentic self with needs and feelings, something which I always denied myself. I begin to think: "lol that event X was actually pretty funny, I don't know why I was so ashamed." or "Damn I could have gotten along with girl X" if my thoughts of not being too broken didn't hold me back etc...

Part #2:
Sorry for the therapeutic session. I know this is Sup Forums. tl;dr etc... but don't take this too seriously. I might as well be a LARPer.

So when I'm drunk I feel that this world deserves that I "waste" emotions, thoughts, energy and authentic feelings on it. My nightmare glasses are turned off. I don't perceive everyone as an enemy anymore. In this state pain doesn't even exist. I don't give the slightest fuck what others think or what happened or what will happen. Plus everything becomes funny.

Let's put it this way. When sober I take reality too seriously. Very seriously, but not in a good way like an ambitious person who also takes reality seriously. More like: "Reality is too serious and I can't bear it, I can't be perfect I need to escape." When drunk = exactly the opposite. I discover a stranger inside myself I never even thought existed. I actually look at all the pathetic stuff I did and more tragically I didn't do laugh, simply laugh and am in the moment.

How do I get that feeling without alcohol though? Being an alcoholic is not a solution.

I always figured that life is something we can never really explain in our current state. If you really get down to the bare bones of it there are just too many variables to accurately explain what life is.

Religions were created by us or that shit is real. But then you have to question that, why did we create religions or why is religion real. For what purpose did the gods create us etc.. there are hundreds of religions and every devout person of their specific religion believe with certainty that their religion is completely real.

I find it strange that people cannot see how bizzare it is.

There are so many people that speak the "truth" As they believe it. Everyone has their own perception of reality and what it is all about. Everyone has their own perception on good vs evil and the list goes on and on.

So my conclusion at least in my case is life is magical. Magical in the sense that We will never really understand the true purpose behind it because there really is no definitive proof and the "proof" we have can be debated for hundreds of years and cause wars even with religious nuts saying one thing, science saying another etc...

My purpose will be to just live life by my gut feeling and try create happyness in an otherwise fucked up world despite circumstance because really what else can we do if you really think about it, unless you are some hot shot superstar or a big politician you cant make great change. Sure you can uplift some peoples lives by yourself in a bid to make change or start an organisation for something you think is important but in the big game of it all nothing really matters except you and the people you care about.

I just hope I have a good life and a good death.

You forgot collecting underpants...

I get that... I really do. It sounds like ypu and I have a great deal in common, but most of all, what we share is the desperate need to get out of our fucking heads, and into the world where we can form relationships, develop our interests, and find things to keep ourselves busy. Just remember that it's always the dosage that makes the poison. Thought is a good thing, but there is way way way too much of a good thing happening.

Wouldn't WW2 belong to the edgy teen phase though? You can't deny that the most "evil" ideologies of the 20th century nazism and communism which were responsible for the most bloodshed are extremely edgy.

One wants to kill all rich people because "fuck money and capitalism" and the other literally thinks they are invincible superhumans. Sounds preety teeny to me.

I don't know... I'm working on that myself. What I've found thus far is that by throwing myself into work, I'm able to keep those thoughts at bay while experiencing the feeling of meaning in regards to my existence. I weld, and at the end of the day, I can measure the difference my work has made in the world. I can see the results of my labour, a finished railcar, and I can rest assured in the knowledge that my work supports the economy, and creates jobs and opportunities for others. I've been laid off since September last year, and I'm working towards a different application for that skill. I've found a company that refurbishes nuclear reactor components, and that sounds to me like an incredible opportunity to hone existing skills while developing new ones, with new applications.
In short, OP, you need to find domething to do to give your life meaning, but also take time to pursue personal interests and relationships. Find a job you can feel good about doing, perhaps something within the trades so you can work on your body while working on your mind, pursue your hobbies and interests in your downtime, and keep a healthy social life. Date, sleep around, go to a new bar, go to a concert, go to a movie with a friend or something.
Think of your life like a pie chart, and divide it into three sections. Work/career, social life, and personal life. Add a fourth section if you're a student or otherwise engaged in something besides those three. Add a fifth for sleep. Change the shape of the pieces so that the sections represent total time spent on a daily or weekly schedule. If you're lacking in one section, spend more time on it. If you're spending too much time on one section, (overtime at work, extracurricular activities, too much time on your own gaming or thinking or whatever) consider reinvesting that time into something that seems to be lacking. I'd even reccomend making this chart a reality, instead of a visualization. It might help you stay organized.