Superman's hot mama

Martha is quite the fox. Why didn't the Kents have any children?

Does it have something to do with her dogs?

trouble with Pa Kent's urethra.

Did she and clark ever do anything

superman represents jesus, and martha is mary, the virgin mother

They did but it drowned when they tried to give him a bath.

She went to school to calm him down when his powers freaked out

Then who was the bully who worked at ihop

That's sad.

She was quite surprised when he told her he had made a friend. Must have been harsh to be replaced by a younger human female who will now clean his super pants.

Snyder's work seems a bit ambivalent about this. From the symbolism he brings in the savior references a lot with a messiah like Clark but his whole story is much more Old Testament than New Testament.

Judas, fucking sold Clark out after he saved the bus.

How do you think she taught him how to control his x-ray vision?


Between this and Tomei as aunt may it's like these comic book movies are trying to instill a milf fetish in the younger generation

Because the illuminati is using chem trails to put floride in the water and turn us all into transgendered bathroom users.

Doesn't it come natural? What's more sensual than a mother? A pregnant woman maybe.

what are you talking about?

The visual themes are very much spiked with the messianic portrayal of Jesus. The story of Clark on earth under a foreign people, the oppression of those people, civilizations turning themselves to ruin and the question of sacrifices are much more related to the Old Testament than they are to the New Testament.
What are the questions and topics of Clark's story that can be linked to the New Testament? It's not so much about Jesus as it is about free will versus determinism. Where are the passages in the New Testament where Jesus questions his abilities? His is more a story of a leader, not a fighter like Superman.

Holy shit then you mean she is virgin that Pa never touched her?

I always felt sorry for Saint Joseph

There are some Old Testament parallels as well. Zod's shared vision with Clark is often compared to Satan tempting Jesus, but as it's presented, it's also analogous to Moses rejecting his Egyptian royalty and siding with the Israelites.

Good question.

I would do :
1. Pa Kent had affair and Soup has a unkown half brother/sister. Mmmm lets make Lana Lang Pa Kent's illegitamate daughter. Would be soapy

2. There actually was a human baby Clark Kent but Soup killed him on landing and the Kents used Soup as a replacement.

>2. There actually was a human baby Clark Kent but Soup killed him on landing and the Kents used Soup as a replacement.

Are you deliberately not making a story about Clark killing his human sibling? But your approach would explain why nobody was surprised about Martha suddenly giving birth.

Which Martha, Sup Forums?

Martha Kent > Martha Wayne

But they're both aces

What did she mean by this?


Now where did Mama Kent hide those twins all the time?

it means you dont need super powers to be a someone's hero


But he's Morpheus

Why does DC get the best girls?

Ha ha ha! You mad, white boy?

Which one were supposed to make the better movies again? Was it Marvel or DC?

This qt right here really does it for me. So does Batmom.

Fuck. Definitely Martha.

>Gal Gadot
>best girls

lol what the hell

papa kent was quite a looker. i would even say she was barely in his league.

And yet he didn't deliver. What gives?