Paid $45 for this. Did I get ripped off?

Paid $45 for this. Did I get ripped off?

What're you in the uk?

I've never seen ziplocs so small, that's amazing

no, that's a good price for a left hand

this is worth $5

U stupid or smth?

Here in brazil we pay $3 for a whole joint, so yes.

no way dude, that baggie is small enough to make a guiness world record. dude must have made it himself

But when you shoot it, you'll know where that extra money went. Nothing wrong with the first two. It's real, real, real, good shit. But this one's a fuckin' madman.

He's right man, just get a clean needle

I can get that for less than 1 euro

Please, don't use drugs, think about Jesus.


I can only think of Jesus when I do drugs



Is that for ants!



That's very bad, but I believe you can overcome it.
I just want to remind, that masturbation is sin. Please, don't touch you peesya, pray instead.

stop posting this faggot

Why do you use this bad f-word in conversation? Please be polite and people will be polite with you.

you still paid too much

what if the guy in the picture is like 50 feet tall

used for $5-10 crack rocks in Chicago

this is worth like 40p in uk

Drugs are illegal (in most of countries). Please don't use them. I don't want you to have troubles with law, fellows. I suppose, you don't wanna go to jail.