Ask a guy who got sent to a mental hospital anything

Ask a guy who got sent to a mental hospital anything.

You're not the only one to go from PHP to inpatient to outpatient back to hospitalization.

Don't get that, what do you mean?

What's your favorite flavor milkshake?


what country do you live in? most western nations don't have mental hospitals any more. half of the crazies are in prison and the rest are on the streets.


have you seen my phone charger?

Would you?

Do you get much enjoyment from snus, I feel way nicer with a quick hit of Dokha

If you mean what i think you do, genius

Do you like Nolan movies?

>gets a 3 day psych eval instead of county jail and thinks he was committed

90 days in the state hospital sucked, working there was slightly worse.

Who's your favorite Family Guy character?

Thought this thread died.

Well, story is, I went to a Norwegian shcool called folkehogskole. It's a year where you live with 120 other students and there are classes to learn whatever you want, like photoediting, to snowboarding.

Well, I got a girlfriend at school, we stayed up til 4am fukcing every night, waking up at 8, going snowboarding, playing and whetever, and then It got too much. Lack of sleep and so much activity triggered my brain. At one point it felt like the insides of my brain was melting.

Well, started acting weird, talking robotic, talking about random shit, being threateing, and then I ended up at a mental hospital.

Stayed there for 12 weeks, relaxing, sleeping in long, meeting other ppl in the same situation, excersice.

you sound like a special little butterfly

Did you take up smoking?


I was on the street for 6 months until my aunt had me admitted.


depressive schizofrenic

Dam soft viking lack of sleep cuz partyim ruined u....what condition u got

Have you ever masturbated to furry porn and was it futa?

started as a phsycosis, then depressive schizofrenic

Ugh I'm paranoid schizo, and these meds suck :( I miss ejaculating

do it all day

What are you on?

Invega sustenna once a month injection 156 mg

The mental hospital really isn't that bad tbh, unless you are in residential.

I tried that shit. Lost my mind. They're coming out with a new version you can take 4 times a year.

I don't believe your diagnosis

Schizophrenia can only be diagnosed with certain recurring symptoms outside of psychosis episodes
>voices, sounds, visual

Sounds like you got a shitty diagnosis or are pretending or both

It's already out it's called Invega trinza I almost got on it but fuck that

Why? No drowsy no problems. I take 6 pills a day just to stay alive.



Has anyone here ever gotten a second opinion?
Or seen a psychologist aswell as their psychiatrist?

norway's mental health system sounds so much better than america's.

>be me
>go psychotic
>picked up by cops walking down road
>go to mental hospital
>don't want drugs
>"you need drug"
>court ordered injections, 6 month stay in mental hospital
>It's practically a prison except you did nothing wrong and they get to drug you
>zombiefied - "you don't seem to be functioning well, you don't talk much." It's cause of the drugs
>can't be discharged because not functioning well, can't function well because drugs

>finally get out only because there was a hurricane and the hospital was flooded, moved to temp halfway house, new doctor

It is an endless shit circle here, insurance pays out to keep you there and doctors need "sick" people to stay in business. The drugs kill you slowly and if you don't want them they see it as part of your "illness."
Although they may help some people, the whole experience of being force drugged and being stuck there for 6 months was nothing but traumatizing and the exact opposite of helpful.

Because if I wanted to change doses or medications I'd have to wait three months or longer for it to get out of my system

So what are your symptoms?

I can't wait till we become advanced enough to cure these mental diseases, that's all I'm hoping for while in my zombified state because of these drugs


Sounds like hospital I was in, in Europe.
If you refuse meds they'll force them on you in any mental hospital.
Lock down wards are there for high risk patients, hard to get out of without showing signs of improvement.
Agreeing to taking meds and interacting with other patients and being generally open is the only way to act to get out sooner.
They don't want to keep patients in lock down for longer than they have to, costs too much.


hows the weak mind ?

Plays outlast once
I'll show you mount massive

Not gona happen

Psychology and psychiatry don't agree on much

It'll happen eventually I just hope it's within my lifetime

I did a total of 45 days inpatient, going in as a 5250 patient in the states. Psych ward/rehab type shit. then 60 more days outpatient. Like the other user said, you're a fucking soft viking pussy

No, it won't.

There's nothing to repair or fix, it's not like curing parkinsons or Alzheimer's with stem cells

Symptoms OP. I'm not accusing you of anything I'm genuinely curious

Dude you're fucking retarded, just because it's not a physical ailment doesn't mean it can't be fixed we just don't have the technology yet

That's not true.

He had one episode of psychosis and got a money hungry psychiatrist

Yes it is, without those re-occurring symptoms then it's just Bipolar disorder I, II or III

Pretty sure you're the one with the retard brain