Aw heck, it’s good to see you again, Anonymous! welcome to the After-Hours Bar. come on inside, kick your feet up...

aw heck, it’s good to see you again, Anonymous! welcome to the After-Hours Bar. come on inside, kick your feet up, and we’ll see what’s on tap today:

>happy thoughts

Thank you for stopping by, have a day as pleasant as you are, and please remember that you are loved.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm gonna take a piss.

that's... great, user.

”have a day as pleasant as you are”

I am not a pleasant man, so I’m going to have a shitty day as usual.

shit, I'm sorry. what's made them shitty recently?

another one of these threads now

must be my lucky day?

Everything's fucked, Jill. I've been telling myself for too long now that I've got it together, that everything's okay. I don't, and nothing is. I've made bad decision after bad decision, and I've destroyed far too many things I loved. I don't know what I'm doing next, I regret everything I've done that got me here.

Give me some happy thoughts, please.

How's your day been?

doesn't seem all that lucky, so far. doing okay, Aile-user?
mm... I'm really, really sorry. I don't want to overstep boundaries, but what kinda bad decisions are we talking here? is it stuff you can at least kinda try to repair, or should you just focus on moving forward?

kinda okay, been stressed over trying to set up a work mentorship before i start my last semester.

Didn't expect so many denials and how no one calls back.

I was presented with many opportunities, all of them good, and I turned them down with disdain. I burned bridges for no reason, and suddenly turned a cold shoulder to many who thought of me as a friend and shoved them away. It was nasty and sudden.

I've destroyed many relationships which I spent a lot of time building up. I don't have anyone left.

Only now do I regret it.

mm... that tends to happen, honestly. I don't know anyone who's had an easy time finding a mentorship out of college.
hell, I don't know many people who've had an easy time finding jobs out of college...
still, good luck. I'm sorry it's probably stressful. I can't say anything will come your way, but please keep your chin up.
are any of the bridges, yknow, salvageable? can you try reaching out and apologizing for being crappy to them?
what led you down this path, anyway, that made you shoot down all these opportunities?

In the criminal justice system, pastry based offenses are considered especially heinous. In the city of Whiterun, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Sweet Roll Unit.

These are their stories.

Yea well that's life pal. You have 2 choices from there.

End it all.

Move on and do better.

The longer it takes you to decide the more determined you should become with your choice.Don't betray yourself again.

>hiro will never give us something like DUN DUN again
man, that was a good time.
I miss you, mootykins.
that's... a little more critical I was going to phrase it, but you're really right. the best they can do is to pick up the pieces and move forward, trying to get the wounds to heal.

Perhaps I could, but I don't know that I'm strong enough to even attempt it. I couldn't stop myself from breaking them down in the first place.

I don't know, user. I don't know...

I can move on. I don't know why I did any of the things I did. I don't want to do it again.

hey jill havent seen you in a while
how are you

you're only as strong as you think you are, hon. it takes a big person to apologize for your actions, and I know you can do that, if that's what you would want.
I've had some hard days, too. done things I wish I hadn't, in retrospect. but sometimes, the most you can do is to pick up the pieces, and try to make the choices you think are best for you. I'm right here in your corner, okay?
I'm doing the best I can, really. a few bad days, but I'm managing. you?

I want some some happy thoughts because I feel like shit right now.

absolutely, dear. what has you down tonight?


information broker.

Im having crazy thoughts right now and I want to feel comfortable.

I suppose that's me
It doesn't look like a busy night tonight.

Anyone up for a conversation? Don't mind what topic, I'm just bored.

Yeah, let's talk user. Been playing any games lately?

Todays as shit as the last however bright side though, still severely depressed but haven't touched any alcohol or a single drug in months

What kind of bad days have you seen recently?

Thats great user. Keep it up

anything to distract yourself? I'd usually find a netflix movie or get salty at QP in overwatch, but I bet there's something you can do to keep yourself distracted.
it's... pretty slow, yeah. I wasn't expecting many anons, but I'm hoping most of them are off enjoying their friday evenings. you having a nice day?
hey, that's something! I'm proud of you, if that counts for anything. staying sober is hard, and that's great progress.
honestly, nothing really terrible. I'd missed my medication and had some withdrawal headaches, and my video card started failing.

im taking a shit rn

Thank you

I can watch youtube videos for now

congratulations, user.
maybe find some chill music and try relaxing a bit? that helps me now and then.

In a week it'll have been one year since my brother's suicide. I still don't deal with it in a healthy way. It's every other thought that crosses my mind and I've become an alcoholic in the meantime.

Sure I will try it right now thanks darling.

The days will be nice as long as I have more to learn. Knowing everything would be boring.

If anyone wants me to find anything (within reason) I can try to find it for them.

I hate missing my meds I take lithium for schizoeffective disorder and missing a day is pure hell. And graphics card failures are never fun I ran an old laptop of mine too hot to often and the monitor would start displaying lines and dots after an hour of playing skyrim on max settings

Can you find me an aux cord?

that's... an understandable reaction, honestly. it's not an easy thing to deal with, and I'm not much of an expert in it. I'm sorry you're going through this.
good luck.
it's pretty old, and upgrading won't be too expensive, but god damn does it piss me off when it crashes mid-game when I'm doing well.
re:missing meds, what used to work for me was having a reminder app. there's a few on android, and I'm sure there's one for iOS as well.

Hey there. That's... a story I hear a lot actually where I work. That's a long time since his death. Sounds like he must be a big part of your life... have you tried seeing a professional about it?

convert and join the cause

We'll just hope my paranoia doesn't get me right now.

That isn't what I meant by finding things.

I use a reminder app that buzzes my smartwatch as well so I usually dont miss but it does happen sometimes. I know how the feeling goes with midgame crashes and laggouts nothing gets me more heated that being in the lead and lagging out

actually, yeah. I've got a spare hosa, if you need it. come pick it up tomorrow.
evening, doc.
what cause are we talking about?
we sure will.
mm... yeah, that's how it goes with me. take the watch off to charge, put the phone on silent now and then, and stuff just goes right on by.

But its a thing you can find though riiiiggghhtttt???

the one that purges heretics

not a doctor, only a therapist. hehe

Bell, I'm just trying to help people out tonight. can we not do a purge this time around?
I'm still going to call you doc.

im not, im trying to play XCOM and keep Bob Ross the sharpshooter alive through the alien purge

No not really, don't own a console because saving for pc/ can't actually be bothered to buy one but I'm stoked for evil within 2. Never actually played the first for obvious reasons but what i saw fascinated me.

How bout you user?

Really wanna let out a shitty thing happening with me. So I found a person, he's awesome, sweet, smart and extremely patient. On looks a 6/10 but his personality is a 12/10. I'm a sucker for people with good personality plus his father is a famous person, cant say names tho. Anyway, I like him but there are two problems: he's got a girlfriend and he's my fucking boss. Advice on how to get over it? Meanwhile Im just stuffing my face with junk food and basically accepting depression.

gotcha, no worries then. did the expac come out yet, by the way? I know there's supposed to be one soon, but I haven't touched the second game yet. looks fun enough.
>Bob Ross the sharpshooter
I thought Mr. Rogers was the one rumoured to be a retired sniper.

I don't have a console either, and my computer is not very powerful. I might get Risk of Rain soon if I can find time to play it. Never been huge into games though, I usually just use them as a conversation starter.

If you want to find one the fastest

I was meaning more along the lines of information.

nope, its soon tho. going to be throwing my cash at it cause new soldat classes

And no, Bob Ross was the last survivor out of his squad because mechs and rocketeers. I should make a Mr. Rodgers tho

Can't afford it. Even if I could I probably wouldn't see a shrink. It just doesn't feel like something I should do.

I mean... getting over people really, really sucks, but sometimes it just isn't gonna work out and you need to deal with it. it's gonna hurt, and I'm sorry about that, but sometimes things need to hurt for us to heal.
hey, RoR's pretty fun. there's a few people who do games now and then over on Sup Forums. just get your feet wet on easy mode though, it's honestly pretty tough.
well, hope it goes well enough. good luck, mister Ross!
what makes you think it's something you shouldn't do, hon?

Fair enough.
What do you do with your time then user?

Personally I read and listen to audio dramas.

Ah, thanks Jill. I don't know if my internet would be fast enough for multiplayer, but I could give it a shot.

I read pulp science fiction and comic books, and sometimes watch older movies. Just finished Die Nibelungen, it was really good.

I'd have to disagree. You've said it yourself. The issue is you've turned to alcohol to help you cope with something that could be helped in more healthy ways. As far as a shrink goes. You don't have to go directly to a psychiatrist you should start at a therapist: counselor, social worker, marriage family therapist. Those are usually covered by only $20-40 copy with insurance and if you have no insurance there are therapists that offer sliding scale to get you near that cost even without insurance.

Like they say in support groups for alcohol abuse. "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again & expecting different results".

You've done this for a year now. I think it is time to try something new.

I'm going to need to echo this, yeah. I'd also suggest calling your insurance provider, they can usually suggest a local therapist that they'll cover best.

jill, why you deleted me from discord :((

Hey OP.
Was doing pretty bad a couple weeks ago, but now things have smoothed out.
Also I'm in college for human services, so I can chime in here and there.

Out of curiosity, what made you start this thread/these other threads of the same theme?

I left a couple months back. you could always send a message, yknow.
hey, I'm really glad things have smoothed out, at least. that's always good news.
I do these because sometimes people need a place to vent or someone to talk to, that's all.

you have steam?

I do, but I'm not on all that much. I used to use it to keep in touch with people, but now I just email 'em.

reee email is such a pain in the arse

Fair enough.

What a previous user said about "not feeling right" of going to a counselor, I went to my uni's counselor on the suggestion of the parents, and I broke down crying not two minutes into it.
Being someone who's profession is (going to be) counseling, it was difficult to muster up the courage to say to myself, "it's okay to reach out for help".
I feel like a lot of other people are like that, or that they're afraid of how much they'll bear to a counselor.

I felt much better afterwards, and if anyone in this thread is on the fence of going to one, I'd highly recommend it both as a student and a client.

yeah, but I like getting updates on my phone.
yeah, honestly the first time going to a therapist can be the hardest one. and if you don't like your therapist all that much, it can be a little hard as well. my first, we hit it off and she was a great friend, and I never felt awkward bearing my ugly hurts and asking for help.