EVERYONE! Sign this petition to formally recognize Antifa as a terrorist organisation!

EVERYONE! Sign this petition to formally recognize Antifa as a terrorist organisation!




nazis are the real terrorists

jesus christ you suck op

sage goes in all fields


OP, here's a newsflash for you:

Opposing Fascism =/= Communism.

The United States, Britain and France defeated Germany on the western half of their borders. None of those nations are communist.

Eh, wtf am I wasting my time for? If you're stupid enough to think Antifa is a communist group, you're probably too stupid to know what communism actually is.

Go fuck yourself.



To be fair, when Antifa waves a flag it has a hammer and sickle

Pol would probably be a better place for this

I signed, user. Keep it up.

You need to do a little basic research, you leftist fuckwit

Antifa was around in weimar germany, they were the paramilitary wing of the communist party

Modern day antifa has literally the same flag, just a reversed image

You are a fucking idiot and a hypocrite, not everyone who is against antifa is a neo nazi

some idiots yes

Antifa isn't an official org, its just a self-label to any localised group who is anti-fascist.

Also look up the battle of cable street in the 1930s where anti-fascists ended any chance of the UK turning fascist by standing up to Mosley. Jews, Communists, everyday dock workers of the east end, all stood up together against fascism.

Anyone can be antifa, conservative, liberal, libertarian etc. All you have to be is be against fascism.

antifa is awesome

anyone against them is:
A) a nazi
B) a cucked wimp who wishes they had the balls to actually fight for something
C) all of the above

signed!!!! 14/88 ;)

I second this


antifa is against the right to free speech for anyone who is white, male and straight. They came to Charlottsville to cause trouble, to start a fight. They attacked the driver in the car so he had no choice but to try to drive away from them. They are terrorists.

sorry to ruin your white supremacist party

trying too hard cuck


b-but these brave men and womyn are here to protect you from the scary evil white people!

Antifa is a communist 1930s party in germany. Fuck off

So brave wooooo

How did they go from that to this? What happened?

all the faces I see are white. whites are as bad as those damn blacks. just can't stop fighting and killing each other.

liberal arts students larping as anarchists with trust funds, you do the math


fuck nazis
fuck commies
fuck antifa
fuck the king
fuck violence

Why is it that black people have never invented anything or contributed in any way to the society??

motherfucking peanut butter, asshole!

Lol they fell off


The same reason 90 percent of the protesters on both sides look like limpwristed slap fighting faggots. 70 years of easy living have made us a slovenly, weak bunch of pussies.