How do we fix millennials?

How do we fix millennials?


This is the peak of humanity deal with it

nothing really to fix
they've got a much better grip on reality than the older generation, that's certain

re-education camps

Did you tell em to get off yer lawn? Thats all I got.

fucking checked

Theres no hope. Just be glad u will be dead before they fuck everything up

start with the shoes

>cream of the crop
life is long dude

When their parents and people who support them die or move on they'll be hit with reality

Stop being shitty parents.

time will fix them.

Teach them how to love their country. Instill a deep sense of nationalism. Mold them into soldiers willing to die for their god and their people.

oh, certainly, because the availability of fucking avocado toast is the most vital issue mankind has ever faced, you fucking retard.

Beat the parents and teachers who let this bullshit happen.

It won't fix anything, but it'll feel fucking good.

Too late, but hey, we still need English speaking baristas

Every adult generation is embarrassed by the young generation. This one is particularly worthless.

High school in 2017? That would be Gen z you fucking idiot lmao. Even the youngest Millenials would have finished high school atleast 5 years ago.

I recommend cyanide tablets

i was born in the Millenial gap, and im not some brony loser

Yet you're here...

We tried to get them to be allowed into the military so they could die in your president's next big war, but the fucking retard didn't see the bigger picture that we laid out for him and he bombed the plan!

No this generation is just realizing all the bullshit the previous generation fed them

>Who were the parents that bitched for ALL the kids to receive participation trophies?

Not the millennial kids, that's for sure. If a kid whines, it's up to the PARENT to say "Well, Jim, earn your mom and dad's love AND a trophy by not crying and pissing yourself at soccer!"

>Millennials realized that the "bachelor's degree=$40k a year and up" is a fucking lie.

YOUR generation told us no matter what: Get a degree. Get ANY degree and it is a fucking accomplishment and any job will snag you up in a minute. THEN your shit-generation kept jacking up tuition prices until BOOM: We're in another bubble economy with over-qualified people flipping burgers....the exact fate we were told to avoid.

I don't feel like typing anymore because I'm drunk but fuck baby boomers. You fucked up the whole goddamn planet and have the nerve to poke at millennials? Hurry up and retire and fucking die already.

communistic sleeper agent programme.

Bury them under the caskets of boom babies.


retire or die so they can get some damn jobs

This. I am not sure why people don't realize this. Most people complaining about millenials are millenials themselves. Especially on this site. I'm 29 and considered a millennial.

>no twilight

Make them breed with the blacks and wipe each other out?


Mass genocide