Hehe!! Poopy eatings!!!

Hehe!! Poopy eatings!!!

Andy "creamtime" Sixx offers you a steamulous dreamulous memeulous poop-eat.

Wouldn't you??

Senator, I can assure you my logs are both the creamiest as well as the steamiest.


What on earth are you on about?

>House of Logs starring Kevin Loggey and Loggin' Wright

>still no image for this


Logless shill fuck off

No one knows who that is


Yeah not even log posters care



ill get to work

Just die already

Grow up dood

Quads logged, throat clogged

I need a creamtown

fucking witnessed the cream

Poppie stink eat. Creamlogroll


Shit meme about shit, so shit-posting...




let's try to act our age shall we?

I've heard you can kill yourself by suffocating on your own shit...something to think about.

this is gold btw

Hide thread ;)

careful you don't want to end up like pic related


My god. I fucking love you

Wow, mature much?

Netsixx. Top kek



anus meal

Quads of Andy's warm logroll guide those steamers down my fucking throat


rate my gf plz

I need the cream

the steam is in the dream


I prefer the meme