What do I say next?

What do I say next?

OP didnt deliver the proper message in his last thread from dubs. dont help em

My grandma said "your generation relies too much on technology." And I replied "No, you relied too much on technology!" So I unplugged her life support.

How long do you browse Sup Forums? Go outside. Oh and I was working when I started the first thread. I didn't have time to keep up with any posts

Baby I really wanna deeply finger your butthole while I read you my favorite bible verses.

If you play your lines right, I'll consider coffee this weekend

Rolling for this. Because, why the hell not?

Show me da pussy

yeah ill roll for this one too

That would work.


"May i interest you in a cup of ammonia?"

Want to see my tiny cock?

"Have you ever raped yourself?"

Ok I'll get out. Enjoy the night M'lady. *Tips fidora*
Come back when you want some eggs!

What would it take to get you to fart through a walkie talkie for me?

tell her to message jordanatkins98 on snapchat and call her a cheating hoe

Sometimes, when I'm bored, I stick my finger in my asshole and sniff it.

Send that shit op, bitches love when you tell them what to do.

How many big macs can you fit into those cute chubby cheeks of yours. I just wanna squeeeeeeze them. Tee hee!

how hard do you think my parents will take it when I tell them I'm gay? I'm on tinder for a chick's perspective



double get

Triple dog get

this then
this before she responds


open boob plz

We're waiting, motherfucker

Get her to just say "hi," then stop responding.

i should have listen to this guy before making dubs


Rolling for this.

here we go


Rollin rollin rollin


That's probably because of your weird face, the makeuo isnt fooling anyone

Show bob and vageena

That's probably because of your weird face, the makeup isnt fooling anyone

Another winner. OP is a cunt.

That is because you are not pretty enough.