Starting college tomorrow. Any tips Sup Forums?

Starting college tomorrow. Any tips Sup Forums?

u going to state?

OP is a statist who begs for a helicopter ride

Is that your college, OP?



What is this Sup Forums meme that I 've never seen before?

Yeah I'm going to Ohio state

why tho? what major or for what purrrpose???

Best engineering program in Ohio, I'm in aerospace, kinda thinking of switching to environmental but I'm gonna see how I like the introductory courses

No replies.


fuck off
you should come down to TxA&M mate if you want engineering...
t.nukeEng Major

Find the biggest shemale cock on campus and suck it dry.

join a frat

Game days are amazing have fun fellow ohio fag.

You on campus still?


But seriously, good luck man. Have fun (not too much though) and time will fly by.

Thanks man

No old fag, but love football.

Lol ohio state is a worthless school. I transferred to cscc. But you MUST go to football games, fun as fuck

Got my season pass ready. Super stoked

KYS, Go Blue

Oi fuckoff

Lucky enjoy it, the atmosphere in the horseshoe is great.

Fuck Michigan. Still a bit salty at y'all for poaching Rich Rod from us, though I'm more pissed at Rich Rod himself for bailing before the bowl game.

Are you living in the dorms? If so, south campus, north campus or towers? Stayed in Morrison way back in the day.

I just graduated there. Do you have any specific questions?
>probably not because by looks of thread, OP is gone

Use the college gym

If you can, get involved in your dorms student government. Unless you're in one of the 2 big towers, getting in is easy because there isn't much competition, and you get a say in how the dorms social funds are spent.

I'm not gone.

Can you give me an honest approximation on how much free time I'll have as an engineering student. I wanna keep my grades up but still find time to party

I'm staying in Lawrence hall on north. It was the holiday inn on lane Ave years ago

>Starting college tomorrow. Any tips Sup Forums?

Drink heavily, and fuck as many women as you can. That way, when you flunk out, you can at least say you had fun in your one year at college.

How much time would that take to participate in?

>how much free time I'll have as an engineering student

None, unless you're a math genius.

Swallow bitch

That's scary as fuck

Stay the fuck away from my office

I know this is Sup Forums and the reddit boogeyman meme and all that, but you should check the OSU reddit because it's a huge engineering circlejerk over there. Any topic about the major, the life that comes with it, and other topics like professors are beaten to death there.

Study hard during the week, party on friday nights and weekends, fuck lots of girls, have fun.

Go figure, I was aero my first year at osu. I changed to cse tho. Get ready for all your engi classes to be only available at 7am

I remember that Holiday Inn. And the student government thing is true. You spend like, an hour and a half a week in a meeting, and you get awesome perks.
Realistically, figuring out how to balance your school and social time is one of the biggest challenges, especially in the engineering dept. Your first year, I would suggest erring on the side of focusing on studying, because no upper classmen will want to drink with you/fuck you your first year anyway. Then, the next year you'll have a better idea of what you can get away with school-wise.

The only people who "transfer" to Columbus state are morons who failed out. Study hard op, don't end up at cscc.

So much this.

For such a huge school, you would think they would spread out the time-slots for classes a bit.

Earliest class is 8am, and Fridays start at 1145. Wednesday and Friday I have 2 hrs of classes. This seems abnormal to have what are essentially off days as an engineer. I'm not complaining though

Where is your office faggot ill shit on your doormat

Honestly engineering isn't to hard, slack on your electives and you will have time to party.


My 1 elective is introduction to film so I think I'll be ok

I ended up transferring out of aero case I couldn't stand the lectures on lift and drag coefficients, temperature differentials, airspeed velocity graphs... all at 7am... by an ancient prof

What kind of engineering? Electrical, computer, hardware here.

Watch out for those "off" days. You start to think that just because you don't have class, that you have the day off. There's no class scheduled, because you're expected to spend the day figuring the material out for yourself. OSU is a "weed-out" school. That whole shpeil about "look to your left, then look to your right, none of you are passing this 6am gen chem lecture awake" is different from high school or a community college, where they slow down the class to let the straglers keep up. The classes are as much about teaching you as they are about removing the chafe, the people who can't manage their time and workload on their own.

Just understand how to circle a clit and you'll do fine son.

Turn into a black guy to get pussy

lol, meant chaff, obv.

Good luck buckeye fag. Enjoy your next 4-8 years. Columbus is an awesome town. Eat a slice at Catfish Biffs for me.

Sooners are going to kick your ass September 9.


Get ready to live in Caldwell

Suck my ass

Osu by 10.

Do you think AP still cries over 2006 Fiesta bowl?

Had a buddy study aero, did some cool projects. Good luck and have fun.

OU will have more experience, though they're away with a new coach. It's gonna be a fight.

Best engineering program in Ohio would be Cincinnati. With Akron and OSU not far behind.

Thanks my man

Damnit, I hate bowl games. Are you talking about OSU/ND or OU/Boise? Cause OSU/ND is technically the 2006 Fiesta Bowl.

I've graduated from both schools. The odds of being shot are much higher in the nati. Getting run over is about even. Overall college experience, The OSU

Ah I meant 2007 when Boise thumped him

That's what I figured. And I hope not. Boise was fire that year. Personally a bigger fan of the 2008 Fiesta Bowl, but that's just me (hint: my team beat OU that time).

Um Case?

Watch out for weeder courses. Lots of first and second year pre-reqs are designed to be fucking awful..

Fuck, Calc 1 and Dynamics were the two big courses that weeded everyone out at WVU. The Dynamics professor fucking sucks.

Calc 2 and physics 1 were my biggest issues. Threw a hail mary on the final in physics to pass.

If you cant pass those you don't deserve an engineering degree.

OSU is top 4 in recruiting going on 8 years.....OU is top 15 every year.

Those weren't bad. Calc 3 was the one that was stupid. It wasn't too hard but I don't care to find the line tangent to plane on a sphere.

What's your degree?

OSU is a little light on real titles though.

Clac 3 is what I planned for next semester. I've heard mixed reviews about it where I go. Apparently they tacked on a pointless lab to it that everyone shits on.

Material science engineering

Did you not have to take physics 2 and 3 and calc 3 and differential equations?

OSU has 8 national titles.

Going into my second year. Physics 2, Calc 3 and 4, and organic chem all still need to be done.

Shit man, I don't want to be mean so all I will say is that it gets way harder. Good luck user.

It's one of the most useless classes that I had, fucking hated it. Like I said if you study it's not too hard, I just didn't Care cause it was pointless.

Thanks my man. I'm in it for the long haul so we'll see how it goes.

>OSU has 8 national titles

Not 8 real ones. 6 if one is being generous.

The thing is after you graduate 90% of the shit you learn is useless. Figure out what you enjoy and make that your career.

The Buckeyes are recognized by the university and NCAA as having won eight national championships along with 37 conference championships (including 35 Big Ten titles), five division championships, 10 undefeated seasons, and six perfect seasons of having no losses or ties.

Welcome to the boringest city in the entire midwest.. get used to being treated as a number at OSU.

Friday nights on high st are the best time to browse some eye candy.

No, which is why they weed out so many people. Still shudder at Dynamics, and not because the material is that bad. Bo, the professor was just awful. You learned in his class, but he didn't help much.