Seriously speaking, what do you think comes after death?

Seriously speaking, what do you think comes after death?

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The same thing that happened before life. Nothing.


I'm not sure. It's probably just nothing.

Nothing. We return to the ground, from whence we came.

Heaven, Hell, Reincarnation all lies invented by psychopaths to control the masses.

My dick!!!!

For most of us hell

fuck all
theirs no heaven, theirs no hell

just sweet fuck all
you live through the eyes of your children

you don't have children ? so what ! when your dead you're not going to give a fuck either way

life is basically your born, you struggle to live (unless your rich) you get some pussy (if your lucky) you have kids, teach them stuff
you get old and die

the bible teaches resurrection but of-cause you have to pay for your sins
so technically even if you get resurrected you'll face being killed by god anyway unless your a pure unadulterated person (which lets face it if you come here you are far from with all the filth that's available here form anal (sodomy) to killing people (daily occurrence in reckt threads)

*tips fedora*


One thing for sure: not dubs.

It feels just like how you felt before you were born

*Shines shoes*

Are you implying I'm wrong?

but do you remember what it was like being born? or anything from the year after you were born?

just because you don't remember there being anything before life doesn't mean there was nothing

You'll ask an angelic looking lady where one could score weed, and continue where you left off, probably.

The same thing that comes before birth, reverting back to nutrients.

How do people accept death. To even consider it now after all that you've learnt and experienced. I cannot fathom all the senses i currently have and all the mechanisms in my body that function coherently just to simply breathe.

just because life exists doesn't mean i personally have any experience of it outside my own brain function.

on this note; i wouldn't use a teleporting device based on deconstructing my body atom by atom and reassembling it somewhere else. that person may be indistinguishable from myself to everyone, but for all intents and purposes, as pertaining to my subjective experience, it would constitute death.

This question is a bit of a red herring.

We are presupposing that consciousness and memory are "something" that exists for the individual while he or she is alive, that would necessarily continue, disappear altogether, or transform into something else upon death.

However, consciousness is secondary to the demonstrable but abstract physical processes that form the basis of life, and is in essence a very believable but completely imaginary phenomenon.

Consider this. In order for something to exist, it must exist absolutely and independently from something else. But we know for a fact that no thing exists absolutely and independently from any other thing; that is, a thing by definition is reliant upon another thing for its existence, and the relationship that defines both of those things is integral to the existence of either.

The point is, you are, by definition, composed of matter that is already dead. Your consciousness may "disappear" but there is nothing to be afraid of, as you were, are, and always will be part of a system of matter and energy that is fundamentally composed of nonliving matter. Nothing changes when you die.

>you live through the eyes of your children
i call bullshit. please refer to this post

quads of tempting but questionable truth

black you fucking retard


Glad I'm not the only one who thought about molecular deconstruction being sketchy as fuck

The Big Nothing

Something completely different.

Consider the following:

Consciousness may be discrete rather than continuous. I get what you're saying about the teleportation technology, but what about the fact that all the cells in your body are continuously dying off and being replaced? What about the fact that your brain is running a defrag every time you sleep? At what point does the Ship of Theseus stop being the original vessel?

nothing obviously, but the genes that created us live on


I've had the unique experience of dying and yeah, you only realise you are gone if you get brought back.

Think about it like blacking out. While your out you have no memories of before, after or during. Your just not. You never were, until you come back.

Nothing to be afraid of, dying hurts but its not like you ever wake up the next day and go 'wow that hurt' once the hurting starts it's already over you never existed.



if you haven't already you should check out the game SOMA.


how did it hurt?


it does feel as if i'm a completely different person now than i was 10 years ago, but i still wouldn't use that type of teleportation if given a choice.

Death is just another path.

One that we must all take.

I'd rather be a fat neckbeard fedora wearing faggot than a braindead christian mongoloid

I've heard it suggested that teleportation may involve scanning the individual in question and beaming the data to the destination where an exact molecular copy is made, right down to the chemical state of the brain.

The original is then destroyed.

I had trouble breathing after the first time I read that.

crazy quantum immortality , reincarnation, infinite parallel realities madness, cyclical universes, permanent oblivion?

we become radical cool skeletons and fight demons n shit

No more AIDS. I've been diagnosed twice. This second time they say they can't cure it.


Continuous consciousness is an illusion; the only thing that is discrete about it is that it exists in the present moment. Every memory conjoining that consciousness to a prior moment in time could just as easily be a fabrication injected into your brain at the time of your creation.

I think what people are really afraid of when they die is not losing their consciousness or their memories, but losing the distinctive quality of "being" at the point of reference from which all their memories are formed.

I believe that point is not fixed, however, and is more like a unique bump on a large sheet of fabric that appears isolated when looked at by itself, but the bump can re-emerge at any other location on the fabric with identical qualities and the being that experiences that point would be none the wiser.

Afterthought: it is not unlikely that this is how "reincarnation" works; we are all experiencing the fabric of "being" in the same way as one another without actually realising it, and the point of experience that appears unique to us is actually composed of the same quality as that of everybody else's--thus, by conscious existence, we are all one and the same.

We live in a perpetual loop of realities, if somebody percieves you as alive then you are. You have already died and infinite amount of time and you have lived an infinite amount of times. Why do you think you feel deja Vu. From a science perspective matter can't be created or destroyed so if that's true then you live on through electrons moving back and forth. And those electrons carry data that make you. Well you

A better question is that if you can digitize your entire brain and create a new virtual life for yourself that could potentially live eternally, would you? It wouldn't be you, but an exact digital clone of you. Is that something you would want for a copy of yourself? There are a lot of philosophical things to consider. Would you ever "delete" yourself once things get boring? Would that be suicide? Why do it at all if you know you'd eventually just off yourself? If all consciousness becomes a singularity, then does it matter if you won't be you anymore?

I will never understand why people are all so afraid of death. Its like you think you will be shut up in a pine box alone in the dark for eternity. What you fail to realize is that death is simply the annihilation of consciousness. You don't experience anything at all anymore whereas being alone in the dark would be an experience. With a small change in social attitude death can be just as beautiful as birth because simply put its a completely natural part of life just like birth.

>listen up sheeple

In my case i'm not sure, being violently flung out of a car did a pretty number on me. But I imagine I was in serious pain, there were enough medicos.

Lung cancer though, yeah that looks like a rough ride. There's a reason they keep you doped up on morphine 24/7. Your body doesn't want to die, it spends alot of it's time keeping you alive, when organs and stuff start shutting down, your body ring alarm bells, usually this comes in the form of pain, the more stuff inside you dies...

But once your on that path you never really existed anyway.

Matter can be created and destroyed.

Sounds peaceful.

>Why do you think you feel deja Vu

Because sometimes neurons misfire or fire out of normal sync. That's why "deja vu feeling" is a common symptom people experience just before having a seizure.

our consciousness which evolved by darwinian principles is uniquely good at dealing with natural processes like cell death and growth, its not necessarily good at teleportation by 3d printer or whatever thing we invent

there might be some continuity mechanism that gets interrupted

heat death

72 fat neckbeard virgins

on the other hand some people are willing to die for plenty of reasons, science included. Perhaps in 1000 years it will be normal to commit suicide and have your clone appear on another planet, maybe it will be like a gap year. Our strong intuitions about what it means to be alive, conscious, a self, may change as we learn more, we are already moving to a pro-euthanasia society...

You dumb fuck it's not peaceful. It's nothing absolutely nothing. Peaceful is a feeling and death is simply that death.

if we are all blips on the same plane of being isnt that very distinct from being the same as an exact blip on a previous state of the plane

reincarnation implies to me that i am now me but i used to be hitler and before that i was a donkey a named pedro and before that i was the apple tree in front of isaac newtons house

what youre saying seems to be different

Rick and Morty
The game is life
The game
We come out of this reality and finish our old life in the dream
Also movie Inception dreams within dreams. It all comes back to you but you get caught up in life so you forget. Life is a social scheme intended to make you forget what is real. Alan Watts

You know what a death here could wind up taking you back and considering all your life times are a hoax.
Would you keep anhero ing through all of it to see one base reality? You do it once and it becomes easier.

I think my dejavues have stopped because I'm not living lives over again because I've passed the point where I was heroing so this is all new for me.

72 virgins

ive always thought of deja vu as this

we are always storing memories (we dont store everything, but storing is happening basically constantly), sometimes the neural path glitches and we start recalling the present moment from our memory as we are recording it to the memory (or .05 seconds after its being recorded, but it is perceptually indistinguishable)

so we are just remembering .05 seconds ago

i dont have any science to back that up though. lel

A big orgy

do you meditate?
nothing is peaceful
that little neurotic voice in your head is stressful

Nothing, just blackness like floating in space.

The amount of times I've been called edgy by some summer kid...

I am suggesting that being "you" is not as solid as you think it is. Every day that you wake up you are effectively a different person, and the blip on the plane may have shifted to some degree without your conscious intent or recollection thereof, while you continue to remain effectively "you" (connected by memories and such). I am suggesting that reincarnation is simply a more complex version of this process, whereby instead of swapping out little bits of old matter with new ones you swap out large bits (different brain and all that) and create new matter configurations altogether. All sentient creatures are all bound by the same quality of consciousness, despite being different clumps of matter.

Keep in mind also that consciousness may not be linearly tied to time as we perceive it. Thus, in the way you describe 'having been' somebody or something else you throw out the idea that you are already that person or thing simply by sharing a quality of existence / life with it.


But at least he had a VCR and some porn hehehe

Suck a greyhound's dick.


You guys are really dumb. Do you see all those planets in space? And i mean every single one of them. Well those are fail human society. Some how we will fuck up on this planet earth and get extinct. Than it will slowly die just like the planet before this. A new planet is already being born many years ago and is still developing at this moment. We will die before its finishes and when its finished some how new life will be born on the next new planet. This repeats itself until life gets it right without fucking up!

I see, im down with panpsychism (or at least i know it cant be debunked), im just skeptical of the concept of reincarnation but the definition you've just given it is totally acceptable to me

I came from my mom's pussy tho

My roommate actually was dead for almost 10 minutes due to his body eating away at itself. He told me afterwards everything seemed content and he didn't feel happy or sad, but a feeling of relief.

It's rather simple: "death adder" comes after "death". Sometimes I wonder about Sup Forums.

Clinical death is not brain death
You can't experience true brain death and come back
So you don't know any more than anyone else

A far green country, under a swift sunrise


I'd imagine either nothing or something.

Either oblivion, the nothing which we can't comprehend,
or your conscious is immediately transferred to another entity, but then that begs the question of limitations, are things like rabbits, bugs, or gastropods even conscious?
Could your consciousness be transferred into a plant, like an equivalent of hell? Where you can't think, you can't see, you can't move, but you can in fact feel pain?
Is your consciousness even limited to this planet? Could it be transferred to a non carbon based life form 1,000,000,000 light years away?

I'd imagine oblivion, consciousness is too abstract a concept to even try to explain, that's why people make up garbage like heaven.

I want some of your drugs.

I don't get it why people think that something happens after death. It doesn't makes any sense. Just realize how many people died in the history of humanity. If there's is a afterlife it would be a total mess

Think about it it may be real

White bois crying about confederate statues.

I see no proof of life.

yo that'd be sic

i can tell you this much; we live in a recording.

i've seen the future before and it was a few seconds in a dream that, since the scene came together a thousand miles away in a strange place but exactly the same on a special night, that means that there is no free will and this is just a recording.

you can't ONLY exist in a recording. we don't actually live here.

Cremation seems to be the most popular choice these days but some still opt for burial.

The same thing that came before birth

The world won't stop without you. Basically everything but you comes after death.

I believe that just as there are laws concerning mass and energy. (Specifically the law of conservation of mass/energy) I.e. mass and energy can neither be created or destroyed.

In the same manner I think there is a scientific law for the law of conservvati9n of life i.e. life can never be created or destroyed only change forms. So I guess I believe in a form of reincarnation or transitional state.

Or you know we are just dead. There's always that and it's probably the winner.

The mind is set free from it's physical existence to form a true unity with god

More death

>Seriously speaking, what do you think comes after death?

It's like waiting at the DMV... forever...

spas in volcanos?

Breathe and reproduce

Brain death, clinical death. Who cares really, but the point you completely missed is death is a lack of consciousness. You don't know your dead, you never knew you were alive.

Your just not.

I don't think there's anything but the void of non-existence.

Look, if there was an afterlife, then all our loved ones would know that the best way to alievate our fear, would be to contact us and let us know it's okay and they are okay.

The fact that they don't do this, leaves us with a few possibilities.

1) They are unable to respond
2) They are unwilling to respond.

2 can be dismissed, as many of the dying have made promises to contact the living if it is possible. (e.g Harry Houdini)

So we have 1) They are unable to respond.
If they are unable to respond, then it logically follows that EVERY SINGLE "communication" from beyond was bullshit.

Therefore all religions talk about the beyond, is bullshit.

Given that we can dismiss religion, what is more likely? An alternate dimension for consciousness? Or life is as simple (and brief) as it appears?

No, he's right. Your original post was just the neck beard slogan. Christ, think for yourself you fucking pleb.
