Why are dumb Liberals accepting degeneracy?

Why are dumb Liberals accepting degeneracy?

Cos were in the modern world and unfortunately that's the way it works

People could lick each other's asshole since ancient times,they just didn't promoted that.

That's hot. 10/10 would bang all parties involved and bring the end of Western civilization.

Do you Liberals have any family values? Are you basically product of broken homes and abuse relationship?

Perhaps you didn't notice my quads. The end is assured. Your questions are moot. Prepare your anuses.

Bill Nye, the thousand genders guy

>family values?
I don't have a family.
I can not afford one on what the one percent offer as wages while they go out and fuck whores of both genders as they pretend to be moral.

If they're old, it's because their paty's gone to shit, and they have accept the degeneracy
If they're young, it's because the media tells them it's cool and hip. And they want to be cool and hip.

If they're old, it's because their party's gone to shit, and they have to accept the degeneracy
If they're young, it's because the media tells them it's cool and hip. And they want to be cool and hip.

Implying it's only liberals

>Why are dumb Liberals accepting degeneracy?
I don't give a shit. If people want to be degenerates, then let them. We let conservatives fuck their family members to keep the race "pure" and no one's complaining.

Go be degenerate somewhere else.

Take your weak shit to Sup Forums you cardboard shield being dipshit

hurr durr dae libruls are dumb?

breitbart is good news outlet and infowars is not a scam for dumb people btw

Liberals,How many are there genders?Also if people can ''change'' their gender why are homosexuals/lesbians saying they can't change their sexuality? Something doesn't fit there,does it?


Live and let live, stop being bothered by other people's sex life

Come back and ask when you complete 6th English.

''There are people with both genders at same time, and there are people who are genderless'' Bill Nye the paid shill guy.

Do conservatives not realise that until recently, their side of the spectrum was the most disgusting degenerate pieces or shit? I mean yeah SOME liberals are degenerate just how 4 Chan describes them, but up until recently, most conservatives were the same degenerate bible thumping fucks who thought Vidya games turned people to Satan

Its all about being "more progressive than thou"


>its rich peoples fault im a loser
>being rich is bad and its bad that im not rich

That definitely plaid a big role in many of their lives.

Because the government shouldn't have a say in what happens between consenting adults.

Because traditions are worthless. Saying that people shouldn't do something just because it's 'degenerate' is hot garbage.

Bill Nye the fake scientist guy.

because fags being fags is not really an issue.

Whereas the widening socioeconomic gap between the upper class and the lower classes is. In fact, the majority of sexual "degeneracy" happens in the upper classes.

The rapid change of earth's climate, propelled by the fossil fuel industries as they stifle the market for alternative energy until they themselves have control over it and have another hidden monopoly so that way the poor don't really have a chance to start-up and compete is an issue.

The false flagging and dividing of the working class by pitting men against each other based on race and creed so that way the wealthy can toss smokescreens in front of your faces and control even more of your pathetic life. I'TS FAKE MEDIA. FAGS ARE THE PROBLEM. NIGGERS ARE THE PROBLEM. JEWS ARE THE PROBLEM.

And they have their little brainwashed puppets ram their dicks down your throats with this crap because they know everyone is satisfied with funny memes that make fun of fags and a dead-end job.

It is harder for a rich man to get into heaven then for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle.

God thinks rich people are bad too.

You do realize the same can be said for the far/alt right?

Just saying. And no I am not liberal or right.

Because I am not brain dead who thinks the world is either black or white.


Some liberals would say it's because we're weak. We should have been exterminating conservatives where ever they showed up. Instead we offered them liberty, liberty they loved but seeing others with liberty angered them. We gave them democracy, they love democracy, but they get violent when other people vote. We gave them a tremendous standard of living, they love that as well, but they get upset when they seem someone else getting the same thing.

So conservatives murder people, it's what they do. I fear the day that we have to start exterminating them, I still think education can save society from conservatism. Reeducation camps to help repair the damage.

Maybe I'm wrong, maybe we're headed for another theocratic dark age, it's what conservatives around the world pretend to want. I think the truth is they're just lost to hating the people they're told to hate and don't know what they want. So they've been scammed, when someone gets scammed I don't like blaming the victim. So I don't advocate violence against conservatives. A moral man wouldn't shoot up a special class in a school, exterminating conservatives would be no different.

Family is a social construct which is wrong on many levels and outdated. Communities are more important and we need to move away from the failed family system into more accepting and the larger community group.

Decent troll. 7/10

I am annoyed by Liberal stupidity. It seams they getting keep dumber and dumber. The ones from the past at least made some sense,the modern Liberals make no sense

Some liberal lunatics are now actually suggesting destroying Mount Rushmore because it's somehow offensive and racist.

Fucking crybabies, don't go visit it if triggers you so badly. In fact, if you don't like this country and the symbols of its history (which isn't perfect), then GET THE FUCK OUT. I'll even buy a few of you one way plane tickets to the socialist or communist country of your choice.