So how is Trump a bad president again?

So how is Trump a bad president again?

He's giving people jobs and he's mending the damage done by the media by calling out both the "alt-left" and the neonazis for being equally shit. He handled it like a pro. Sure, he lies a lot, but that's all part of the job.

>Sure, he lies a lot, but that's all part of the job.
If you're okay with having this quality as a leader of a nation then that's on you.

Name one president who didn't lie their ass off.

Look at what they do rather than what they say.

1. Replacing every position in your staff every other week doesn't exactly qualify as "giving people jobs".
2. There is no "alt-left". Please educate yourself on the meaning of the "alt"-part. Stop forcing a shitty meme, you fucking neckbeard.
3. I have yet to see an event that Trump handles like a pro.
4. His "statements" regarding the events of last week were a clusterfuck, nothing about it was pro. He was forced by his staff to condemn neonazis, and stepped back on his/their words hours later. That's just weak.

Please provide unbiased, credibly sourced info on the successes of the Trump presidency, resp. "what he did".

1. Nothing wrong with wanting only the best staff for an important job. The rest can go find another job.
2. I didn't put those quotes there just to look smart you dumbass.
3. Opinion.
4. No, it was quite clear. You chose to interpret it as a clusterfuck because you dislike Trump.

There most certainly is an alt left just as much as there is an alt right. If you faggot s think you can just throw all violent fringe right wing ideas under one banner then the same can and should happen to you

he's not on the side of neonazis, he's on the side of preserving artwork, aka "the good guys" and not the fascists

Yeah, even if those statues have a racist history, they are still art, and there's more to people like General Lee than their position on slavery.

Oh trump edgy the internet Starbucks Clinton Obama politics I always had passion for. Fucking kill yourself you overweight dumb fuck fucking fuck. You're a fucking short dick overweight fuck who has no idea how much a short dick overweight fat fuck he is

Take your ritalin.

it's not even about liking him. he is objectively bad. he has harmed relationships with our allies. we no longer have moral authority. I don't think Trump realises that our power in the world is not just economic or military might, it is our moral authority and the friends we keep. so go back to Russia with your bullshit.

> Durrr history had bad parts, time to pretend none of it happened.

You're a fucking idiot

you're stupid. kys.

Yes, everyone tells the truth as a politician.

You're such a fucking joke. best is to off yourself.

Get off your mom and dads computer

>pretend none of it happened
By knocking down the statue, that's exactly what you're doing.

>implying the U.S.A. ever had any kind of moral authority

FFS, fucking up the whole Middle East was moral? Maybe dropping a couple A-bombs, making for one of the highest death tolls on civilians in history (specially with the second one having been dropped after Japan had capitulated), that one was moral, eh?

Get fucked, you should be eradicated from the face of the Earth.

>So how is Trump a bad president again?
Oh I'll show you.
>He's giving people jobs
Cite your sources. He doesn't seem to be giving ANYONE jobs.
>and he's mending the damage done by the media by calling out both the "alt-left" and the neonazis for being equally shit.
He took waaaaaaay too long to call out the nazis and the progressives (not alt-left they aren't a fringe hate group like the alt-right) aren't equally as shit.
>He handled it like a pro.
He has handled everything like a baby with a learning disability. How the fuck is this professional?
>Sure, he lies a lot, but that's all part of the job.
When caught lying, most presidents would apologize instead of clinging to the lie and insulting the people that outed him for being a fucking liar.

He is insane and, being that he's violating the Emoluments Clause, he deserves to be in jail.

>no alt left
You might be retarded.

This. We should keep these as a grim reminder that at one time we fucked up.

He is going to legalise cannabis you fools

>wn the statue, that's exactly what you're doin

Statues glorify, especially when erected in areas of learning. I mean, put it in a "history of racism" museum if it's that important to you. But it's not erasing history, rather it is erasing reverence for racist symbols.


>moral authority
This has never existed within america. What drugs are you on and where can i find them?

>people will stop being racist if we take down a statue.
>this will solve all of our problems!
Statues don't always glorify either. That's ignorant as fuck to think that people ONLY glorify statues.


>ays glorify either. Th
For fucks sake, who the fuck said it will solve all problems?

Jesus christ you are retarded. It is erasing reverence for racist symbols does not mean it fixes all problems forever. It is still a true statement, that getting rid of these statues and putting them outside of the public eye ultimately makes people forget them and forget they had reverence for them.

It is ignorant as fuck to think that me saying this solution is being contributed to by the removal of this statue means I'm saying it solves all the problems. Fuck off for trying to obfuscate the truth, you piece of shit.

Destroying nice things because they are racist doesn't result in less racism.

The current economy is a result of Obama's policy. Trump has done nothing except get the financial sectors hopes up. Markets do not fare well with volatile and chaotic governments. As Wall Street sees that Trump is useless the economy will evetually fall into recession as it jas done under evrey single Republican in the laat century. The Trump bubble is going to burst.

>cant develope a valid rebuttal
>poor quality insults
>"fuck fucking fuck"
Come back when you can tell me something out of your mouth and not your ass.

I'm sorry what? Destroying nice things? Robert E Lee's statue is not nice. And you know it does result in less racism because it shows the general populace that racism will not be accepted as part of the public policy. You're an idiot if you think otherwise.

Stop defending a racist monument. You're being stupid.

The only people that are angry, are the muslims, mexicans and nogs who need to get a job. People with a job seem just fine with everything as it is.

Emoluments Clause?
Nobody? Nobody cares that his services as president can be bought by foreign interests through investment in his massive amounts of corporations that he really needs to divest, and if not he's breaking the fucking law?

weak bait. You need to throw in at least ONE thing that's half-way true if you...

>Sure, he lies a lot, but that's all part of the job.
and there it is.


In this enlightened age, there are few I believe, but what will acknowledge, that slavery as an institution is a moral & political evil in any country. It is useless to expatiate on its disadvantages. >Robert E. Lee

I have a forty hour job and am half white. You're probably a white cuck on welfare. Try again, faggot. This is the worst president ever.

None have told lie after provable lie like Trump has.

You need to open your eyes and ears to the world around you instead of just regurgitating the memes you hear repeated on Sup Forums. Did you miss all the big-wig CEOs resigning from trump's business council and him throwing a tantrum and disbanding it entirely as a result? The world's most successful businessmen think he's a joke. Trumpers seem to be deluded into thinking they're part of this "in" group of hard workers because they make more than minimum wage after years of slaving away and kissing ass.

Robert E Lee and his family hated the idea of his side before the war was over being extolled as somehow a virtue. He hated the idea of being glorified as a hero of the south. His family would rather his symbols not fly.

sorry, but never been on welfare. but I do work 52 hours, which is alot less than I am used to. But hey, I like how in your world, I am on welfare. How's that working out for you?

>Trumpers seem to be deluded into thinking they're part of this "in" group of hard workers because they make more than minimum wage after years of slaving away and kissing ass.
>but I do work 52 hours, which is alot less than I am used to.


Work smarter, not harder.

everything is Trump's fault, got it.

>Job creation has slowed down to half of what it was in the last year before he took office.
>Economic growth has slowed by half since he took office.
>Dollar has plummeted since he took office.
>Wading into protracted middle eastern wars again since he took office.
>Trying to find somebody to start a new war with since he took office.
>More American factories have closed or moved since he took office than at any point in the Obama presidency.

Wew lad.

At least by ending America he's saving the world.

Give me one shred of evidence that Lee was pro slavery. And don't in your infinite ignorance say "hurr durr he general of south"

non sequitur

I like to work, cause I'm not lazy. More of a hobby, of not being a lazy cry-baby. Seems to work just fine, waking up happy. Sorry the whole world is against you, must be rough.


People fail to realize that all these white nationalists want is not to incite more hate, but to leave the symbols of already incited hate alone.

Trying to forcefully remove all racism to the point where it defiles our freedom of speech ironically serves as a catalyst for MORE racism and hate.

Like how he preserved the Teller friezes by destroying them in the middle of the night after the Met offered to pay for the safe removal and preservation?

>He's giving people jobs
This isn't even remotely true. He inherited an already growing economy and has done almost nothing to spur growth himself.

No there's LITERALLY not though.

Read up on the tolerance paradox.

It might make little sense to you since it's not monosyllabic and that's all you seem to understand and a support of trump and nazism, but it makes sense to the rest of us.

boi, check'em

You couldn't possibly sound any more like a condescending faggot with a head of hot air. Congrats on the original insults. Fucking served that guy eh?

You ignore the alt-left bullshit in your post and your only retort is that you know the meaning of quotation marks.

There is no alt left. The allies come together to destroy the Nazi movement and further Democracy. You bring Nazis to a rally and regular world people are gonna turn up to destroy that shit. Its not about people on both sides, its a fucking society destroying ideology vs all the people that won the last war regarding this shit.

Fuck off with your Nazi free speech sentiment, even Germany hates you.


How has he given people jobs? Also by "calling out the alt left" he sent stocks flying downward until he fired Bannon. The alt right created an image problem for America and worries American companies, which caused the ceos to run away from Trump. His business advisory boards disbanded and this causes investors to freak the fuck out globally.
Maybe we shouldn't give the president to unstable wishy washy orange faggots who don't think before they speak.

Said every white guy at that rally, after sitting down and having a long conversation with Southern black famili.... oh wait, no, sorry, just White people worried they might have to look up to White people of the Union that won, instead of those leading the South on their continued economic growth based around cheap plantation labor.

The south knows they can all become craft brewers now right? There are enough Hipsters in the north west to consume all your beer and make the South rich again.

>giving people jobs
wrong. Economic experts agree that job growth under the last 3 presidents were greater in their first 6 months than Trumps first 6 months

>mending damage
you mean causing damage by being part of the 1% of people who didnt blame the violence on the hate groups that showed up to charlottesville

>calling out neonazis
he did this once out of 3 press conferences and it took him 2 days to do so. Ask me how I feel about nazis and it wont take me 2 days to tell you.

So name me one specific thing that he has done for the benefit of you. And if you continue to use fox news talking points, i will know you are a retard incapable of individual thought.

I think you might be mistaking me for another poster. That was my first post on this thread.

I was simply taking what I learned from history class and a few of Sargon of Akkad's videos and portraying my own thoughts and opinions about this.

I am not a nazi nor am I a trump supporter, and I can't wait until he's out of office, but I do like how he acknowledged the hate and violence on both sides of the political spectrum unlike most of the journalists so far.

Is the 'tolerance paradox' a book title? If such a book would make me as intelligent as a Sup Forums-tard such as yourself, I'd better get my hands on it :^)