They have a point, you know

They have a point, you know.

Yes, a military run solely by black guys would be so peaceful

u stupid

US Army would run by gorrila warfare mode.


Not a surprise. You marry the queen, you get her stuff. So all the guys go ape to nail the queen.

and ban jews from running other countries...looking at you soreass

Look at that apron. Wonder what kind of food service he works in

who is mr b

Sup Forums?

i want the answer to this as well

I wish I could live in this fantasy world

>thinking the us military gets to decide when to start a war
>having a point

Mr Belding perhaps?

>less wars
It's fewer, you illiterate cunt.

i hate it when the military starts a war

Totally not Jews starting all the wars.

it's not a war if one side can't fight back

what is old? over 50 to 60 years? also crazy?

>should crazy ban old white guys
what does it mean?

probably the guy who owns the cafe the sign is in front of

Over 30

Euthanize people over the age of 75 to begin with...

> Baby Boomers

>saying fewer
>not including pic of best king

You're the best, dad!

RIP best King


Future generations too. I mean seriously, what can the average person do after the age of 75?

What's sad is that there is people that believe that a Military has control over who they pick fights with

enjoy being off the treadmill that is employment
you're saying that we should bust our asses for 50 years just to be euthanized once we aren't a huge asset? fuck that noise, let them die naturally in peace

75 would still be the average without modern medicine. I'd hardly call taking 100 pills a week natural

put money back into the economy?
there are industries that rely heavily or entirely on old farts
restaurants would suffer, drug companies would suffer, there would be less demand for nurses/doctors as there would be no nursing homes to fill
what a stupid fucking idea lmao

Nigger logic is here to stay lol

my grandma is 91 years old and takes 2 pills/day, one of them being a multivitamin
just because all the old people you've met are frail and shitty as fuck doesn't mean they all are
and if old people can't benefit from modern medicine that they pay for, why the fuck should you be able to benefit from it? because you're you? fuck off

I can't think of anyone under 30 who deserves to live

The people that work at nursing homes are below competent to say the least. They could be at least doing the same thing at a normal hospital

I love how the left continues to alienate the majority of this country.

Right, because hospitals would magically be able to afford to employ more workers, despite having less patients because everyone above 75 is dead, and cannot give hospitals their business.
Economics clearly isn't your strong suit, is it?

Both sides shoot themselves in the foot a lot -- who's great idea was to pick a super-rich slash-and-burn corporate takeover artist their candidate right after a recession? -- but the left is hitting it out the park right now.

Don't get all bent out of shape. My granddad is 99 and every thanksgiving and Christmas for the last 10 years he says this one might be his last

Hospitals tend to be overcrowded

And the nursing home attendant's main jobs are feeding and cleaning up shit. They aren't exactly hospital nurses

here's hoping he makes it a few more years
If he pays money for goods and services, he contributes to society, even though (I assume) he doesn't work.
And that by no way means that they'd be able to accommodate even 20% more employees worldwide, and that's a very conservative estimate for the amount of nurses and doctors that nursing homes employ

If death was guaranteed at 75, birthdays would become less of an occasion to celebrate and more of a reminder of your inescapable, rigid death appointment
Surely you don't want that, do you?

He mostly spends his money on shopping networks and miracle pills lol

In any job 2-3 extra people make a world of difference. The people that specialize in the care of elderly could easily perform(and enjoy) other jobs. By animal instinct it makes more sense to take care of the younger, more capable bodies

Lefties are the first ones to scream and protest like little faggots but when they need help they run behind men, soldiers and police. Its why most white liberal slags crave a conservative man to protect them and take care of them.

Birthdays are meaningless anyway. I think you'd honestly enjoy life more knowing your ceiling

So all those people going "I'm going to die, I'm going to die!" during a mass shooting are enjoying life?

According to The Hagakure:
"There is not a man over forty who is not senile. And any man who thinks he will not become senile is already so."

That's not the same thing. What I meant was that you would do the things you want to do instead of putting it off thinking you're gonna live tomorrow. I guarantee the people in a hostage situation have regrets

>you would do the things you want to do
Like shooting a bunch of people and going out in a blaze of glory?

Yes, but you're vastly underestimating the amount of nursing homes in the world, and underestimating how many nurses and doctors work in each one.
While they may enjoy working in a hospital, there is NO WAY that the world's hospitals could employ even a fraction of the people that would be out of a job with no old people to take care of
-a guy who used to work in a retirement home's kitchen while going through school

Do you now associate the smell of food with the old people smell?

Naw, I rarely left the kitchen
There was one month where our room service guy broke his leg so I had to deliver lunches every day, and the sheer amount of nurses crawling out of the woodwork of that place made my head spin
Over 600 rooms in the home, half of them had their own private nurses, with at least two alternating shifts per room, and at least a nurse for every 5 rooms that didn't have private nurses
Shit blew my mind


fewer wars* also commas faggot

Baby Boomers already bankrupted America, and it's just getting worse

How so? I worked at a high end home, each room cost over $5k/week, and that was for the most basic shit
Their asses indirectly paid a fleet of cooks, servers, cleaning ladies, laundry workers, nurses, doctors, transporters, guards and receptionists, and that's just one home

Not how an economy works, user. Putting people to work on make-work jobs instead of productive jobs subtracts value, it doesn't add it.

If that's your life goal, I guess
But there are plenty of younger people that could use the same attention. My point is, and I should have said this sooner, if the average age of death goes down the retirement age goes down. People are retiring in their 50's or 60's rather than holding on until they physically can't do their job anymore. In which case most can't do much of anything anymore because of the toll it takes on their body. So how can you honestly say you enjoy your life after all that?

It also gets people paid, and the majority of the people working there were young and there as a starting job, either professional or unprofessional
It was a good springboard to a better job

So you're saying that if old people were dead, more young people would feel compelled to walk into hospitals to seek treatment?
I don't think that's how it works, people only go to the hospital if they need treatment, and killing off people wouldn't somehow make younger people need to visit the hospital more often

The main reason people don't go to the hospital is because it's a hassle and they don't have the insurance. If it didn't take hours just to see someone or have to twist my boss's arm I'd go a lot more than I do