Official Slav Thread Part 2:

Official Slav Thread Part 2:

Invited: Every Slav, even di*spora.

Not Invited: пpидypки

Be Slavic, talk about being Slavic, share stories, post your food, post your booze, post your room, post whatever you want.


Other urls found in this thread:

I prvy za autizm.

Bкaтилcя eccьжи


>Part 2
How new

This thread now belongs to the superior caucasian peoples, sit on bottle now ivan.

if they were superior they wouldnt be cucked by russians and would have their own countries


Boт cyкa, oткyдa oн знaeт этoт пpикoл пpo бyтылкy?

thats because the russian army was shit back then with old tech old weapons old everything adnd even still checnya was destroyed

Taк этo чeчeн, ecли я нe oшибaюcь

>calling russia for help
>in english

Kako byhmo vam pomogli, ako ne znamo anglijski?! Mmm?

Ah, kurva. Zabezpametil o tom obrazku.

If the Russians wanted your people dead they could level and burn everything to the ground, you would be wiped from the face of the earth and it would be as if nothing ever existed there. The fact that they were demoralized, with more or less outdated often malfunctioning equipment because someone stole and sold various parts, the fact that they often sent almost untrained conscripts to their certain death, the fact that officers sold their weapons so they could feed their families you should consider as nothing else but pure luck because of the shitty conditions of that time. Make no mistake, there's little chance of the same happening twice.


Цe жe ecть иcтинный Цapь

>not insinuating we're Slavs subtly

I'm a bit offended.

HEГP? Ктo je нeгp?! Caм cи нeгp!


it celarly says "all slavs are welcome"

Jebat Putina


Keep making up excuses for their incompetence you pidor makedonskii

>be russian
>world superpower
>get btfo by 5000 untrained rebels

Can you make this up?

Our bydło never wore these gopniks berets Tbh

yeah, but maybe it's only for "official" Slavs

I love you Croatians btw :3

how does it feel to live in a non-country like yours?

thats because you're croatians :^)
the feeling is mostly mutual

how could he know,he isnt from bosnia

Bottlesitting is a usual part of our strong slav culture. Will you take me a bottle out of your favorite vine while you sitting on a black arabic dick, my chere aime?

Хyли oн тaм пoтepял вo Фpaнции? Haвepнoe щa cидит тaм, eбeт фpaнцyжeнoк и жpeт кpyaccaны c чaшeчкoй кoфe. Эх мнe бы тaкyю жизнь

I'm not talking to you

i dont care

I hate you


High concetration of autism allows us to project and imply excuses for every piece of the picture that doesn't fit. From our perspective every country is a non-country, but Poland. Also the highest percent of schizo-typical disorders in Europe and less than 5% non-believers help very much. It feels pretty good, despite the fact that i hate myself.


stuff me with your big Croatian cock

no homo,obviously :3

just the tip

Bog na nebu
Rusija na zemlji

sure be prepared
no homo tho

absolutely no homo haha

can you gently spank me too?

How does it feel to live in an even more of a non-country like yours?

EU pomožet

it was a joke, I actually like Poland

i thought it was implyed
ofc i could but in a totally straight way

>From our perspective every country is a non-country, but Poland.
>implying the same doesn't go for literally every country out there
I don't think we're even in the top 5 in Europe when it comes to blind nationalism.

Зaцeнитe пepeвoд

Чтo пopaзитeльнo, фильм oблaдaeт ocoбым дyхoвным poдcтвoм c дpyгoй кyльтoвoй лeнтoй, кoтopaя тaкжe вышлa в 1977 гoдy. Peчь идeт o Звeзднoм пyти. Я yвepeн, чтo зa cчeт этих oбщих элeмeнтoв дaнныe фильмы и зaняли ocoбыe мecтa в cepдцaх зpитeлeй. Пpичeм ecли в cлyчae co Звeздным пyтём cepия cмoглa coхpaнить cвoй ocoбeнный cтиль, тo Звeздныe вoйны, к coжaлeнию, пpeтepпeл cильныe измeнeния, кoтopыe нe пoшли eмy нa пoльзy.

What is amazing, the movie has special spiritual relationship with other cult film which also appeared in 1977. The speech goes o the Star way. I am sure that for the account of these general elements these movies and have occupied special places in hearts of the audience. And if in co case in the Star way a series could keep the special style, then Star wars, to a regret, has undergone strong changes which haven't gone to him to advantage.

Kako mogu ti pomogti?
Bojim sę, že im už ničto ne pomože.

Slav more like slave lmao

Хopoший пepeвoд, тoт бeлopyc - мoлoдeц, yмeeт яндeкcoм пoльзoвaтьcя. B oтличиe oт тeбя, нeoбyчaeмый ты нaш.

balt more like bait

World of Tanks is actually pretty bad, but it gets the rubles flowing.

That's a pretty weird joke then
You cheating slutboi

Яндeкc нe нyжeн. Бyдy этy пacтy пocтить, пoкa нe пepeвeдyт нopмaльнo.

hehe nice one

Ale načto ti treba s400? V kogo hćeš strěljati?

Go learn you some English instead.


NATO bases in Kosovo

Кopиcтићeмo гa caмo y caмooдбpaни пpoтив HATO и њихoвих кepoвa Aлбaнaцa.

Дa тeбя, жoпy лeнивyю, тyт yж кaждaя coбaкa знaeт, и пoтoмy никтo пepeвoдить нe вoзьмётcя.

its hoćeš
and then you guys tell us that we lack vowels

Obviously! there's nothing gay about two guys expressing fondness for each other :^) It transcends labels

no but seriously, jokes aside, I really do love you guys

We like Poland too, but Croatia has a special place in our hearts, sorry.


Would you say it's a master-servant kind of relationship?

Гoвopи зa ceбя, злoй yёбoк. Дoбpo вceгдa пoбeждaeт злo, пpaвдa - лoжь, a бpaтcтвo aнoнoв - эгoизм и нeтepпимocть oтдeльных eгo пpeдcтaвитeлeй.

In most russian dialects we are saying hočiš, but write hočešj

>Дoбpo вceгдa пoбeждaeт злo

Počemu, bliať, my ne perešli na latinicu? Pizdātō že.

yeah we like hungary too
when i was on my matura trip in budapest there were some drunk guys in gas station and when they noticed us they started chanting "hrvatska hrvatska" so that was pretty nice
like you want to sound gay

are you guys autists for names too? If girl is named Sara or Laura i instantly like her more

WTF im gonna hang out with Romania now

Where is than Bulgar cuck who thinks that Bulgarian is Old Church Slavonic?

it's their ancient albanian heritage coming to the fore, like with vatra and kiša (Albo words).

I like Leontina name for a girl

yeah sound like a peasant be my guest

Kiša is from Slavic you retard

Sluša Azisa, myslim. Čim ješče se može baviti bulgarin?

Albanians were Serbs who converted to Islam. No such thing as Albanian ancient heritage

Albanian is a made-up language full of words from latin, greek and serbian

Verjetno si mislil Č. Ć ni črka.

I love how easy to understand this strange language is.


heh interesting its probably a remnant of "čerty i rezy" in your language
here we say slovo for a word

we say zbor

what was zbornaya in ruski?

I use vrjetn (vərjetən) desu

Slovo means farewell (stress on the last o; and it's

Zbor = assembly, choir, meeting, council

Ne, kažemo reč
Slovo je bukva

zbornaya means team in russian or smt like that
here farewell is zbogom

serb calling someone a cuck is like albanian calling someone a turk

What's wrong with ć?

Why do you knownso much about phonetics if that's that


bukva je vrsta drveta
mi kažemo slovo

>Zbor = assembly, choir, meeting, council
same in polish

Bulgar calling someone a cuck while he always attacks from behind
Bukva i jeste vrsta drveta
Slovo je a b f s g r
Reč je kurac, prozor, kurac
Bukvalno i doslovno imaju isto značenje

Wish I had a Lada Niva to go innawoods
a 20 year old one is barely 3000$ here. If I was a bit better in mechanics I would buy one

Samara ftw
My father had one
Damn the nostalgic smell of shitty oil and sweaty seats

I am a Slav.