I want to move to Japan...

I want to move to Japan. It is my dream to live in a country that is so completely aligned with my beliefs and interests. I have been in love with Japanese culture since I was just a little kid.

I'm 27 and have $20,000. What is my next move? How do I accomplish my dream from here?

learn to read and write the language? also speak it too

Teach english as a foreign language. Used to be a pretty good deal

Fuck off cuck

Have you even been there? Go for a longer visit first, a month or two. You might change your mind.

I was a filthy weeb too until I actually went to Japan and realised I need to grow the fuck up.

To be honest japanese don't like foreigners

Who had their period on that French Flag?

weaboo it

Also if you're serious and do try to learn the language be prepared for a fuckton of work


This was my biggest problem with my recent trip there. People who could speak english were generally polite enough, store staff were fine as usual, but the everyday Japanese people gave me a lot of stink eyes.

I remember I was in Shibuya and I strayed out of the touristy areas and ended up somewhere residential. I was lost, trying to see google maps on my phone through the glare of the sun, and the 4G was taking a long ass time to load. Some old japanese man stood about 2 feet from me and glared, never breaking eye contact, muttering under his breath until I left. Probably thought I personally dropped nukes on his parents.

You might think Anime resonates with your soul but the general Japanese public are very unwelcoming towards filthy gaijin.

>You might think Anime resonates with your soul but the general Japanese public are very unwelcoming towards filthy gaijin.

I think this sums it up

Unless you got blonde hair and blue eyes. But yes most Japanese outside of Tokyo will stare daggers at you.
Polite thing is just to move on and pay it no mind.

Man I whish I could live there too but it's nearly impossilble

I already have blond hair but green eyes


Been several times for work. Urban areas aren't too bad, and coworkers are great. You're not going to live there, never going to happen.

What you do is bring a 3rd nuke and Finnish the job, and good luck living there less the 1% of the population are foreigners with citizenship.

I've lived in Japan for a period of 2 years, only just returning home 3 weeks ago.

Trust me, you don't want to live in Japan. It sounds good at first, and at first, it is. Your work colleagues constantly taking you out to drink, the girls who'll basically throw themselves onto you because you're white and different, it's all good.

Then reality sets in. You realise you can't be drinking excessively everynight, but you're almost forced to (even as a teacher I was). The hours at work will start to kill you, your low pay will force you to live in a shoebox apartment, you'll get sick and tired of all the tiny little formalities of living there.

Japan is a wonderful place to visit for awhile. But living there is a nightmare. Lots of people have this romantic idea of living in Japan, but trust me, it's fucking horrible.

Just fuck a japanese girl, but don't live there

Be careful what you wish for.
I know quite a number of people that were like you, into anime, think the culture is great, then come to Japan and start to get upset with everything.
If you really want to go, don't be a teacher. They are basically the bottom feeders. And don't get normal jobs either, because they will treat you like shit. Your best bet is to work in a company where you are and get transferred.

It's horrible because you taught english.
But you are correct, in the end it's just like any other country. If you came because you love anime etc, then you will be disappointed.

Actually, no, im a qualified teacher with a Bachelor's degree in Education and Language. I was teaching at a regular elementary school.

They don't allow foreigners teaching elementary school on their own. Were you an ALT or International School?

>What is my next move?
going to china where they have space for faggots like yourself.
japan is over populated

Fucking cucks.

No just go and emerse yourself, and you will pick up the language quickly.

My school had no problem employing me so long as I could pass the JLPT-N2, which I was able to.

Ancient Japanese culture is quite interesting, but it is mostly based on shit they learned from the Chinese. Modern Japanese culture (the shit they have come up with themselves) is actually really fucked up, and also not exactly theirs anyway. People there are hollow are cruel. I used to admire the place, but i realised i would be better off learning Chinese and taking advantage of China's development, Japan's economy and population is far from healthy. Go for a trip there are try to run into as many people you can, there are lots of nice people there for sure, but the society is fucked up.


>aligned with your beliefs and interests
And what might those be user?