Have you ever had to fight for a girl Sup Forums? Be it because someone messed with your gf...

Have you ever had to fight for a girl Sup Forums? Be it because someone messed with your gf, a jealous ex tried to start shit with you or whatever.

What's the alpha thing to do? Defuse the situation or stand your ground and fight? Memes aside, there is a line that separates retarded white knighting from reasonable self-preservation. Where do you draw that and are bitches ever worth risking injury for?

If you have to fight for the girl, the girl isn't worth fighting for.

>What's the alpha thing to do?
Fight the girl

If you have to fight for the bitch, the bitch isn't worth fighting for.

Fuck that shit. Let the bitch take care of herself. And when she asks why you didn't do anything just say 'feminism'

If you're dating a girl with a psychotic ex that's threatening bodily harm or straight up harassment, you get the law involved while knowing that if he doesn't stop, you have the right to defend yourself if he ever legitimately threatens you.

With that being said, a girl should never make you fight for her. If she truly wants to be with you, she'll take care of the situation as best she can herself.


If you have to fight you've already lost. Are you going to keep looking over your shoulder all the time because you think the bitch might jump at any time? Ditch her.

Well, ultimately the girl already made her choice and fighting is not going to help anything. If you win you look like a bully asshole who cannot handle it when he loses, if you lose you look even worse. And that's if you're a teen, if you're an adult you likely go to jail and that stupid decision will be on your record and hurt you for life.

You move on.

If a guy is moving in on your girl and you're in a relationship, you politely, but sternly tell him that she's taken. You usually just introduce yourself give him a brutal handshake with a deathstare, introduce yourself as her boyfriend (with a stern tone but friendly words).... and that's enough. And it looks ultra sexy to her that you used reasonable adult behavior to sort it out.

Threats and fights are for children, they'll get you nowhere as an adult. They'll only hurt.

Back in middle school my first girlfriend left for another guy. I said I was gonna fuck him up. I'd never been in a fight, never had anyone TEACH me how to fight. But I was big and fairly muscular and he was a skinny dweeb that had big thick glasses and always wore clothing too small. He looked like Napoleon Dynamite.

So we went to the school bathrooms on lunch break, along with a bunch of dude's that wanted to watch the fight. It literally was 2 punches. I cracked him on the jaw pretty good and he got wobbly but didn't go down. Then he upper cut me in my diaprham and knocked the wind out of me. I instantly went to the ground (you'll have no energy for a few minutes if you can't fucking breath from a diaprham punch).

I later learned that dickhead was like a 3rd degree blackbelt in some shit that trained at the gym like twice a week for it.

Moral of this story is that you might not win a fight that you think is a sure thing. Then you'll lose points with everyone. Particularly if it was you that picked the fight.

there isn't a woman alive that's worth getting into a fight over no matter how much they'd like it

Good advice user, glad you learned this in middle school, some sad fuckers only do it in adult age.

>Alpha thing
>Hit another man for a girl that is going with you only if you win, if you lose she won't.
I call that the beta thing to do, m8.

I said hit the girl

I fought my wife's dad because he was a drunk POS . Choked him out on a bed while I kicked off his brother. Cops got called and they went to jail. Was awesome

how old was he when this happened

He was like 40 something .. idk how old he is but he's not over ten years older than me so like 46-48 brother was a few years younger than him

are they out of jail yet? id move as far away from them as possible if I were you

Yeah they are out but and they went back to Houston. I live in San Antonio. They won't do shit.

Holy shit, what's with all the pussies in this thread. You are so passive you have convinced yourself it's somehow the "alpha" thing to do. Guess what, if your girl gets harrassed and you stand by and do nothing, everyone WILL know and remember you are weak - including your girl.
Sure, you don't have to go full hulk mode, but just use whatever strengths you have to make it known you won't put up with this and stand your ground.

Source: happily married for 20 years. Had to defend my wife from shitty situations 3 times, and she is still grateful that i stood up for her.

What happened in the situations you had to defend her? Quick rundown pls.

Fucking liar....
You had me up to here...
>Source: happily married for 20 years. Had to
>defend my wife from shitty situations 3 times,
>and she is still grateful that i stood up for her.
There's no 20 year pussy getting veterans on Sup Forums...
We're all kissless virgins here.
Fuck off faggot



Had a sloot telling me she was single, and trying get me to come over years ago. Meanwhile she was telling her boyfriend some random dude (me) was hitting on her and baited him into confronting me. We end up fighting but afterwards realize how fucking stupid we were and ended up becoming friends. He stayed with that girl and she cheated on him a few times lol. Guess lesson is never fight over pussy literally no reason in a situation like mine better off leaving people like her behind.