Hi. My name is Julia Karlsson and I'm the new face of Sweden


Just nuke Sweden and us with it desu.

Sounds about right

But there are decent people there, you just have to remove the kebabs from within

Are you talking about us or Sweden? I was in London last week and it's lost, trust me.

It literally looks like fucking Baghdad.

And I thought Scottish women looked bad.

I know London is kinda lost but the entire UK will look like London if you don't do anything

But perhaps you shouldn't do anything, let's work and nuke England and Sweden along with every muslim country

By the way, why you british accepted the rule of the Kebab?

Hi, Julia!

There's literally nothing we can do, the whole country is full of leftist beta cucks.

Well no doubt the EU had something to do with it, but mostly traitor politicians.


when is muhammadson becoming a popular surname there?

I tell people since 2005 that white traitors are worse than kebabs and sub-humans

Everyone is afraid of media backlash, europe should have gone Breivik mode 30 years ago

Now it's too late for some countries, but not all of them are lost.

You don't have to kill white traitors, it's much easier and cheap to put them in labor camps or send them to Iraq , Vietnam or Africa.

>europe should have gone Breivik mode 30 years ago
oh yes that's much better than what armed groups do in failed african states

common sense and national identity>>edgelord policies, and this is coming from one of the few non-cucked countries in europe

Mate if it was up to me we'd have never put the empire to rest.

That was the last source of pride for us and now we're basically an old man on life support watching our more successful children run the world (not Canada obviously).

But yes I completely agree, the white traitors will be the first to hang if it all kicks off.

No you fucking idiot, liberals are really the minority and 30 years ago they were like only 0,002% of the population

You could have prevented that.

>You could have prevented that.
what is "that" exactly in this case?

Tribal war in africa is like 5 million on one site against another 6-7 million on the other

Europe had less liberals in the 50s and 60s than it do today.
But still you can put them in work camps or send them to another country and take away their citizenship forever.Both things would work.

The growth of liberalism and the complete destruction of white identity from the children's mind.

Italy's not white according to a lot of people, I don't see why I should care about that. Fighting for "white" identity is bullshit, let the english fight for their english identity, the italians for the italian one and so on. Ideally Europe should support each and every one of them and I agree this is lacking right now.

Italians are not white is a meme
why you think most of the time is Germany and US flags spreading it?

White identity = Christianity, Greek philosphy and Roman law

then I think those "values" (not the right word but I'm in a hurry sorry) are worth fighting for, I don't trust races, their meaning might change with time and getting everyone to agree on who's white and who's non white is a huge waste of time

Only when Christianity was removed that arabs invaded europe

This was done by liberalism and communism.

She looks viking to me.

Sweden is the most successfull communist experiment to this day.

It failed in the Soviet Union, China and everywhere else but it worked in Sweden.

Congratulations !

Hey, your forgetting someone, Nigel.

Sorry old friend, we'll go out together.

Hi Mohammed and Said.

Jesus Christ no wonder your women are all hardcore leftists, and believe me I've dated one. You're indoctrinated with this bullshit by the state

Yall can pretty much blame your problems on the Frankfurt philosophies.

This only gets turned around by a massive disaster. Nuclear or biochemical attacks on large cities might give people their backbone back. Yellow Stone teir natural disasters might do it. Total economic collapse perhaps.

>You're indoctrinated with this bullshit by the state

Wait, that's new to you?

>the viking of the future

>by the state

The wonders of secular republic

>This only gets turned around by a massive disaster. Nuclear or biochemical attacks on large cities might give people their backbone back. Yellow Stone teir natural disasters might do it. Total economic collapse perhaps.

this will make the situation irreversible forever because the arabs and jews will always help each other while most white are going to sell their souls to anyone.

There's a risk of this, certainly, but I think there's a chance people will shake their conditioning if it occurs. At any rate, that risk* is better than the metaphysical certainty* that the homeland's current self-flagellation will lead to cultural extinction.

That powerpoint(?) is shocking. Didn't realise the extent of how down the gutter you lot are.

Germany really is the root of all evil.

The Root of all evil is bad will and anti-Catholicism

Germany was the first country to be officially anti-Catholic.

Why can't we fight for both? Europeans and our diaspora are white and we all love our cultures.

Hi Laka-cubungu-cortez! How's life as a Portuguese rape baby? Hows the weather in the amazon? And the people? Do they still taste as good as you remember? Ah.. Nice talking to ya!

Holy shit Ahmed, there are more whites here than in Sweden and Norway combined.

>Anything but black

>Hi Laka-cubungu-cortez!

Good God, at least try to be accurate, Ahmed.

This is the worst bantz ive seen on this website.

Hi Julia congrats on the invasion and subsequent victory of your people, poor Sven though...


>that silly sitcom

I fucking love this show.